Title & AD Listing
Human, Social, Cultural and Behavior Modeling
ADM002044, Winter 2008

(Click on AD Number to retrieve full text PDF version of document)

Counterterrorism Tactics: A Model of Cell Dynamics

Chinese Methods of Interpersonal Conflict Management
Applications of Stochastic Analyses for Collaborative Learning and Cognitive Assessment
Predicting Group Performance Using Cohesion and Social Network Density: A Comparative Analysis

Defense Science Board 2006 Summer Study on 21st Century Strategic Technology Vectors, Volume 2: Critical Capabilities and Enabling Technologies

Integration of Social Sciences in Terrorism Modeling: Issues, Problems and Recommendations

Modeling Macro-Cognitive Influence on Information Sharing between Members of a Joint Team

Simultaneous Inference of Places, Activities, and Behavioral Classes in Maritime GPS Traces

The Relation between Sociometric Choices and Group Cohesion

A Platoon-Level Model of Communication Flow and the Effects on Operator Performance

The Relation between Group-Level Characteristics and Group Cohesion

Analyzing Adversaries as Complex Adaptive Systems

Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Security Issues and Approaches

The Mayaguez Incident: An Organizational Theory Analysis

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Waterside Security Alternatives for Force Protection of Navy Ships and Installations Using X3D Graphics and Agent-Based Simulation

An Analytic Framework for the War of Ideas

The Importance of Artificial Intelligence for Naval Intelligence Training Simulations

Who Thinks Who Knows Who? Socio-cognitive Analysis of Email Networks

Can Judgment be Developed: A Cast Study of Three Proven Leaders

Metrics for Uncertainty in Organizational Decision-Making

Model-Based Organization Analysis and Design for an ESG Organization

The Political Economy of the United States Military Market: 1963-2005

Mitigating Insider Threat Using Human Behavior Influence Models

Systemic Operational Design (SOD): Gaining and Maintaining the Cognitive Initiative

Is Systemic Operation Design Capable of Reducing Significantly Bias in Operational Level Planning Caused by Military Organizational Culture?

Effective Teaming for Expeditionary Combat Support

Provincial Reconstruction Teams: Afghanistan vs. Iraq -- Should We Have a Standard Model?

The Impact of Religious and Political Affiliation on Strategic Military Decisions and Policy Recommendations

Improving the Efficiency of the Interagency

Development and Evaluation of an Intuitive Operations Planning Process

Utilizing Biological Models to Determine the Recruitment of the IRA by Modeling the Voting Behavior of Sinn Fein

The Effects of Ability Homophily on Individual Performance

Combating Terrorism: Research Priorities in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences


Framework for Integrating Cultural Factors in Military Modeling and Simulation

Inferring Trust Relationships in Web-Based Social Networks

A Multi-National Simulation Framework for Maritime Missile Defense

Group and Topic Discovery from Relations and Their Attributes

The Performance of Edge Organizations in a Collaborative Task

Sensitivity to Noise Variance in a Social Network Dynamics Model

Human Performance Modeling Presentation/Brief

Third Generation Gangs Revisited: The Iraq Insurgency

A Formal Characterization of Cellular Networks

Optimal Training Systems STTR

Cultural Influences on Virtual Reality Environment Response Behavior

Harnessing the Interagency for Complex Operations

Modeling Operational Command Structures Using ORGAHEAD

Measuring the "Will to Fight" in Simulation

A Computational Framework for Experimentation with Edge Organizations

NetSTAR: Methodology to Identify Enemy Network Structure, Tasks, Activities, and Roles

The Use of System Dynamics Analysis and Modeling Techniques to Explore Policy Levers in the Fight Against Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups

Supporting Organizational Change in Command and Control: Approaches and Metrics

Team Communication and Performance during Sustained Working Conditions

Special Forces Interpersonal Performance Assessment System

Military Command Team Effectiveness: Model and Instrument for Assessment and Improvement (L'efficacite des Equipes de Commandement Militaires: un Modele et un Instrument Pour L'evaluation et L'amelioration)

Efficient Generation of Social Network Data from Computer-Mediated Communication Logs

Personality-Enabled Architecture for Cognition (PAC): Architecture and Initial Implementation

Operational Net Assessment: A Framework for Social Network Analysis and Requirements for Critical Debate

A Multi-Functional Software Environment for Modeling Complex Missions and Devising Adaptive Organizations

Networks of Decision-Making and Communicating Agents: A New Methodology for Design and Evaluation of Organizational Strategies and Heterarchical Structures

Congruence of Human Organizations and Missions: Theory versus Data

Goal Management in Organizations: A Markov Decision Process (MDP) Approach

A Library of Optimization Algorithms for Organizational Design

Analytic Model Driven Organizational Design and Experimentation in Adaptive Command and Control

Knowledge as Inventory: Near-Optimizing Knowledge and Power Flows in Edge Organizations (Phase One)

Toward Incentives for Military Transformation: A Review of Economic Models of Compensation

Informal Institutions and the "Weaknesses" of Human Behavior

Dynamic Military Civilian Crowd Simulations Through Allegiance Grouping

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Participation in a Cross-Cultural Simulation Game on Intercultural Awareness

Database Issues for Intelligence Analysis

Effective Use of Collaborative Information Technology to Enhance Group Performance

CORES - Complex Organizational Reasoning System

Multi-Mission Selective Maintenance Decisions

Do Teams Adapt to Fatigue in a Synthetic C2 Task?

Organizational Structure and Dynamic Information Awareness in Command Teams

Including Organizational Cultural Parameters in Work Processes

Interagency Fratricide: Policy Failures in the Persian Gulf and Bosnia

Inducing Adaptation in Organizations: Concept and Experiment Design

The Control of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)

A Model of Tactical Battle Rhythm

Cultural Modeling of Command and Control Echelons

A Lessons Learned Knowledge Warehouse to Support the Army Knowledge Management Command-Centric

Simulation of Small Group Discussions for Middle level of Detail Crowds

Coding Verbal Interactions in a Prototype Future Force Command and Control Simulation

The Relevance of Human Behaviour Representation in Future C2 Systems: Current and Future Research Approaches

The DIAMOND Model of Peace Support Operations

Statistics and the Art of Model Construction

Community Response to Terrorism: The South Korean Model

Coping with the Bounds: Speculations on Nonlinearity in Military Affairs

Modeling Command and Control in Multi-Agent Systems

A Quantum Approach to Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), Organizations, and Control

Personality and Cultural Modeling for Agent-Based Representation of a Terrorist Cell, Phase 1

Toward a Unified Theory of Work: Organizational Simulations and Policy Analyses

 A Conceptual Operational Model for Command and Control of International Missions in the Canadian Forces \

A Computational Model and Multi-Agent Simulation for Information Assurance

KSCO 2002: Second International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations

Modeling and Analysis of Social Networks

Evaluation of Cross-Cultural Models for Psychological Operations: Test of a Decision Modeling Approach

A Force Structuring Model for a Moderately-Sized NATO Country

Modeling Tactical Level Combat Using a Multi-Agent System Design Paradigm (GI Agent)

GSS Technology as a Moderator of Influence and Perceived Expertise

Analyzing Personnel Retention Utilizing Multi-Agent Systems

Deployment Integration of United States Marine Corps and Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Squadrons: Is It A Viable Concept

Responses of Decision Making Teams to Adaptive Architectures: A Final Report

Opportunities for Improving Army Modeling and Simulation Development: Making Fundamental Adjustments and Borrowing Commercial Business Practices

Simulation-based Agent Support in a Synthetic Team-based C2 Task Environment

Force Design, the Airmobile Concept and Operational Art

On Organizational Adaptation via Dynamic Process Selection

Human Performance in Simulation Workshop

Three Levels of Diversity: An Examination of the Complex Relationship Between Diversity, Group Cohesiveness, Sexual Harassment, Group Performance, and Time.