Why Provide DTIC Your Information?


DTIC acts as DoD's secondary disseminator of technical reports. While your agency may publish information in other media, such as Web sites or academic journals, the information might not also be available.


Raise your professional visibility

  • Your work is available to, cited and tracked by DoD colleagues
  • Your work is available to DoD researchers working in a classified environment
  • Your work can establish you as an Subject Matter Expert (SME) in a specific discipline
  • Your DoD sponsored public work is used and cited by professional colleagues worldwide
  • Your work can be used to establish professional metric


Additional benefits of submitting documents to DTIC

  • Reduce costs of storage, printing, and distribution of copies.
  • Reduce costs of maintaining Web sites
  • Provide access to publications
  • Electronic submission saves shipping time and costs in a secure environment


DTIC gets information from the defense community, for the defense community,about defense and beyond. DoD Directive 3200.12 mandates that DoD research, including that done in-house and/or by contractors and grantees, should be part of the DTIC collection. In other words, if there is great technology in DoD, DTIC should have that information for others (that includes you) to use and build upon.