U.S. Department of Justice

Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 3: Beyond Budget Allocation - Sources of Funding and Services

Publication year: 2002 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 017627


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  • 2002
  • 22 pages.

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  • Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 3: Beyond Budget Allocation - Sources of Funding and Services


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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Designed for jail administrators, this guide describes strategies for identifying, securing, and coordinating jai resources from multiple sources, both internally and externally. Three sections comprise this document:

(1) Jail resource types and potential sources -- generating revenue, using the services of other agencies, soliciting donations from the community, and how the jail and community are linked by a common goal;

(2) Strategies for securing, coordinating, and managing jail resources -- eight-step strategy and sustaining the effort;

(3) The ongoing process of resource management.

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