Electronic References
Energy Supply Alternatives
ADM001866, Summer 2006

Links (current as of the date of publication)

DARPA's Advanced Energy Technologies PDF Icon

Fuel Cell - Green Power Los Alamos National Laboratory PDF Icon

Oakridge National Laboratory - Fossil Energy Program

DoD Fuel Cell - ERDC/CERL Projects

Fuel Cell Test and Evaluation Center (FC Tec) - the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Fuel Cell Test and Evaluation Center (FCTec) is a National Resource facility for the independent, unbiased testing and validation of fuel cell power systems for both military and commercial applications.

Hydrogen.gov is the Federal government's central source of information on R&D activities related to hydrogen and fuel cells.

U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) provides access to a wealth of energy, science, and technology research and development (R&D) information from the Manhattan Project to the present.

American Hydrogen Association

National Hydrogen Association

International Association for Hydrogen Energy

National Energy Technology Laboratory
Set up by the Department of Energy. NETL and its industrial partners are working on Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell power plants, Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell power plants, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell power plants, and a variety of other related technologies.

U.S.Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Infrastructure Technologies Program


Fuel Cell Today

Fuel Cell Market Survey: Military Applications, 13 April 2005 PDF Icon
Alexandra Baker and David Jollie-Fuel Cell Today

Fuel Cells Powerful Implications

Fuel cells are miniature power plants that convert the chemical energy inherent in hydrogen and oxygen "Fuel Cell Fact Sheet," PDF Icon Environmental and Energy Study Institute, February 2000,