U.S. Department of Justice

Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 1: Developing the Budget

Publication year: 2002 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 017626


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  • 2002
  • 41 pages.

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  • Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 1: Developing the Budget


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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Designed for jail administrators, this guide discusses the elements of an effective process for budgeting both capital and operational jail expenses. This document contains the following sections:
  • An effective budget process;
  • Cooperative effort within the budget process;
  • Budget preparation -- information and materials;
  • Jail budget development -- needs assessment, estimating budget expenditures, preparing the budget document, submitting the budget package, presenting the budget, and the dynamic interaction in the budget process;
  • Glossary of key budget terms;
  • And sample budget forms and worksheets.

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