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Automotive Repair and Auto Body Assistance Program

 EPA New England is currently seeking partnerships to provide outreach on a new set of Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements impacting autobody shops. We are eager to work with auto body shops, trade associations, vocational technical schools, paint vendors and other suppliers as well as states, municipalities, and community groups and others to provide information to any sources impacted by these new regulations. Please contact us to express your interest in organizing a workshop in your area. We can come to your events and provide materials and information as well as certification for spray technicians who receive classroom training on the requirements of the new CAA rule.

For more information, contact:

Roy Crystal (Crystal.Roy@epa.gov)
Mary Dever (Dever.Mary@epa.gov)


Summary of new federal EPA regulations (40 CFR 63, Subpart HHHHHH) for businesses that spray-apply coatings to vehicles became effective January 9, 2008:

  1. Painters must be certified as they complete training in proper spray application of surface coatings, setup & maintenance of spray equipment. (includes booths, filters, spray guns, gun cleaners, etc.)
  2. Spray apply coatings in a spray booth, prep station, or mobile enclosure meeting certain requirements & use an HVLP spray gun or other approved technologies.
  3. Prevent atomized mist & avoid spraying solvent or paint residue in cleaning spray guns.
  4. Submit Initial Notification to EPA by January 11, 2010 for existing shops and for new shops by 180 days from start up or by January 9, 2008, whichever is later.
  5. Submit notification of Compliance Status to EPA. Existing sources not able to demonstrate compliance in their Initial Notification must submit it by March 10, 2011. New sources must submit Notification of Compliance Status when they submit their Initial Notification.
  6. Keep records to demonstrate compliance.

Please note: Review thoroughly. You can apply to be exempted from the new rule if you eliminate use of coatings containing chromium, lead, cadmium, nickel, or manganese. If you use a product containing methylene chloride to strip or remove paint you are subject to additional requirements.

Facilities that do not use any of the five hazardous air pollutants (cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel) targeted for reductions by this Rule, may petition for exemption from this rule by demonstrating that coatings are free of these metals. Questions regarding exemptions or whether the regulation applies should be directed to our Regional Air Toxics Coordinator Susan Lancey at lancey.susan@epa.gov or (617) 918-1656. If you wish to submit a petition for exemption from the Rule please send your petition and documentation supporting your petition (e.g. a description of the coatings and a certification statement) to:

Susan Lancey, Regional Air Toxics Coordinator
US Environmental Protection Agency – New England
1 Congress Street
Suite 1100 Mailcode: CAP
Boston MA 02114

Tools to Help you Achieve Early Compliance with New CAA Requirements

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Environmental Results Program (ERP) -- an innovative approach to improving compliance

With an ERP program, regulatory agencies educate facilities about their environmental impacts and obligations, and facilities certify as to their compliance. Facilities are then tracked over time to evaluate their performance. ERP programs are designed to give businesses the information and flexibility they need while improving accountability to the public for environmental performance.

A number of New England states are implementing ERP for their auto repair and auto body facilities.

Office of Innovation and Assistance, Environmental Results Program (ERP) for Auto Body Industry, Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Voluntary program targeting auto body shops and combined auto body/auto repair shops in the southern Maine region to administer targeted assistance, implement a self-certification program, and measure the compliance results.

Rhode Island Auto Body Certification Program, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Voluntary, self-certification program allows participating facilities to demonstrate compliance with environmental and occupational health regulations through a program administered by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health (DOH).    

EPA contacts for additional information about ERP:

In New England:
Beth Termini (termini.beth@epa.gov), (617) 918-1662

At EPA HQ, Office of Environmental Policy & Innovation:
Scott Bowles (scott.bowles@epa.gov), (202) 566-2208


Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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