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Taxes from the rest of the world. Includes some taxes on production and some current transfers. The source data do not permit the reliable separation of the taxes on income.

Taxes on production and imports. Consists of Federal excise taxes and customs duties, state and local sales taxes, property taxes (including residential real estate taxes), motor vehicle licenses, severance taxes, and special assessments.

TGFI. Timeseries Generalized Fisher ideal Index

TIC. Treasury International Capital reporting system

Top-down model. A projections model that is used to force lower-level geographical or industry projections to higher-level totals.

Total requirements table. A set of tables in the input-output (I-O) accounts calculated from the make table and use table. They show the inputs that are required directly and indirectly to deliver a dollar of output to final uses. There are three total requirements tables. In the commodity-by-commodity table, the column shows the commodity delivered to final uses and the rows show the total production of each commodity required to meet that demand. In the industry-by-commodity table, the column shows the commodity delivered to final uses and the rows show the total production of each industry required. In the industry-by-industry table, the column shows the industry output delivered to final uses and the rows show the total production required by each industry. Related terms: make table, use table, direct requirements table.