
Photo of Gerald Feierstein
Gerald Feierstein
Term of Appointment: 09/17/2010 to present

Gerald M. Feierstein was sworn in on September 17, 2010, as the U.S. Ambassador to Yemen. Prior to his appointment, he served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Ambassador Feierstein, a specialist in Near East and South Asian Affairs, entered the Foreign Service in June 1975 and has served overseas in eight postings: Islamabad (1976-1978), Tunis (1983-1985), Riyadh (1985-1987), Peshawar (1989-1992), Muscat (1995-1998), Jerusalem (1998-2001), Beirut (2003-2004), and Islamabad (2008-2010).

In Washington, he served as Principal Deputy Assistant Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Coordinator for Programs in the Bureau of Counterterrorism from 2006-2008. Earlier, he served as Desk Officer for Nepal, Pakistan and Egypt; Deputy Director in the Office of Arabian Peninsula Affairs; Director of the Office of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh Affairs; and as Director of the Office of Regional Affairs in the Near East Bureau.

Ambassador Feierstein holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Point Park College and an M.A. in International Relations from Duquesne University. 


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