Distribution Limitations


The information DTIC collects, stores and distributes carries security classifications up to the Secret level. The information is always marked by the controlling organization to show how it can be distributed. DTIC's registration process and access to DTIC data differs for different groups of users due to the distribution limitations set by the controlling organization.


Much of the information in DTIC's databases can be released to the public. This information is referred to as UNCLASSIFIED, UNLIMITED (U2) PUBLIC RELEASE.


The databases also contain information that, although not classified, is sensitive. Such documents are considered UNCLASSIFIED, but their distribution is controlled, i.e., LIMITED. This information is referred to as UNCLASSIFIED, LIMITED (UL).


Many of the limits on distribution have to do with whether or not the user is:

  • an authorized employee of the Department of Defense
  • an authorized employee of other U.S. Government agencies
  • an authorized contractor for either the Department of Defense or other U.S. Government organization