Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) � Submitting Technical Reports (TR)

  1. What DoD Directives govern the submission of scientific and technical reports to DTIC?
  2. What are the benefits of submitting technical reports to DTIC?
  3. What types of documents should I send to DTIC?
  4. How do I submit documents to DTIC?
  5. How do I submit classified documents to DTIC?
  6. Do I need to be a DTIC registered user to submit documents to DTIC?
  7. How do I prepare a technical report?
  8. What markings are required on a document for submission?
  9. What is a SF-298, Report Documentation Page, and why is it needed?
  10. What electronic formats does DTIC accept for electronic submissions?
  11. Is there a maximum file size for electronic submission?
  12. How long does it take DTIC to process my registration for Electronic Document Submission System?
  13. How long does it take DTIC to process a new submission?
  14. How do I find a document I submitted?
  15. How can I receive notification when my reports are processed?
  16. What is an AD (Accession) number and how do I find out the AD number assigned to a document?
  17. Do you have guidance on submitting copyrighted information?
  18. Our facility places our public documents on our public Web site, should we send them to DTIC as well?
  19. Is DTIC interested in older collections of technical reports?
  20. Does DTIC offer training on how to submit documents to DTIC?

  1. What DoD Regulations govern the submission of scientific and technical reports to DTIC?
    • DoD Directive 3200.12, �DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP)"
    • DoD Instruction 3200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program
    • Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 235.010, Scientific and Technical Reports
    • DFARS 252.235-7011 Final Scientific or Technical Report
    • These regulations:
      • Assign DoD components the responsibility for ensuring that all pertinent material resulting from Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) programs is provided to DTIC (including both in-house and contracted efforts).
      • Require DoD-funded researchers to search DTIC's collections to prevent unnecessary or redundant research from being performed. Furthermore, S&T personnel are specifically required to search the Independent Research & Development (IR&D) database before beginning new research efforts.
      • Assign DTIC the responsibility to act as a central coordinating point for DoD Science and Technical Information (STI) databases and systems.

    Please NOTE: Posting documents on Web sites does not override the responsibility to submit documents to DTIC In Accordance With (IAW) the before mentioned governing documents.


  3. What are the benefits of submitting technical reports to DTIC?
    • Aside from regulatory requirements, there are some real benefits for submitting your documents to DTIC such as:
      • DTIC serves as DoD's system for secondary dissemination of Technical Reports. Your agency may publish information in other media, such as on an agency Web site or through academic journals, which may not always be available. Access to Technical Reports through DTIC is assured.
      • Submitting documents to DTIC reduces expenditures for information management, including costs of storage, printing, maintaining access to documents on Web sites, and distribution of copies.
    • To see a complete list of benefits, click here.

  4. What types of documents should I send to DTIC?
    • Technical reports, journal articles, power point presentations, and theses are some types of information that fulfill our selection criteria.

  5. How do I submit documents to DTIC?

  6. How do I submit classified documents to DTIC?
    • You can mail your properly marked documents via CD/DVD to DTIC at:

    Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
    8725 John J. Kingman Road
    Suite 0944
    Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060


    • If your organization does not allow you to create classified CDs or DVDs, you can send your documents in PDF (preferred) to DTIC in other ways. DTIC recommends either 1) posting documents to a SIPRNET Web site and informing DTIC of the that site's URL and applicable document information or 2) submitting documents via SIPRNET email to TR@DTIC.SMIL.MIL.

    • For further information on submitting, please contact us at:
      • Telephone: (703) 767-8040 / DSN: 427-8040
      • Email:

  8. Do I need to be a DTIC registered user to submit documents to DTIC?

    • Unless you are submitting your documents through one of our Electronic Document Submission systems, you do not need to register with DTIC to submit documents to DTIC.
    • DTIC registration would be required if you need to track your unclassified/limited or controlled reports in the Technical Reports (TR) database through DTIC Online Access Controlled (see FAQs #13-15).


  9. How do I prepare a technical report?

    • The ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.18-2005 provides guidance on technical report preparation, outlining the elements, organization and design of scientific and technical reports.


  10. What markings are required on a document for submission?


  1. What is a SF-298, Report Documentation Page, and why is it needed?

  3. What electronic formats does DTIC accept for electronic submissions?

  5. Is there a maximum file size for electronic submission?

    • Suggested file size is less than 100 Megabytes. If you have larger files to submit, please contact DTIC at for instructions.


  6. How long does it take DTIC to process my registration for Electronic Document Submission System?

    • Once you are registered as a DTIC user, your Electronic Document Submission System registration will be completed within 24 hours.


  7. How long does it take DTIC to process a new submission and have it appear online?

    • Typically a document can be processed within 3-4 weeks, workload depending.


  8. How do I find a document I submitted?

  9. How can I receive notification when my reports are processed?

    • You can be notified, via email, by registering for DTIC's Scheduled Search current awareness service through DTIC Online Access Controlled.
    • This one-time registration will enable you to receive the Accession (AD) number, as well as, other citation information about all future documents that you submit to DTIC. Email notifications can be scheduled to be sent biweekly, monthly, or quarterly as determined by the user.
    • Instructions to set up a Scheduled Search are available at the following Web site:


  10. What is an AD (Accession) number and how do I find out the AD number assigned to a document?

    • The AD number (Accession Number) is assigned by DTIC to each document, after it has been processed into the Technical Reports (TR) database, to uniquely identify that document.
    • To find the AD number assigned to your report, you can either search the document through DTIC Online Public, DTIC Online Access Controlled or DTIC Online Classified (as mentioned in the answer to question #14, above) or set up a Schedule(d) Search (as mentioned in the answer to question #15, above).


  11. Do you have guidance on submitting copyrighted information?

  13. Our facility places our public documents on our public Web site; should we send them to DTIC as well?

    • Yes! By sending the document to DTIC it will be maintained in our Technical Reports collection permanently, as opposed to an organization�s Web site, which often changes.
    • DTIC also announces and disseminates public release information through libraries, government and commercial abstracting & indexing services, and search engines such as Google and OCLC's Worldcat, further preserving and making your document widely available.


  14. Is DTIC interested in older collections of technical reports?

    • Yes! There is still a lot of value in older research. In some cases, older research doesn�t become relevant until many years later.


  15. Does DTIC offer training/briefings on how to submit documents to DTIC?

    • Yes, the Information Collection Division (DTIC-OA) is available to assist you through the document submission process.
    • If you are located within the commuting distance of Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Information Collection Division representatives are available to meet with your organization and provide formal/informal training, briefings, or presentations, tailored to your specific needs. Please phone us at (703) 767-8038 to discuss further.


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