

As stated in DoDI 3200.14:"Documents may take the form and format of any commonly accepted media for documentation and/or presentation." DTIC accepts and disseminates documents in a variety of media, however traditional print media documents continue to be the most common. DTIC also accepts electronic media, and certain types of nonprint media. Distribution to DTIC of all documents, regardless of media, is the responsibility of the DoD activity that performed or sponsored the work in whole or in part. The activity responsible for primary distribution of documents by electronic means must take positive steps to ensure that DTIC is capable of receiving the data by that means and in an intelligible form. Details on electronic document submissions are available on the Electronic Submissions page.


"Providing electronic documents that are configured by computer hardware or software that are not readily available to the recipients precludes the use of such technical information. If the recipients cannot readily read, interpret, or convert the electronic document, then the activity shall provide the document in some other media." (DoDI 3200.14-E4.4.10)


Following is a brief outline of the acceptable media for technical report document submission to DTIC:


Print Media

Traditional print environment documents may be delivered to DTIC in the following media:

  • Hard Copy Paper
  • Removable Electronic Media
  • Electronically Online
  • Text-only documents that are delivered electronically, either online or via removable media, will be converted for print reproduction and dissemination.


    Electronic Media

    Digital versions of text-based documents, delivered via removable digital media or online systems. Acceptable removable media for delivering electronic media files currently include:

  • Computer diskettes (3 1/2 in. for IBM-clone PC or Macintosh)
  • CD-ROM
  • Zip Disks
  • 8mm Tape Cartridges

    Nonprint Media

    Removable digital or magnetic media objects that cannot be easily converted to print for reproduction. The following nonprint media are currently accepted:

  • Computer Diskettes (3½ in. for IBM-clone PC or Macintosh)
  • Videotapes
  • CD-ROM


    Two or more media types (audio, video, imagery, text, and data), usually electronically manipulated, integrated, and reconstructed in synchrony. Interactive multimedia integrates various and multiple media content and formats with which the user can interact. Multimedia products:

  • Consist of multiple physical media and/or multiple formats and file types on print, nonprint, or electronic media.
  • Are usually CD-ROM-based items containing multiple file types such as text, video and audio files, and may include the following:
  • Images (including color)
  • Sound Files
  • Charts, Maps, Graphs, Drawings, Tables
  • Video Files

    Other Media

    Media not mentioned above may not be accepted by DTIC. We are currently NOT accepting the following media:

  • 9-Track Magnetic Tapes
  • Film Strips, Movie Film, or Slide Film
  • Data Processing Cards
  • Aperture Cards

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