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Fifteenth-century map by Piri Reis, Andalusia and Granada

NEH Announces Bridging Cultures Programs for Libraries across America

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA) present Muslim Journeys, the first in a planned series of Bridging Cultures "Bookshelves."

Martin E. Marty

Out of Many

Esteemed scholar of American religion Martin Marty speaks at summer seminar for community college faculty.

NEH Bridging Cultures Initiative logo

About the Bridging Cultures Initiative

Bridging Cultures, an agency-wide initiative, engages the power of the humanities to promote understanding and mutual respect for people with diverse histories, cultures, and perspectives within the United States and abroad.

photo of student at White House Freedom Riders screening

Inspiration 101: Law Students Draw Lessons from the Humanities

Five Washington area law schools participated in screening and discussion events featuring films funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.  The films, exploring topics such as civil rights, human rights and constitutional law, bring a human dimension to textbook legal cases and challenge students to consider how contemporary law and society are shaped by history.

Rama Language and Culture Project Collection.

Bridging Cultures and the Power of Language

NEH provides grants to translate into English significant texts or documents that provide insight into the history, literature, philosophy, and artistic achievements of other cultures.

Women, War, and Peace: I Came to Testify

Women, War & Peace: I Came To Testify

The NEH-supported documentary I Came to Testify tells the story of 16 Bosnian women war survivors who bravely sought justice for the atrocities committed against them in the first trial in history focused on wartime crimes of sexual violence.

Larry Hott taking a question from a deaf student at the US Embassy in Algeria

Reaching New Audiences, Through Deaf Eyes

Through Deaf Eyes, a National Endowment for the Humanities funded documentary is a U.S. based history of the Deaf community that has gained surprising international attention and inspired an award-winning author to write a children's book.

Chinese Minister of Culture Cai Wu

China–US Cultural Exchange

Chinese Minister of Culture Cai Wu stressed the importance of culture to both the domestic and foreign policy agendas of his country at a China-US Cultural Forum on September 21 in Washington, D.C.

NEH Chairman Jim Leach and Wang Wenzhang, Ministry of Culture, China

Translating Culture: American and Chinese Scholars and Artists Gather for Roundtable Discussions

As part of its ongoing Bridging Cultures initiative, the National Endowment for the Humanities recently sponsored a two-day cultural forum that brought together American and Chinese artists and scholars.

Posted: April 12, 2012

NEH Bridging Cultures Bookshelf

Fostering individual learning, community discussions, and opportunities for greater cross-cultural understanding.

Posted: April 10, 2012

Bridging Cultures through Film: International Topics Awards: November Council, 2011

NEH grant program supports documentary films that examine international and transnational themes in the humanities.

Posted: April 3, 2012

Bridging Cultures Implementation Grants, 2011

Building on the outcomes of the 2010 Planning Grant program, NEH funds two national public engagement campaigns exploring civility and democracy and humanities and the Muslim world.

Posted: April 2, 2012

Bridging Cultures through Film: International Topics Awards: November Council, 2010

NEH grant program supports documentary films that examine international and transnational themes in the humanities.

Posted: March 29, 2012

Bridging Cultures Planning Grants, 2010

Through eight NEH-funded pilot projects, cultural and educational institutions around the country engaged scholars and members of the public in discussions of two pressing national concerns: the role of civility in democracy and the need for a deeper understanding of the Muslim world.

Posted: August 10, 2012

CNN Belief Blog features NEH-funded film

On August 3, the CNN Belief Blog published a story on the NEH-funded documentary Besa: The Promise.

Posted: July 10, 2012

"Health and Disease in the Middle Ages" Summer Seminar Features Talk on the Plague

Indiana University’s Ann G. Carmichael, M.D., Ph.D. will speak on July 20 at the Wellcome Library on “Sustaining Plague Mortality in Late Medieval Milan: Environmental Patterns and Non-Plague Causes of Death.”

Posted: April 6, 2012

Making Sense of the American Civil War at the Virginia Festival of the Book

Edward L. Ayers was the Festival Luncheon Speaker at the 18th Virginia Festival of the Book on Thursday, March 22, in Charlottesville, VA.

Posted: April 6, 2012

Organization of American States Honors NEH Effort to Document Disappearing Languages

OAS recognizes the joint NEH-NSF program, Documenting Endangered Languages, as a model program for promoting inter-cultural dialogue and respect for cultural diversity.