Welcome to NHMA

Established in 1994 in Washington, DC, the National Hispanic Medical Association in a non-profit association representing the interests of 45,000 licensed Hispanic physicians in the United States. NHMA is dedicated to empowering Hispanic physicians to be leaders who will help eliminate health disparities and improve the health of Hispanics. NHMA's vision is to be the national leader to improve the health of Hispanic populations.

NHMA is planning to launch its Regional Structure in 2013 with the West, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast and Southeast Steering Committees, Conferences and Networking Receptions. We welcome partners interested in improving the health of Hispanic populations across the nation join us in this exciting effort to build our networks. If you are interested in serving on our Steering Committees call us.

What's New at the NHMA
NHMA & NHHF Boards of Directors with HHS Secretary and Minister of Health of Mexico

NHLA Commends Supreme Courts Decision- In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States held the Affordable Care Act constitutional.

Supreme Court decision can impact health insurance for millions, say Latino advocates- Hear from Dr. Rios and other Latino advocates on President Obama'€™s landmark health care reform law.

Now Offering Online CME Credits-NHMA is excited to offer online CME credits for doctors who were not able to attend our 15th Annual Conference

Events & Conferences
NHMA 16th Annual Conference: April 2012, Washington, DC To view photos, videos, transcripts, click here. NHMA 17th Annual Conference, Apr. 25-28, Washington, DC - click here.
WHITE HOUSE Latino Health Briefing, Sept. 14th
Congress Briefings: Obesity, Sept. 18th;
ACA Update Receptions, 5830 Beverly Hills Dr, Whittier CA -Sat, Sept. 29th, NY , Oct. 11, NYAM -
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NHMA NET Newsletter, August 2012
Submitted by Dr. Elena Rios

To read our latest newsletter, click here
To read our past newsletters, click here


NHMA Continues to Team with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services about the 2012 Immunization Campaign at the NHMA 17th Annual Conference

NHMA supports The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s efforts to spread information about the flu vaccine in order to increase immunizations among Hispanic and African American and poor populations.

NHMA was awarded a grant in 2011 to convene regional Leadership Forums for providers, educating providers on use of practice e-health reminders and fact sheets, and to identify how Hispanic physicians can convince patients and families to get immunized.  NHMA held those forums with HHS Regional Directors and public health leaders, Congressmember Jackson Lee and the president of the Houston Hispanic Medical Association and the National Medical Association local chapter with community leaders and physicians in Houston; followed by events in NYC, Atlanta, Kansas City and ending in El Paso with Congressman Reyes.

NHMA is again collaborating with the National Medical Association and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health and the Regional HHS Office, and local health department  for this  "Fight Against Flu Campaign." to educate physicians through webinars and a Special Session at our Annual Conference in April to discuss experience from medical practices in our communities to increase the rate of immunizations among Hispanics. Please join us at the Conference. See the Home Page of this website to register NOW.

Sounding the Alarm: Influenza and Pneumococcal Disease

Sounding the Alarm: Influenza and Pneumococcal Disease Immunization Rates Are Low Among Hispanic Adults

By Elena V. Rios, MD, MSPH and Susan Rehm, MD

Efforts to protect Hispanic adults from serious vaccine preventable diseases are falling short. Hispanic adults, who comprise nearly 16% of the U.S. population, have among the lowest vaccination rates, leaving them vulnerable to the devastating and potentially deadly effects of influenza and pneumococcal disease, among others. [1,2] Read More...


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