
Photo of John R. Nay
John R. Nay
Term of Appointment: 10/16/2009 to present

Ambassador John R. Nay arrived in the Republic of Suriname September 28, 2009 and presented his letters of credence to the Head of State, His Excellency Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan on October 16, 2009. Ambassador Nay thereby became the 13th American Ambassador to the Republic of Suriname.

Ambassador Nay is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, and holds the rank of Minister Counselor. Before arriving in Suriname, Ambassador Nay was the Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in Toronto, Canada. Prior to serving in Toronto, he was the Office Director for African Regional and Security Affairs in the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs. He joined that office in April 2003, after serving as a Senior Inspector in the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General. He served as Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, from 1999-2002, and as Regional Consular Officer for southern Africa based in Johannesburg, South Africa from 1996-1999.

In Washington, Ambassador Nay has served as Deputy Director for Pacific Island Affairs, and previously as an analyst, working on Cambodia issues for two years and on Korean affairs for one year. Ambassador Nay also had previous stints as consular chief in Taipei, Taiwan and in Calgary, Canada, as well as earlier tours of duty in Singapore and Taiwan. Ambassador Nay is language qualified in Chinese (Mandarin).

Ambassador Nay holds Masters Degrees from Andrews University and from the National War College. He has received three Superior Honor Awards and three Senior Performance Awards.


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