Global Food Security - OCS | USDA
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Global Food Security

Global food security efforts are increasingly a matter of national security since by supporting improvements in agricultural systems, we can reduce the frequency of food shortages and increase political stability around the world. Additionally, the future of US agriculture depends on economic growth in developing countries to: 1) expand feed and food export markets; 2) generate beneficial knowledge, information and technologies to help all farmers and ranchers adapt to the changing weather patterns that result from climate change; 3) help protect U.S. crops, agricultural animals and ecosystems from the threat of exotic pests and diseases; and 4) improve the quality and safety of imported food products.

The Office of the Chief Scientist plays a key role in working across the USDA, universities, and other federal agencies to enable the development and transfer of knowledge and skills to promote environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable agricultural systems globally, thereby enhancing global food security and, in doing so, strengthening American agriculture.

OCS Point of Contact: John L. King

USDA Science's strategic role in global food security (PDF)

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