DLA Logo Banner: Defense Logistics Information Service: A Defense Logistics Agency Activity

WebFLIS Logo EBS Search Sign On (Restricted Access) Public Search WebFLIS Logo

WebFLIS provides essential information about supply items including the National Stock Number, the item name, manufacturers and suppliers (including part numbers), through a web interface connected to FLIS data. This information will be primarily used by DLA, military services, and United States Government sponsored contractors doing business with the U.S. Government.

WebFLIS provides three access options to obtain logistics data:

Public search – used primarily to match part numbers to stock numbers. Assists small businesses in research for government contracts, encouraging competition.

Restricted search – access to all FLIS data except Limited Rights Characteristics and full query capabilities. User ID/password is needed for first time access, then Common Access Card (CAC) required.

Enterprise Business System (EBS) search – provides information on items in DLA EBS.

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