Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

Home > About FDIC > Open Government Plan

Open Government Plan

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1. Executive Summary
2. Overview of Open Government
3. Overview of the FDIC
4. FDIC Open Government Information
5. Conclusion
6. Appendix

5. Conclusion

The FDIC has developed a number of successful access channels that promote the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration. Open government has been, and will continue to be, an important component of the FDIC's public outreach, program development, and business strategy.

  • As the insurer of deposits in U.S. financial institutions, the FDIC collaborates and participates with other financial institution regulatory agencies to formulate policy, rules, and regulations to maintain the safety and soundness of deposits in banks and thrift institutions.
  • The FDIC reaches out to all stakeholders including bankers; potential business partners and vendors; community, consumer and advocacy groups; and the general public. Proposed regulations and policy are routinely published for public comment and input prior to final enactment.
  • The FDIC is the leading provider and a trusted source on information about the U.S. banking industry.
  • The FDIC is exploring new avenues of communication with its stakeholders, including social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, RSS feeds).

The FDIC will strive to enhance all of its programs, data, information, outreach, and collaborative outlets available, in order to continue to be the recognized leader in promoting sound public policies, addressing risks in the nation's financial system, and carrying out its insurance, supervisory, and consumer protection, and receivership management responsibilities.

Last Updated 08/7/2012 opengov@fdic.gov