SSI Annual Statistical Report, 2002


Recipients Who Work

Table 30. By selected months, 1976-2002
Month All blind and disabled recipients a Blind and disabled recipients who work
Total Receiving SSI b Section 1619(b) participants Total as a percentage of all blind and disabled recipients
1976 2,088,242 70,719 70,719 . . . 3.4
1977 2,186,771 83,697 83,697 . . . 3.8
1978 2,249,025 87,697 87,697 . . . 3.9
1979 2,277,859 92,270 92,270 . . . 4.1
1980 2,334,241 99,276 99,276 . . . 4.3
1981 2,340,785 102,632 102,632 . . . 4.4
1982 2,314,364 107,803 102,288 5,515 4.7
1983 2,391,262 113,899 108,734 5,165 4.8
1984 2,499,046 c c c c
1985 2,633,552 c c c c
1986 2,795,756 c c c c
1987 2,945,244 172,855 157,223 15,632 5.9
1988 3,046,074 189,144 173,519 15,625 6.2
1989 3,172,270 205,837 187,583 18,254 6.5
1990 3,386,603 219,932 196,415 23,517 6.5
1991 3,681,050 229,619 202,355 27,264 6.2
1992 4,126,816 248,917 217,268 31,649 6.0
1993 4,544,777 265,649 230,350 35,299 5.8
1994 4,870,564 282,476 241,793 40,683 5.8
1995 5,115,014 298,635 251,633 47,002 5.8
1996 5,252,991 308,300 256,395 51,905 5.9
1997 5,189,724 319,855 262,766 57,089 6.2
1998 5,293,829 326,475 266,933 59,542 6.2
1999 5,317,861 340,618 271,353 69,265 6.4
2000 5,395,935 360,427 276,855 83,572 6.7
2001 5,500,481 346,110 269,655 76,455 6.3
2002 5,618,506 340,910 258,733 82,177 6.1
March 5,367,023 338,718 269,173 69,545 6.3
June 5,382,127 347,148 269,366 77,782 6.5
September 5,387,295 359,694 275,495 84,199 6.7
December 5,395,935 360,427 276,855 83,572 6.7
March 5,423,974 352,940 274,283 78,657 6.5
June 5,448,865 353,336 275,435 77,901 6.5
September 5,493,302 353,207 274,664 78,543 6.4
December 5,500,481 346,110 269,655 76,455 6.3
March 5,538,532 339,430 266,835 72,595 6.1
June 5,573,711 342,946 265,597 77,349 6.2
September 5,620,838 348,244 265,871 82,373 6.2
December 5,618,506 340,910 258,733 82,177 6.1
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, SSI Work Incentive file, 100 percent data.
NOTE: . . . = not applicable.
a. Includes section 1619(b) participants.
b. Includes section 1619(a) participants.
c. Not available.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 31. Recipients participating in section 1619(a) or section 1619(b), selected months, 1982-2002
Month Section 1619(a) Section 1619(b) a
Number Percentage
change from
prior period
Number Percentage
change from
prior period
1982 287 . . . 5,515 . . .
1983 392 36.6 5,165 -6.3
1984 b b b b
1985 b b b b
1986 b b b b
1987 14,559 b 15,632 b
1988 19,920 36.8 15,625 0
1989 25,655 28.8 18,254 16.8
1990 13,994 -45.5 23,517 28.8
1991 15,531 11.0 27,264 15.9
1992 17,603 13.3 31,649 16.1
1993 20,028 13.8 35,299 11.5
1994 24,315 21.4 40,683 15.3
1995 28,060 15.4 47,002 15.5
1996 31,085 10.8 51,905 10.4
1997 34,673 11.5 57,089 10.0
1998 37,271 7.5 59,542 4.3
1999 25,528 -31.5 69,265 16.3
2000 27,542 7.9 83,572 20.7
2001 22,100 -19.8 76,455 -8.5
2002 17,271 -21.9 82,177 7.5
March 25,055 -1.9 69,545 0.4
June 25,837 3.1 77,782 11.8
September 26,180 1.3 84,199 8.2
December 27,542 5.2 83,572 -0.7
March 26,775 -2.8 78,657 -5.9
June 25,394 -5.2 77,901 -1.0
September 25,194 -0.8 78,543 0.8
December 22,100 -12.3 76,455 -2.7
March 21,417 -22.2 72,595 -13.1
June 20,922 -2.3 77,349 6.5
September 20,275 -3.1 82,373 6.5
December 17,271 -14.8 82,177 -0.2
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, SSI Work Incentive file, 100 percent data.
NOTES: When the substantial gainful activity (SGA) level is periodically raised, SSI recipients with earnings below the increased SGA level become eligible for regular SSI benefits rather than the special cash payments under section 1619(a). This change in status is reflected in the decreases in 1619(a) participants shown for 1990, June 2001, December 2001, and December 2002.
. . . = not applicable.
a. Includes blind participants. Of the 82,177 participants in December 2002, 1,386 were blind.
b. Not available.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 32. By state or other area, December 2002
State or area Total Section 1619(a) participants Section 1619(b) participants Other blind and disabled recipients who work
All areas 340,910 17,271 82,177 241,462
Alabama 3,869 231 984 2,654
Alaska 637 27 192 418
Arizona 3,521 186 979 2,356
Arkansas 3,578 147 872 2,559
California 43,739 3,687 7,593 32,459
Colorado 4,290 171 987 3,132
Connecticut 4,016 167 1,169 2,680
Delaware 886 44 304 538
District of Columbia 763 64 265 434
Florida 11,587 636 3,692 7,259
Georgia 7,651 345 1,750 5,556
Hawaii 766 41 172 553
Idaho 1,753 76 487 1,190
Illinois 13,833 669 3,173 9,991
Indiana 6,001 229 1,670 4,102
Iowa 6,854 158 1,586 5,110
Kansas 4,029 120 1,088 2,821
Kentucky 4,925 233 1,332 3,360
Louisiana 5,631 354 1,531 3,746
Maine 2,294 92 729 1,473
Maryland 5,830 285 1,411 4,134
Massachusetts 10,562 673 3,348 6,541
Michigan 15,454 618 3,826 11,010
Minnesota 9,380 311 2,303 6,766
Mississippi 3,255 202 871 2,182
Missouri 7,554 227 1,884 5,443
Montana 1,757 57 415 1,285
Nebraska 3,006 101 660 2,245
Nevada 1,428 58 369 1,001
New Hampshire 1,338 42 439 857
New Jersey 8,015 382 1,961 5,672
New Mexico 2,164 113 592 1,459
New York 30,736 1,639 6,723 22,374
North Carolina 8,062 281 1,859 5,922
North Dakota 1,370 35 319 1,016
Ohio 17,579 790 3,743 13,046
Oklahoma 3,839 171 712 2,956
Oregon 4,075 127 1,007 2,941
Pennsylvania 16,268 888 4,051 11,329
Rhode Island 1,745 79 416 1,250
South Carolina 5,100 181 1,008 3,911
South Dakota 2,142 57 529 1,556
Tennessee 5,740 260 1,480 4,000
Texas 14,312 670 3,795 9,847
Utah 2,254 71 503 1,680
Vermont 1,150 72 391 687
Virginia 6,510 303 1,646 4,561
Washington 6,012 399 1,955 3,658
West Virginia 2,052 125 519 1,408
Wisconsin 10,771 344 2,652 7,775
Wyoming 806 31 224 551
Outlying area
Northern Mariana Islands 21 2 11 8
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, SSI Work Incentive file, 100 percent data.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 33. Recipients benefiting from specified work incentives, by state or other area, December 2002
State or area Plans for achieving self-support (PASS) a Impairment-related work expenses (IRWE) Blind work expenses (BWE)
All areas 1,721 8,047 3,386
Alabama 24 158 37
Alaska 4 5 1
Arizona 19 102 25
Arkansas 15 98 30
California 421 736 490
Colorado 13 33 45
Connecticut 11 146 38
Delaware 0 40 11
District of Columbia 1 3 4
Florida 82 390 117
Georgia 26 310 71
Hawaii 5 11 15
Idaho 5 12 11
Illinois 16 279 91
Indiana 5 135 47
Iowa 20 47 78
Kansas 20 339 24
Kentucky 37 116 47
Louisiana 6 168 57
Maine 27 42 22
Maryland 15 220 40
Massachusetts 70 232 269
Michigan 68 239 104
Minnesota 65 126 83
Mississippi 10 47 55
Missouri 26 176 61
Montana 29 14 11
Nebraska 10 43 24
Nevada 8 25 19
New Hampshire 8 38 9
New Jersey 26 207 53
New Mexico 4 79 17
New York 159 651 258
North Carolina 138 350 109
North Dakota 4 12 4
Ohio 36 126 136
Oklahoma 7 89 19
Oregon 26 46 46
Pennsylvania 16 437 165
Rhode Island 11 11 19
South Carolina 8 89 54
South Dakota 9 14 4
Tennessee 13 172 56
Texas 29 364 205
Utah 4 72 16
Vermont 19 12 5
Virginia 17 534 86
Washington 30 115 67
West Virginia 8 34 24
Wisconsin 89 297 104
Wyoming 2 6 2
Outlying area
Northern Mariana Islands 0 0 1
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, SSI Work Incentive file, 100 percent data.
a. Includes 324 persons with a PASS that excludes only resources.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or