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Poster image of woman holding spear-like fountain pen

Traveling Man

Illinois explores the history of the profession shared by L. Frank Baum, Benedict Arnold, and Johnny Appleseed. 


Fearless Photographer

Washington celebrates photojournalist Margaret Bourke-White.

Seaside farmers plowing

Seashore Farmers

U-boats off the coast of Virginia.

Dan Rice as Uncle Sam.

The Circus You Never Knew

The naughty nineteenth-century circus.

Richard I. Dodge

Just Deserters

Pennsylvania soldiers dodging the Civil War.

<em>Looking Down the Trail</em>

Combat Artist

Vietnam War through the eyes of a South Dakota artist.

Civil War soldiers from Wisconsin

Badger Boys in Blue

Wisconsin remembers its Badger Boys who fought for the Union.

Hogue painting

Fire on the Walls

Texas looks at the land through the eyes of artist Alexandre Hogue.

A Prison Debate

Massachusetts compiles the history of the Norfolk Prison Debate Team, which even beat the likes of Oxford's best.

Image raking for oysters off Tally's Point Reef, Chesapeake Bay, wood engraving

Oyster Wars

Wayward Watermen of the Chesapeake Bay