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If heaven is the opposite of hell, and hell is an eternally burning pit of fire, that must mean heaven's climate resembles the polar ice caps. If that's the case, South Louisiana anglers are probably reconsidering whether they want to go there. After an autumn of weather colder than the region's typical winters, anglers are starting to wonder if... Read more »
Baton Rouge is the second-most walkable city in Louisiana, according to a report from GOVERNING Magazine. But that’s not saying much. About 1 of every 25 Baton Rouge residents -- or 3.9 percent -- walk to work. The younger the age group; the larger the share of walk-to-work-commuters. The magazine compiled an interactive map illustrating how pedestrian friendly cities... Read more »
An Assumption Parish man who killed 49 seagulls while speeding through a series of Elmwood parking lots where the migrating birds are prone to roosting has pleaded guilty to a federal crime. Jackoby D. Bertot, 29, was charged under the Migratory Bird Treat Act, as seagulls are a species protected by the act. The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries... Read more »
Barometric pressure on Thursday was higher than Matthew McConaughey that time he was caught playing the bongo drum on his front lawn in the nude. That, combined with some really chilly water temperatures, made speckled trout a bit more tight-lipped than usual. Fortunately, though, there's supposed to be a bit of a return flow on Friday and early on... Read more »
The latest in a long, long line of cold fronts will push through Thursday, shaking things up after what turned out to be a nice Wednesday afternoon. Winds blew a bit in the morning along the coast, but really settled down, giving anglers a chance to target specks and reds unmolested by anything other than gnats. Winds will be... Read more »
Every kid growing up in New Orleans heard stories about their fellow citizens riding the Wild Maus and having their heads knocked off or riding the roller coaster from hell right off its tracks. Usually these tales of calamity were told by older brothers to younger siblings staring up at the rickety ride debating whether to get on. Despite... Read more »
Fire ants are pretty cool creatures -- I mean, aside from the fact they crawl all up your leg and give no warning of their presence until the team leader sends out the signal to rain down simultaneous, Sodom and Gomorrah-style fire and brimstone on your pink, exposed skin. That kind of sucks, but ants actually do some good.... Read more »
A Texas man with a prior conviction for murder was sentenced last week after being charged with wildlife-related and other violations earlier this year in Caddo Parish. U.S. District Judge Donald Walter sentenced Larry Robert Baker, 50, to 30 months in prison and three years supervised probation Dec. 5. Baker pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm. According to evidence... Read more »
Astronomical winter doesn't begin for another week and a half, but we're about that long into meteorological winter. No one has to tell the speckled trout. They're entrenched in their winter patterns, which means retreating to deep holes at night and emerging to the flats on sunny afternoons or on rare warm days. Fortunately, the marshes are still packed... Read more »
Balancing your light sources in critical when working early and late in the day, as illustrated by today's Photo of the Day. Read more »
It has often been said that 10 percent of the anglers catch 90 percent of the fish. From what I've seen during my years on the water, that's an accurate assessment. Most of the 90 percent of anglers want to break into that 10 percent, but there aren't all that many in the 10 percent who want to be... Read more »
He was a once-in-a-generation blend of charisma, kindness, confidence and care. And best of all, he was one of us. Read more »
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