Online Education Kit: 2002-2003

On Other Sites: Genomic Science Program
(formerly Genomes to Life program)
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science

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2002: The Genomes to Life Program is Launched

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The Department of Energy announces five major research awards for post genomic research. The research is being conducted at six national laboratories, 16 universities and research hospitals, and four private research institutes. The awards are part of the new Genomes to Life program that aims to use microbes and other organisms to address problems in energy production, environmental cleanup, and carbon cycling. The research seeks to understand the chemistry of entire organisms and their interactions with the environment. The project’s ten-year goal is to advance systems biology, computation, and technology. These advances will be directed toward increasing biological-based sources of energy, better understanding the earth’s carbon cycling, designing novel ways to capture carbon, and developing low-cost methods for cleaning the environment.


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Last Updated: October 4, 2010