Electronic References
Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
ADM002068, Spring 2008

Links (current as of the date of publication)

U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet
Balloons & Airships

Controllable Balloons: Dirigibles

Zeppelinheim Museum

U.S. Navy Rigid Airships at Lakehurst

Tethered Aerostat Radar System

TARS Pod Brings Picture into Focus

Integrated Sensor is Structure (ISIS)


“Lighter Than Air Vehicles,” Concept Paper by Air University, Center for Strategy and Technology

“Airship Technology A Historical Perspective and the Way Ahead,”  by Dr. John Tozzi, 2nd Airships to the Arctic Symposium, Syntek Technologies, Inc. October 23, 2003
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“Potential Military Use of Airships and Aerostats,” by Christopher Bolkcom, National Defense Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Division, Congressional Research Service,  September 1, 2006
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“Do You See What I See? A Part of the Lighter-Than-Air Section of Langley Reveals A Hint of Early Aviation History,” by Vic Johnston, 1st. Fighter Wing, Public Affairs, Langley Air Force Base
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“Collaborative Point Paper on Border Surveillance Technology,” North American Technology & Industrial Base Organization,” Revised December 2007
http://www.acq.osd.mil/ott/natibo/BorderSurveillance.pdf PDF Icon  

“The Paradigm Shift to Effects-Based Space: Near-Space as a Combat Space Effects Enabler,” by Lt. Col Edward B. Tomme and D. Phil, Department of Physics, U.S. Air Force Academy, 2005
http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/cadre/ari_2005-01.pd PDF Icon

“Persistent Surveillance: Maximizing AirPower Effectiveness in Irregular Warfare,” by Evan C. Dertiem, Major, USAF and Eric J. Felt, Major, USAF, April 2007
https://research.maxwell.af.mil/papers/ay2007/affellows/dertien.pdf PDF Icon

“Space Force Application,” by LTC Greg Palka, Army Space Journal, Summer 2007
http://www.smdc-armyforces.army.mil/Pic_Archive/ASJ_PDFs/ASJ_VOL_2_NO_2_Summer_Article_2.pdf PDF Icon

“Continuously Available Battlefield Surveillance,” by Major James P. Lake, Ph.D, USAF,  Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, April 2007
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