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BSECC Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following Boston Stock Exchange Clearing Corporation (BSECC) filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Chronological List
Third Quarter |  Second Quarter |  First Quarter

BSECC File Number List

Additional Archives

Chronological List
Release No. Date Details
Third Quarter

34-67760 Aug. 30, 2012 Order Approving Proposed Rule Changes With Respect to the Amendment of the By-Laws of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Additional File Nos.:  SR-BX-2012-052, SR-NASDAQ-2012-072, SR-PHLX-2012-95, and SR-SCCP-2012-001
See also:  Notice: Rel. No. 34-67487

34-67487 Jul. 23, 2012 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change with Respect to the Amendment of the By-Laws of its Parent Corporation, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Comments due:  August 17, 2012
See also:  Order: Rel. No. 34-67760
Second Quarter
No proposals are available.
First Quarter
No proposals are available.

BSECC File Number List
Release No. Date Details

34-67760 Aug. 30, 2012 Order Approving Proposed Rule Changes With Respect to the Amendment of the By-Laws of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Additional File Nos.:  SR-BX-2012-052, SR-NASDAQ-2012-072, SR-PHLX-2012-95, and SR-SCCP-2012-001
34-67487 Jul. 23, 2012 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change with Respect to the Amendment of the By-Laws of its Parent Corporation, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Comments due:  August 17, 2012

Modified: 08/31/2012