South Florida Ecological Services Field Office
Southeast Region


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South Florida Listed Species
Header Divider

Find and click the name of a specific bird species within the box below to jump to more information on that species.

General Resources


Audubons Crested Caracara Image
Audubon's crested caracara - Polyborus plancus
Audubon's crested caracara
Polyborus plancus

Listing Status: Threatened

Miscellaneous Information


Bachman's warbler
Vermivora bachmanii

Listing Status: Endangered


Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Image
Cape Sable seaside sparrow - Ammodramus [=Ammospiza] maritimus mirabilis
Cape Sable seaside sparrow
Ammodramus [=Ammospiza] maritimus mirabilis

Listing Status: Endangered

Miscellaneous Information


Everglade Snail Kite Image
Everglade snail kite - Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus
Everglade snail kite
Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus

Listing Status: Endangered

Miscellaneous Information


Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Image
Florida grasshopper sparrow -
Ammodramus savannarum floridanus
Florida grasshopper sparrow
Ammodramus savannarum floridanus

Listing Status: Endangered

Miscellaneous Information


Florida Scrub Jay Image
Florida scrub-jay -
Aphelocoma coerulescens
Florida scrub-jay
Aphelocoma coerulescens

Listing Status: Threatened

Miscellaneous Information


Ivory-billed Woodpecker Image
Ivory-billed woodpecker - Campephilus principalis
Ivory-billed woodpecker
Campephilus principalis

Listing Status: Endangered


Kirtlands Warbler Image
Kirtland's warbler - Dendroica kirtlandii
Kirtland's warbler
Dendroica kirtlandii

Listing Status: Endangered


Piping Plover Image
Piping plover - Charadrius melodus
Piping plover
Charadrius melodus

Listing Status: Threatened

Miscellaneous Information


Red-cockaded Woodpecker Image
Red-cockaded woodpecker - Picoides [=Dendrocopos] borealis
Red-cockaded woodpecker
Picoides [=Dendrocopos] borealis

Listing Status: Endangered

Miscellaneous Information


Roseate Tern Image
Roseate tern - Sterna dougallii dougallii
Roseate tern
Sterna dougallii dougallii

Listing Status: Threatened

Miscellaneous Information


Whopping Crane Image
Whooping crane - Grus americana
Whooping Crane
Grus americana

Listing Status: Experimental Population


Wood Stork Image
Wood stork - Mycteria americana

Wood stork
Mycteria americana

Listing Status: Endangered

Miscellaneous Information


Last updated: September 10, 2012
If you have questions or website feedback, please contact the website manager.