This list has been updated. The most recent Master Government List of FFRDCs can be found at

*Department of Defense
*Department of Energy
*Department of Health and Human Services
*National Aeronautics and Space Administration
*National Science Foundation
*Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*Department of Transportation
*Department of Treasury
For further information contact Mary V. Burke, Division of Science Resources Studies, Research & Development Statistics Program, National Science Foundation, (703) 306-1772, ext. 6933, or email Updates of this list and an Annotated List of FFRDCs-1995 are available on-line. Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 1994, 1995 and 1996 contains NSF-collected data on Federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant for the FFRDCS and are also available on-line. See Tables C7-C17; C37- C39; C48-C50; and C52-C54. This list was revised on May 28, 1996.

Links to the most current reports in the Federally Funded Research and Development Centers series are available on the publication series page.

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