Pacific Southwest Region
California, Nevada and Klamath Basin

San Pablo Bay, NWR
Cullinan Ranch Unit Restoration Project
Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report

Current Status:

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game are proposing a restoration plan for 1,500 acres of former hayfield farm land in the San Pablo Bay. This restoration project would combine tidal salt marsh habitat for endangered species, waterfowl, waterbirds, and fish, as well as public access features to increase accessibility to wildlife resource values in the San Pablo Bay, while minimizing project-induced flood impacts to Highway 37.

The public comment period ended June 17, 2008. The Service released the final abbreviated Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report May 20, 2009, for the Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project.  A notice of availability of the final document was published in the Federal Register. The final abbreviated EIS/EIR is available below.

Documents Available Online:

Availability of Alternate Text Format

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing information about its operations to the public. If you are unable to access any of the information contained on our site, please email us at: Your request will be referred to the appropriate program for assistance. Please indicate the nature of the accessibility need, your preferred format (electronic format, print, etc.) the web address of the requested material, and your full contact information so we can reach you if questions arise while fulfilling your request.

Our contact mailing address
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-2606
Sacramento, Calif., 95825
Phone: 916-414-6464
Fax: 916-414-6486

The following documents may take a few minutes to read, print, or download using Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). A free copy of the Adobe software is available from the Adobe website.

Record of Decision

Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project, Record of Decision (856 KB .PDF)

Final Abbreviated EIS/EIR

Table of Contents, Introduction and Response to Comments Received ( 339 KB .PDF)

Errata to the Draft EIS/EIR (258 KB .PDF)

Clarifications and Revisions (1 MB .PDF)

Appendix 1: Comments Received (11.8 MB .PDF)

Appendix 2: Views of Cullinan Ranch (501 KB . PDF)

Appendix 3: GeoEngineers Waste Disposal Report (2.7 MB .PDF)

Appendix 4 Napa Plant Site Monitoring Plan (263 KB .PDF)


Table of Contents and ES (2.62 MB PDF)

Introduction (3.58 MB PDF)

Purpose and Need (1.61 MB PDF)

Existing Conditions (3.88 MB PDF)

Other Analysis and References (1.23 MB PDF)

Appendix A (3.12 MB PDF)

Appendix A Figures (5.68 MB PDF)

Appendix B (1.45 MB PDF)

Appendix C (1.41 MB PDF)

Appendix D (952 KB PDF)

Appendix D Figures (1.94 MB PDF)

Appendix D Tables (1.30 MB PDF)

Appendix D Photo Log (2.43 MB PDF)

Appendix D Chains of Custody (5.96MB PDF)

Appendix D Geo Engineers Report (1.43 MB PDF)

Appdendix D Data Validation and Field Notes (1.11 MB PDF)

Public Use Compatibility Determinations (posted 5/2009)


Boating and Kayaking

Wildlife Observation and Photography

Environmental Education and Interpretation


Project Contacts:

For Information on the Cullinan Ranch Unit Restoration Project

Christy Smith, Refuge Manager
San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
7715 Lakeville Highway
Petaluma, CA 94954
Phone: (707) 769-4200