[Congressional Bills 111th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]
[H.R. 5116 Enrolled Bill (ENR)]


                      One Hundred Eleventh Congress

                                 of the

                        United States of America

                          AT THE SECOND SESSION

          Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday,
             the fifth day of January, two thousand and ten

                                 An Act

To invest in innovation through research and development, to improve the 
      competitiveness of the United States, and for other purposes.


    (a) Short Title.--this Act may be cited as the ``America COMPETES 
Reauthorization Act of 2010'' or the ``America Creating Opportunities 
to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and 
Science Reauthorization Act of 2010''.
    (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as 

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Definitions.
Sec. 3. Budgetary impact statement.


Sec. 101. Coordination of Federal STEM education.
Sec. 102. Coordination of advanced manufacturing research and 
Sec. 103. Interagency public access committee.
Sec. 104. Federal scientific collections.
Sec. 105. Prize competitions.


Sec. 201. NASA's contribution to innovation and competitiveness.
Sec. 202. NASA's contribution to education.
Sec. 203. Assessment of impediments to space science and engineering 
          workforce development for minority and under-represented 
          groups at NASA.
Sec. 204. International Space Station's contribution to national 
          competitiveness enhancement.
Sec. 205. Study of potential commercial orbital platform program impact 
          on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Sec. 206. Definitions.


Sec. 301. Oceanic and atmospheric research and development program.
Sec. 302. Oceanic and atmospheric science education programs.
Sec. 303. Workforce study.


Sec. 401. Short title.
Sec. 402. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 403. Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology.
Sec. 404. Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
Sec. 405. Emergency communication and tracking technologies research 
Sec. 406. Broadening participation.
Sec. 407. NIST Fellowships.
Sec. 408. Green manufacturing and construction.
Sec. 409. Definitions.



Sec. 501. Short title.
Sec. 502. Definitions.
Sec. 503. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 504. National Science Board administrative amendments.
Sec. 505. National Center for Science and Engineering statistics.
Sec. 506. National Science Foundation manufacturing research and 
Sec. 507. National Science Board report on mid-scale instrumentation.
Sec. 508. Partnerships for innovation.
Sec. 509. Sustainable chemistry basic research.
Sec. 510. Graduate student support.
Sec. 511. Robert Noyce teacher scholarship program.
Sec. 512. Undergraduate broadening participation program.
Sec. 513. Research experiences for high school students.
Sec. 514. Research experiences for undergraduates.
Sec. 515. STEM industry internship programs.
Sec. 516. Cyber-enabled learning for national challenges.
Sec. 517. Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.
Sec. 518. Sense of the Congress regarding the science, technology, 
          engineering, and mathematics talent expansion program.
Sec. 519. Sense of the Congress regarding the National Science 
          Foundation's contributions to basic research and education.
Sec. 520. Academic technology transfer and commercialization of 
          university research.
Sec. 521. Study to develop improved impact-on-society metrics.
Sec. 522. NSF grants in support of sponsored post-doctoral fellowship 
Sec. 523. Collaboration in planning for stewardship of large-scale 
Sec. 524. Cloud computing research enhancement.
Sec. 525. Tribal colleges and universities program.
Sec. 526. Broader impacts review criterion.
Sec. 527. Twenty-first century graduate education.


Sec. 551. Purpose.
Sec. 552. Program requirements.
Sec. 553. Grant program.
Sec. 554. Grant oversight and administration.
Sec. 555. Definitions.
Sec. 556. Authorization of appropriations.

                          TITLE VI--INNOVATION

Sec. 601. Office of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Sec. 602. Federal loan guarantees for innovative technologies in 
Sec. 603. Regional innovation program.
Sec. 604. Study on economic competitiveness and innovative capacity of 
          United States and development of national economic 
          competitiveness strategy.
Sec. 605. Promoting use of high-end computing simulation and modeling by 
          small- and medium-sized manufacturers.

                       TITLE VII--NIST GREEN JOBS

Sec. 701. Short title.
Sec. 702. Findings.
Sec. 703. National Institute of Standards and Technology competitive 
          grant program.


Sec. 801. Government Accountability Office review.
Sec. 802. Salary restrictions.
Sec. 803. Additional research authorities of the FCC.

                     TITLE IX--DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY

Sec. 901. Science, engineering, and mathematics education programs.
Sec. 902. Energy research programs.
Sec. 903. Basic research.
Sec. 904. Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy.

                           TITLE X--EDUCATION

Sec. 1001. References
Sec. 1002. Repeals and conforming amendments.
Sec. 1003. Authorizations of appropriations and matching requirement.


    In this Act:
        (1) Director.--In title I, the term ``Director'' means the 
    Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
        (2) STEM.--The term ``STEM'' means the academic and 
    professional disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and 


    The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying 
with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go-Act of 2010, shall be determined by 
reference to the latest statement titled ``Budgetary Effects of PAYGO 
Legislation'' for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional 
Record by the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, provided that 
such statement has been submitted prior to the vote on passage.



    (a) Establishment.--The Director shall establish a committee under 
the National Science and Technology Council, including the Office of 
Management and Budget, with the responsibility to coordinate Federal 
programs and activities in support of STEM education, including at the 
National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and 
Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Education, and all other 
Federal agencies that have programs and activities in support of STEM 
    (b) Responsibilities.--The committee established under subsection 
(a) shall--
        (1) coordinate the STEM education activities and programs of 
    the Federal agencies;
        (2) coordinate STEM education activities and programs with the 
    Office of Management and Budget;
        (3) encourage the teaching of innovation and entrepreneurship 
    as part of STEM education activities;
        (4) review STEM education activities and programs to ensure 
    they are not duplicative of similar efforts within the Federal 
        (5) develop, implement through the participating agencies, and 
    update once every 5 years a 5-year STEM education strategic plan, 
    which shall--
            (A) specify and prioritize annual and long-term objectives;
            (B) specify the common metrics that will be used to assess 
        progress toward achieving the objectives;
            (C) describe the approaches that will be taken by each 
        participating agency to assess the effectiveness of its STEM 
        education programs and activities; and
            (D) with respect to subparagraph (A), describe the role of 
        each agency in supporting programs and activities designed to 
        achieve the objectives; and
        (6) establish, periodically update, and maintain an inventory 
    of federally sponsored STEM education programs and activities, 
    including documentation of assessments of the effectiveness of such 
    programs and activities and rates of participation by women, 
    underrepresented minorities, and persons in rural areas in such 
    programs and activities.
    (b) Responsibilities of OSTP.--The Director shall encourage and 
monitor the efforts of the participating agencies to ensure that the 
strategic plan under subsection (b)(5) is developed and executed 
effectively and that the objectives of the strategic plan are met.
    (c) Report.--The Director shall transmit a report annually to 
Congress at the time of the President's budget request describing the 
plan required under subsection (b)(5). The annual report shall 
        (1) a description of the STEM education programs and activities 
    for the previous and current fiscal years, and the proposed 
    programs and activities under the President's budget request, of 
    each participating Federal agency;
        (2) the levels of funding for each participating Federal agency 
    for the programs and activities described under paragraph (1) for 
    the previous fiscal year and under the President's budget request;
        (3) an evaluation of the levels of duplication and 
    fragmentation of the programs and activities described under 
    paragraph (1);
        (4) except for the initial annual report, a description of the 
    progress made in carrying out the implementation plan, including a 
    description of the outcome of any program assessments completed in 
    the previous year, and any changes made to that plan since the 
    previous annual report; and
        (5) a description of how the participating Federal agencies 
    will disseminate information about federally supported resources 
    for STEM education practitioners, including teacher professional 
    development programs, to States and to STEM education 
    practitioners, including to teachers and administrators in schools 
    that meet the criteria described in subsection (c)(1)(A) and (B) of 
    section 3175 of the Department of Energy Science Education 
    Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381j(c)(1)(A) and (B)).


    (a) Interagency Committee.--The Director shall establish or 
designate a Committee on Technology under the National Science and 
Technology Council. The Committee shall be responsible for planning and 
coordinating Federal programs and activities in advanced manufacturing 
research and development.
    (b) Responsibilities of Committee.--The Committee shall--
        (1) coordinate the advanced manufacturing research and 
    development programs and activities of the Federal agencies;
        (2) establish goals and priorities for advanced manufacturing 
    research and development that will strengthen United States 
        (3) work with industry organizations, Federal agencies, and 
    Federally Funded Research and Development Centers not represented 
    on the Committee, to identify and reduce regulatory, logistical, 
    and fiscal barriers within the Federal government and State 
    governments that inhibit United States manufacturing;
        (4) facilitate the transfer of intellectual property and 
    technology based on federally supported university research into 
    commercialization and manufacturing;
        (5) identify technological, market, or business challenges that 
    may best be addressed by public-private partnerships, and are 
    likely to attract both participation and primary funding from 
        (6) encourage the formation of public-private partnerships to 
    respond to those challenges for transition to United States 
    manufacturing; and
        (7) develop, and update every 5 years, a strategic plan to 
    guide Federal programs and activities in support of advanced 
    manufacturing research and development, which shall--
            (A) specify and prioritize near-term and long-term research 
        and development objectives, the anticipated time frame for 
        achieving the objectives, and the metrics for use in assessing 
        progress toward the objectives;
            (B) specify the role of each Federal agency in carrying out 
        or sponsoring research and development to meet the objectives 
        of the strategic plan;
            (C) describe how the Federal agencies and Federally Funded 
        Research and Development Centers supporting advanced 
        manufacturing research and development will foster the transfer 
        of research and development results into new manufacturing 
        technologies and United States based manufacturing of new 
        products and processes for the benefit of society to ensure 
        national, energy, and economic security;
            (D) describe how Federal agencies and Federally Funded 
        Research and Development Centers supporting advanced 
        manufacturing research and development will strengthen all 
        levels of manufacturing education and training programs to 
        ensure an adequate, well-trained workforce;
            (E) describe how the Federal agencies and Federally Funded 
        Research and Development Centers supporting advanced 
        manufacturing research and development will assist small- and 
        medium-sized manufacturers in developing and implementing new 
        products and processes; and
            (F) take into consideration the recommendations of a wide 
        range of stakeholders, including representatives from diverse 
        manufacturing companies, academia, and other relevant 
        organizations and institutions.
    (c) Report.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Director shall transmit the strategic plan developed 
under subsection (b)(7) to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, 
and Transportation, and the House of Representatives Committee on 
Science and Technology, and shall transmit subsequent updates to those 
committees as appropriate.


    (a) Establishment.--The Director shall establish a working group 
under the National Science and Technology Council with the 
responsibility to coordinate Federal science agency research and 
policies related to the dissemination and long-term stewardship of the 
results of unclassified research, including digital data and peer-
reviewed scholarly publications, supported wholly, or in part, by 
funding from the Federal science agencies.
    (b) Responsibilities.--The working group shall--
        (1) identify the specific objectives and public interests that 
    need to be addressed by any policies coordinated under (a);
        (2) take into account inherent variability among Federal 
    science agencies and scientific disciplines in the nature of 
    research, types of data, and dissemination models;
        (3) coordinate the development or designation of standards for 
    research data, the structure of full text and metadata, navigation 
    tools, and other applications to maximize interoperability across 
    Federal science agencies, across science and engineering 
    disciplines, and between research data and scholarly publications, 
    taking into account existing consensus standards, including 
    international standards;
        (4) coordinate Federal science agency programs and activities 
    that support research and education on tools and systems required 
    to ensure preservation and stewardship of all forms of digital 
    research data, including scholarly publications;
        (5) work with international science and technology counterparts 
    to maximize interoperability between United States based 
    unclassified research databases and international databases and 
        (6) solicit input and recommendations from, and collaborate 
    with, non-Federal stakeholders, including the public, universities, 
    nonprofit and for-profit publishers, libraries, federally funded 
    and non federally funded research scientists, and other 
    organizations and institutions with a stake in long term 
    preservation and access to the results of federally funded 
        (7) establish priorities for coordinating the development of 
    any Federal science agency policies related to public access to the 
    results of federally funded research to maximize the benefits of 
    such policies with respect to their potential economic or other 
    impact on the science and engineering enterprise and the 
    stakeholders thereof;
        (8) take into consideration the distinction between scholarly 
    publications and digital data;
        (9) take into consideration the role that scientific publishers 
    play in the peer review process in ensuring the integrity of the 
    record of scientific research, including the investments and added 
    value that they make; and
        (10) examine Federal agency practices and procedures for 
    providing research reports to the agencies charged with locating 
    and preserving unclassified research.
    (c) Patent or Copyright Law.--Nothing in this section shall be 
construed to undermine any right under the provisions of title 17 or 
35, United States Code.
    (d) Application with Existing Law.--Nothing defined in section (b) 
shall be construed to affect existing law with respect to Federal 
science agencies' policies related to public access.
    (e) Report to Congress.--Not later than 1 year after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Director shall transmit a report to Congress 
        (1) the specific objectives and public interest identified 
    under (b)(1);
        (2) any priorities established under subsection (b)(7);
        (3) the impact the policies described under (a) have had on the 
    science and engineering enterprise and the stakeholders, including 
    the financial impact on research budgets;
        (4) the status of any Federal science agency policies related 
    to public access to the results of federally funded research; and
        (5) how any policies developed or being developed by Federal 
    science agencies, as described in subsection (a), incorporate input 
    from the non-Federal stakeholders described in subsection (b)(6).
    (f) Federal Science Agency Defined.--For the purposes of this 
section, the term ``Federal science agency'' means any Federal agency 
with an annual extramural research expenditure of over $100,000,000.


    (a) Management of Scientific Collections.--The Office of Science 
and Technology Policy shall develop policies for the management and use 
of Federal scientific collections to improve the quality, organization, 
access, including online access, and long-term preservation of such 
collections for the benefit of the scientific enterprise. In developing 
those policies the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall 
consult, as appropriate, with--
        (1) Federal agencies with such collections; and
        (2) representatives of other organizations, institutions, and 
    other entities not a part of the Federal Government that have a 
    stake in the preservation, maintenance, and accessibility of such 
    collections, including State and local government agencies, 
    institutions of higher education, museums, and other entities 
    engaged in the acquisition, holding, management, or use of 
    scientific collections.
    (b) Clearinghouse.--The Office of Science and Technology Policy, in 
consultation with relevant Federal agencies, shall ensure the 
development of an online clearinghouse for information on the contents 
of and access to Federal scientific collections.
    (c) Disposal of Collections.--The policies developed under 
subsection (a) shall--
        (1) require that, before disposing of a scientific collection, 
    a Federal agency shall--
            (A) conduct a review of the research value of the 
        collection; and
            (B) consult with researchers who have used the collection, 
        and other potentially interested parties, concerning--
                (i) the collection's value for research purposes; and
                (ii) possible additional educational uses for the 
            collection; and
        (2) include procedures for Federal agencies to transfer 
    scientific collections they no longer need to researchers at 
    institutions or other entities qualified to manage the collections.
    (d) Cost Projections.--The Office of Science and Technology Policy, 
in consultation with relevant Federal agencies, shall develop a common 
set of methodologies to be used by Federal agencies for the assessment 
and projection of costs associated with the management and preservation 
of their scientific collections.
    (e) Scientific Collection Defined.--In this section, the term 
``scientific collection'' means a set of physical specimens, living or 
inanimate, created for the purpose of supporting science and serving as 
a long-term research asset, rather than for their market value as 
collectibles or their historical, artistic, or cultural significance, 
and, as appropriate and feasible, the associated specimen data and 


    (a) In General.--The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 
1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the 


    ``(a) Definitions.--In this section:
        ``(1) Agency.--The term `agency' means a Federal agency.
        ``(2) Director.--The term `Director' means the Director of the 
    Office of Science and Technology Policy.
        ``(3) Federal agency.--The term `Federal agency' has the 
    meaning given under section 4, except that term shall not include 
    any agency of the legislative branch of the Federal Government.
        ``(4) Head of an agency.--The term `head of an agency' means 
    the head of a Federal agency.
    ``(b) In General.--Each head of an agency, or the heads of multiple 
agencies in cooperation, may carry out a program to award prizes 
competitively to stimulate innovation that has the potential to advance 
the mission of the respective agency.
    ``(c) Prizes.--For purposes of this section, a prize may be one or 
more of the following:
        ``(1) A point solution prize that rewards and spurs the 
    development of solutions for a particular, well-defined problem.
        ``(2) An exposition prize that helps identify and promote a 
    broad range of ideas and practices that may not otherwise attract 
    attention, facilitating further development of the idea or practice 
    by third parties.
        ``(3) Participation prizes that create value during and after 
    the competition by encouraging contestants to change their behavior 
    or develop new skills that may have beneficial effects during and 
    after the competition.
        ``(4) Such other types of prizes as each head of an agency 
    considers appropriate to stimulate innovation that has the 
    potential to advance the mission of the respective agency.
    ``(d) Topics.--In selecting topics for prize competitions, the head 
of an agency shall consult widely both within and outside the Federal 
Government, and may empanel advisory committees.
    ``(e) Advertising.--The head of an agency shall widely advertise 
each prize competition to encourage broad participation.
    ``(f) Requirements and Registration.--For each prize competition, 
the head of an agency shall publish a notice in the Federal Register 
        ``(1) the subject of the competition;
        ``(2) the rules for being eligible to participate in the 
        ``(3) the process for participants to register for the 
        ``(4) the amount of the prize; and
        ``(5) the basis on which a winner will be selected.
    ``(g) Eligibility.--To be eligible to win a prize under this 
section, an individual or entity--
        ``(1) shall have registered to participate in the competition 
    under any rules promulgated by the head of an agency under 
    subsection (f);
        ``(2) shall have complied with all the requirements under this 
        ``(3) in the case of a private entity, shall be incorporated in 
    and maintain a primary place of business in the United States, and 
    in the case of an individual, whether participating singly or in a 
    group, shall be a citizen or permanent resident of the United 
    States; and
        ``(4) may not be a Federal entity or Federal employee acting 
    within the scope of their employment.
    ``(h) Consultation With Federal Employees.--An individual or entity 
shall not be deemed ineligible under subsection (g) because the 
individual or entity used Federal facilities or consulted with Federal 
employees during a competition if the facilities and employees are made 
available to all individuals and entities participating in the 
competition on an equitable basis.
    ``(i) Liability.--
        ``(1) In general.--
            ``(A) Definition.--In this paragraph, the term `related 
        entity' means a contractor or subcontractor at any tier, and a 
        supplier, user, customer, cooperating party, grantee, 
        investigator, or detailee.
            ``(B) Liability.--Registered participants shall be required 
        to agree to assume any and all risks and waive claims against 
        the Federal Government and its related entities, except in the 
        case of willful misconduct, for any injury, death, damage, or 
        loss of property, revenue, or profits, whether direct, 
        indirect, or consequential, arising from their participation in 
        a competition, whether the injury, death, damage, or loss 
        arises through negligence or otherwise.
        ``(2) Insurance.--Participants shall be required to obtain 
    liability insurance or demonstrate financial responsibility, in 
    amounts determined by the head of an agency, for claims by--
            ``(A) a third party for death, bodily injury, or property 
        damage, or loss resulting from an activity carried out in 
        connection with participation in a competition, with the 
        Federal Government named as an additional insured under the 
        registered participant's insurance policy and registered 
        participants agreeing to indemnify the Federal Government 
        against third party claims for damages arising from or related 
        to competition activities; and
            ``(B) the Federal Government for damage or loss to 
        Government property resulting from such an activity.
        ``(3) Exception.--The head of an agency may not require a 
    participant to waive claims against the administering entity 
    arising out of the unauthorized use or disclosure by the agency of 
    the intellectual property, trade secrets, or confidential business 
    information of the participant.
    ``(j) Intellectual Property.--
        ``(1) Prohibition on the government acquiring intellectual 
    property rights.--The Federal Government may not gain an interest 
    in intellectual property developed by a participant in a 
    competition without the written consent of the participant.
        ``(2) Licenses.--The Federal Government may negotiate a license 
    for the use of intellectual property developed by a participant for 
    a competition.
    ``(k) Judges.--
        ``(1) In general.--For each competition, the head of an agency, 
    either directly or through an agreement under subsection (l), shall 
    appoint one or more qualified judges to select the winner or 
    winners of the prize competition on the basis described under 
    subsection (f). Judges for each competition may include individuals 
    from outside the agency, including from the private sector.
        ``(2) Restrictions.--A judge may not--
            ``(A) have personal or financial interests in, or be an 
        employee, officer, director, or agent of any entity that is a 
        registered participant in a competition; or
            ``(B) have a familial or financial relationship with an 
        individual who is a registered participant.
        ``(3) Guidelines.--The heads of agencies who carry out 
    competitions under this section shall develop guidelines to ensure 
    that the judges appointed for such competitions are fairly balanced 
    and operate in a transparent manner.
        ``(4) Exemption from faca.--The Federal Advisory Committee Act 
    (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to any committee, board, 
    commission, panel, task force, or similar entity, created solely 
    for the purpose of judging prize competitions under this section.
    ``(l) Administering the Competition.--The head of an agency may 
enter into an agreement with a private, nonprofit entity to administer 
a prize competition, subject to the provisions of this section.
    ``(m) Funding.--
        ``(1) In general.--Support for a prize competition under this 
    section, including financial support for the design and 
    administration of a prize or funds for a monetary prize purse, may 
    consist of Federal appropriated funds and funds provided by the 
    private sector for such cash prizes. The head of an agency may 
    accept funds from other Federal agencies to support such 
    competitions. The head of an agency may not give any special 
    consideration to any private sector entity in return for a 
        ``(2) Availability of funds.--Notwithstanding any other 
    provision of law, funds appropriated for prize awards under this 
    section shall remain available until expended. No provision in this 
    section permits obligation or payment of funds in violation of 
    section 1341 of title 31, United States Code.
        ``(3) Amount of prize.--
            ``(A) Announcement.--No prize may be announced under 
        subsection (f) until all the funds needed to pay out the 
        announced amount of the prize have been appropriated or 
        committed in writing by a private source.
            ``(B) Increase in amount.--The head of an agency may 
        increase the amount of a prize after an initial announcement is 
        made under subsection (f) only if--
                ``(i) notice of the increase is provided in the same 
            manner as the initial notice of the prize; and
                ``(ii) the funds needed to pay out the announced amount 
            of the increase have been appropriated or committed in 
            writing by a private source.
        ``(4) Limitation on amount.--
            ``(A) Notice to congress.--No prize competition under this 
        section may offer a prize in an amount greater than $50,000,000 
        unless 30 days have elapsed after written notice has been 
        transmitted to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
        Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Science and 
        Technology of the House of Representatives.
            ``(B) Approval of head of agency.--No prize competition 
        under this section may result in the award of more than 
        $1,000,000 in cash prizes without the approval of the head of 
        an agency.
    ``(n) General Service Administration Assistance.--Not later than 
180 days after the date of the enactment of the America COMPETES 
Reauthorization Act of 2010, the General Services Administration shall 
provide government wide services to share best practices and assist 
agencies in developing guidelines for issuing prize competitions. The 
General Services Administration shall develop a contract vehicle to 
provide agencies access to relevant products and services, including 
technical assistance in structuring and conducting prize competitions 
to take maximum benefit of the marketplace as they identify and pursue 
prize competitions to further the policy objectives of the Federal 
    ``(o) Compliance With Existing Law.--
        ``(1) In General.--The Federal Government shall not, by virtue 
    of offering or providing a prize under this section, be responsible 
    for compliance by registered participants in a prize competition 
    with Federal law, including licensing, export control, and 
    nonproliferation laws, and related regulations.
        ``(2) Other prize authority.--Nothing in this section affects 
    the prize authority authorized by any other provision of law.
    ``(p) Annual Report.--
        ``(1) In general.--Not later than March 1 of each year, the 
    Director shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
    Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Science and 
    Technology of the House of Representatives a report on the 
    activities carried out during the preceding fiscal year under the 
    authority in subsection (b).
        ``(2) Information included.--The report for a fiscal year under 
    this subsection shall include, for each prize competition under 
    subsection (b), the following:
            ``(A) Proposed goals.--A description of the proposed goals 
        of each prize competition.
            ``(B) Preferable method.--An analysis of why the 
        utilization of the authority in subsection (b) was the 
        preferable method of achieving the goals described in 
        subparagraph (A) as opposed to other authorities available to 
        the agency, such as contracts, grants, and cooperative 
            ``(C) Amount of cash prizes.--The total amount of cash 
        prizes awarded for each prize competition, including a 
        description of amount of private funds contributed to the 
        program, the sources of such funds, and the manner in which the 
        amounts of cash prizes awarded and claimed were allocated among 
        the accounts of the agency for recording as obligations and 
            ``(D) Solicitations and evaluation of submissions.--The 
        methods used for the solicitation and evaluation of submissions 
        under each prize competition, together with an assessment of 
        the effectiveness of such methods and lessons learned for 
        future prize competitions.
            ``(E) Resources.--A description of the resources, including 
        personnel and funding, used in the execution of each prize 
        competition together with a detailed description of the 
        activities for which such resources were used and an accounting 
        of how funding for execution was allocated among the accounts 
        of the agency for recording as obligations and expenditures.
            ``(F) Results.--A description of how each prize competition 
        advanced the mission of the agency concerned.''.
    (b) Repeal of Space Act Limitation.--Section 314(a) of the National 
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (42 U.S.C. 2459f-1 is amended by 
striking ``The Administration may carry out a program to award prizes 
only in conformity with this section.''.



    It is the sense of Congress that a renewed emphasis on technology 
development would enhance current mission capabilities and enable 
future missions, while encouraging NASA, private industry, and academia 
to spur innovation. NASA's Innovative Partnership Program is a valuable 
mechanism to accelerate technology maturation and encourage the 
transfer of technology into the private sector.


    (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that NASA is 
uniquely positioned to interest students in science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics, not only by the example it sets, but 
through its education programs.
    (b) Educational Program Goals.--NASA shall develop and maintain 
educational programs--
        (1) to carry out and support research based programs and 
    activities designed to increase student interest and participation 
    in STEM, including students from minority and underrepresented 
        (2) to improve public literacy in STEM;
        (3) that employ proven strategies and methods for improving 
    student learning and teaching in STEM;
        (4) to provide curriculum support materials and other resources 
            (A) are designed to be integrated with comprehensive STEM 
            (B) are aligned with national science education standards;
            (C) promote the adoption and implementation of high-quality 
        education practices that build toward college and career-
        readiness; and
        (5) to create and support opportunities for enhanced and 
    ongoing professional development for teachers using best practices 
    that improve the STEM content and knowledge of the teachers, 
    including through programs linking STEM teachers with STEM 
    educators at the higher education level.

              GROUPS AT NASA.

    (a) Assessment.--The Administrator shall enter into an arrangement 
for an independent assessment of any impediments to space science and 
engineering workforce development for minority and underrepresented 
groups at NASA, including recommendations on--
        (1) measures to address such impediments;
        (2) opportunities for augmenting the impact of space science 
    and engineering workforce development activities and for expanding 
    proven, effective programs; and
        (3) best practices and lessons learned, as identified through 
    the assessment, to help maximize the effectiveness of existing and 
    future programs to increase the participation of minority and 
    underrepresented groups in the space science and engineering 
    workforce at NASA.
    (b) Report.--A report on the assessment carried out under 
subsection (a) shall be transmitted to the House of Representatives 
Committee on Science and Technology and the Senate Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation not later than 15 months after 
the date of enactment of this Act.
    (c) Implementation.--To the extent practicable, the Administrator 
shall take all necessary steps to address any impediments identified in 
the assessment.


    (a) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of the Congress that the 
International Space Station represents a valuable and unique national 
asset which can be utilized to increase educational opportunities and 
scientific and technological innovation which will enhance the Nation's 
economic security and competitiveness in the global technology fields 
of endeavor. If the period for active utilization of the International 
Space Station is extended to at least the year 2020, the potential for 
such opportunities and innovation would be increased. Efforts should be 
made to fully realize that potential.
    (b) Evaluation and Assessment of NASA's Interagency Contribution.--
Pursuant to the authority provided in title II of the America COMPETES 
Act (Public Law 110-69), the Administrator shall evaluate and, where 
possible, expand efforts to maximize NASA's contribution to interagency 
efforts to enhance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 
education capabilities, and to enhance the Nation's technological 
excellence and global competitiveness. The Administrator shall identify 
these enhancements in the annual reports required by section 2001(e) of 
that Act (42 U.S.C. 16611a(e)).
    (c) Report to the Congress.--Within 120 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall provide to the House of 
Representatives Committee on Science and Technology and the Senate 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation a report on the 
assessment made pursuant to subsection (a). The report shall include--
        (1) a description of current and potential activities 
    associated with utilization of the International Space Station 
    which are supportive of the goals of educational excellence and 
    innovation and competitive enhancement established or reaffirmed by 
    this Act, including a summary of the goals supported, the number of 
    individuals or organizations participating in or benefiting from 
    such activities, and a summary of how such activities might be 
    expanded or improved upon;
        (2) a description of government and private partnerships which 
    are, or may be, established to effectively utilize the capabilities 
    represented by the International Space Station to enhance United 
    States competitiveness, innovation and science, technology, 
    engineering, and mathematics education; and
        (3) a summary of proposed actions or activities to be 
    undertaken to ensure the maximum utilization of the International 
    Space Station to contribute to fulfillment of the goals and 
    objectives of this Act, and the identification of any additional 
    authority, assets, or funding that would be required to support 
    such activities.


    (a) In General.--Section 1003 of the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration Authorization Act of 2010 (42 U.S.C. 18421) is amended 
to read as follows:


    ``A fundamental and unique capability of NASA is in stimulating 
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in the 
United States. In ensuring maximum use of that capability, the 
Administrator shall carry out a study to--
        ``(1) identify the benefits of and lessons learned from ongoing 
    and previous NASA orbital student programs including, at a minimum, 
    the Get Away Special (GAS) and Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle 
    School Students (EarthKAM) programs, on science, technology, 
    engineering, and mathematics education;
        ``(2) assess the potential impacts on science, technology, 
    engineering, and mathematics education of a program that would 
    facilitate the development of scientific and educational payloads 
    involving United States students and educators and the flights of 
    those payloads on commercially available orbital platforms, when 
    available and operational, with the goal of providing frequent and 
    regular payload launches;
        ``(3) identify NASA expertise, such as NASA science, 
    engineering, payload development, and payload operations, that 
    could be made available to facilitate a science, technology, 
    engineering, and mathematics program using commercial orbital 
    platforms; and
        ``(4) identify the issues that would need to be addressed 
    before NASA could properly assess the merits and feasibility of the 
    program described in paragraph (2).''.
    (c) Effective Date.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall 
take effect on October 12, 2010.


    In this title:
        (1) Administrator.--The term ``Administrator'' means the 
    Administrator of NASA.
        (2) NASA.--The term ``NASA'' means the National Aeronautics and 
    Space Administration.



    Section 4001 of the America COMPETES Act (33 U.S.C. 893) is 
        (1) by inserting ``(a) In General.--'' before ``The 
    Administrator''; and
        (2) by adding at the end the following:
    ``(b) Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and Development Program.--
The Administrator shall implement programs and activities--
        ``(1) to identify emerging and innovative research and 
    development priorities to enhance United States competitiveness, 
    support development of new economic opportunities based on NOAA 
    research, observations, monitoring modeling, and predictions that 
    sustain ecosystem services;
        ``(2) to promote United States leadership in oceanic and 
    atmospheric science and competitiveness in the applied uses of such 
    knowledge, including for the development and expansion of economic 
    opportunities; and
        ``(3) to advance ocean, coastal, Great Lakes, and atmospheric 
    research and development, including potentially transformational 
    research, in collaboration with other relevant Federal agencies, 
    academic institutions, the private sector, and nongovernmental 
    programs, consistent with NOAA's mission to understand, observe, 
    and model the Earth's atmosphere and biosphere, including the 
    oceans, in an integrated manner.
    ``(c) Report.--No later than 12 months after the date of enactment 
of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, the Administrator, 
in consultation with the National Science Foundation or other such 
agencies with mature transformational research portfolios, shall 
develop and submit a report to the Senate Committee on Commerce, 
Science, and Transportation and the House of Representatives Committee 
on Science and Technology that describes NOAA's strategy for enhancing 
transformational research in its research and development portfolio to 
increase United States competitiveness in oceanic and atmospheric 
science and technology. The report shall--
        ``(1) define `transformational research';
        ``(2) identify emerging and innovative areas of research and 
    development where transformational research has the potential to 
    make significant and revolutionary -advancements in both 
    understanding and U.S. science leadership;
        ``(3) describe how transformational research priorities are 
    identified and appropriately -balanced in the context of NOAA's 
    broader research portfolio;
        ``(4) describe NOAA's plan for developing a competitive peer 
    review and priority-setting -process, funding mechanisms, 
    performance and evaluation measures, and transition-to-operation 
    guidelines for transformational research; and
        ``(5) describe partnerships with other agencies involved in 
    transformational research.''.


    Section 4002 of the America COMPETES Act (33 U.S.C. 893a) is 
        (1) by striking ``the agency.'' in subsection (a) and inserting 
    ``agency, with consideration given to the goal of promoting the 
    participation of individuals from underrepresented groups in STEM 
    fields and in promoting the acquisition and retention of highly 
    qualified and motivated young scientists to complement and 
    supplement workforce needs.'';
        (2) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) as subsections (c) 
    and (d), respectively;
        (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the following:
    ``(b) Educational Program Goals.--The education programs developed 
by NOAA shall, to the extent applicable--
        ``(1) carry out and support research based programs and 
    activities designed to increase student interest and participation 
    in STEM;
        ``(2) improve public literacy in STEM;
        ``(3) employ proven strategies and methods for improving 
    student learning and teaching in STEM;
        ``(4) provide curriculum support materials and other resources 
            ``(A) are designed to be integrated with comprehensive STEM 
            ``(B) are aligned with national science education 
        standards; and
            ``(C) promote the adoption and implementation of high-
        quality education practices that build toward college and 
        career-readiness; and
        ``(5) create and support opportunities for enhanced and ongoing 
    professional development for teachers using best practices that 
    improves the STEM content and knowledge of the teachers, including 
    through programs linking STEM teachers with STEM educators at the 
    higher education level.'';
        (4) by striking ``develop'' in subsection (c), as redesignated, 
    and inserting ``maintain''; and
        (5) by adding at the end thereof the following:
    ``(e) STEM Defined.--In this section, the term `STEM' means the 
academic and professional disciplines of science, technology, 
engineering, and mathematics.''.


    (a) In General.--The Secretary of Commerce, in cooperation with the 
Secretary of Education, shall request the National Academy of Sciences 
to conduct a study on the scientific workforce in the areas of oceanic 
and atmospheric research and development. The study shall investigate--
        (1) whether there is a shortage in the number of individuals 
    with advanced degrees in oceanic and atmospheric sciences who have 
    the ability to conduct high quality scientific research in physical 
    and chemical oceanography, meteorology, and atmospheric modeling, 
    and related fields, for government, nonprofit, and private sector 
        (2) what Federal programs are available to help facilitate the 
    education of students hoping to pursue these degrees;
        (3) barriers to transitioning highly qualified oceanic and 
    atmospheric scientists into Federal civil service scientist career 
        (4) what institutions of higher education, the private sector, 
    and the Congress could do to increase the number of individuals 
    with such post baccalaureate degrees;
        (5) the impact of an aging Federal scientist workforce on the 
    ability of Federal agencies to conduct high quality scientific 
    research; and
        (6) what actions the Federal government can take to assist the 
    transition of highly qualified scientists into Federal career 
    scientist positions and ensure that the experiences of retiring 
    Federal scientists are adequately documented and transferred prior 
    to retirement from Federal service.
    (b) Coordination.--The Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of 
Education shall consult with the heads of other Federal agencies and 
departments with oceanic and atmospheric expertise or authority in 
preparing the specifications for the study.
    (c) Report.--No later than 18 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Education 
shall transmit a joint report to each committee of Congress with 
jurisdiction over the programs described in 4002(b) of the America 
COMPETES Act (33 U.S.C. 893a(b)), as amended by section 302 of this 
Act, detailing the findings and recommendations of the study and 
setting forth a prioritized plan to implement the recommendations.
    (d) Program and Plan.--The Administrator of the National Oceanic 
and Atmospheric Administration shall evaluate the National Academy of 
Sciences study and develop a workforce program and plan to 
institutionalize the Administration's Federal science career pathways 
and address aging workforce issues. The program and plan shall be 
developed in consultation with the Administration's cooperative 
institutes and other academic partners to identify and implement 
programs and mechanisms to ensure that--
        (1) sufficient highly qualified scientists are able to 
    transition into Federal career scientist positions in the 
    Administration's laboratories and programs; and
        (2) the technical and management experiences of senior 
    employees are documented and transferred before leaving Federal 



    This title may be cited as the ``National Institute of Standards 
and Technology Authorization Act of 2010''.


    (a) Fiscal Year 2011.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Secretary of Commerce $918,900,000 for the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology for fiscal year 2011.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $584,500,000 shall be authorized for scientific and 
        technical research and services laboratory activities;
            (B) $124,800,000 shall be authorized for the construction 
        and maintenance of facilities; and
            (C) $209,600,000 shall be authorized for industrial 
        technology services activities, of which--
                (i) $141,100,000 shall be authorized for the 
            Manufacturing Extension Partnership program under sections 
            25 and 26 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k and 278l), of which 
            not more than $5,000,000 shall be for the competitive grant 
            program under section 25(f) of such Act; and
                (ii) $10,000,000 shall be authorized for the Malcolm 
            Baldrige National Quality Award program under section 17 of 
            the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 
            U.S.C. 3711a).
    (b) Fiscal Year 2012.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Secretary of Commerce $970,800,000 for the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology for fiscal year 2012.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $661,100,000 shall be authorized for scientific and 
        technical research and services laboratory activities;
            (B) $84,900,000 shall be authorized for the construction 
        and maintenance of facilities; and
            (C) $224,800,000 shall be authorized for industrial 
        technology services activities, of which--
                (i) $155,100,000 shall be authorized for the 
            Manufacturing Extension Partnership program under sections 
            25 and 26 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k and 278l), of which 
            not more than $5,000,000 shall be for the competitive grant 
            program under section 25(f) of such Act; and
                (ii) $10,300,000 shall be authorized for the Malcolm 
            Baldrige National Quality Award program under section 17 of 
            the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 
            U.S.C. 3711a).
    (c) Fiscal Year 2013.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Secretary of Commerce $1,039,709,000 for the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology for fiscal year 2013.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $676,700,000 shall be authorized for scientific and 
        technical research and services laboratory activities;
            (B) $121,300,000 shall be authorized for the construction 
        and maintenance of facilities; and
            (C) $241,709,000 shall be authorized for industrial 
        technology services activities, of which--
                (i) $165,100,000 shall be authorized for the 
            Manufacturing Extension Partnership program under sections 
            25 and 26 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k and 278l), of which 
            not more than $5,000,000 shall be for the competitive grant 
            program under section 25(f) of such Act; and
                (ii) $10,609,000 shall be authorized for the Malcolm 
            Baldrige National Quality Award program under section 17 of 
            the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 
            U.S.C. 3711a).


    (a) Establishment.--The National Institute of Standards and 
Technology Act is amended by inserting after section 3 the following:


    ``(a) Establishment.--There shall be in the Department of Commerce 
an Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology (in this 
section referred to as the `Under Secretary').
    ``(b) Appointment.--The Under Secretary shall be appointed by the 
President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
    ``(c) Compensation.--The Under Secretary shall be compensated at 
the rate in effect for level III of the Executive Schedule under 
section 5314 of title 5, United States Code.
    ``(d) Duties.--The Under Secretary shall serve as the Director of 
the Institute and shall perform such duties as required of the Director 
by the Secretary under this Act or by law.
    ``(e) Applicability.--The individual serving as the Director of the 
Institute on the date of enactment of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology Authorization Act of 2010 shall also serve as 
the Under Secretary until such time as a successor is appointed under 
subsection (b).''.
    (b) Conforming Amendments.--
        (1) Title 5, united states code.--
            (A) Level iii.--Section 5314 of title 5, United States 
        Code, is amended by inserting before the item ``Associate 
        Attorney General'' the following:
        ``Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology, who 
    also serves as Director of the National Institute of Standards and 
            (B) Level iv.--Section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, 
        is amended by striking ``Director, National Institute of 
        Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce.''.
        (2) National institute of standards and technology act.--
    Section 5 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act 
    (15 U.S.C. 274) is amended by striking the first, fifth, and sixth 


    (a) Community College Support.--Section 25(a) of the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(a)) is 
        (1) by striking ``and'' after the semicolon in paragraph (4);
        (2) by striking ``Institute.'' in paragraph (5) and inserting 
    ``Institute; and''; and
        (3) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(6) providing to community colleges information about the job 
    skills needed in small- and medium-sized manufacturing businesses 
    in the regions they serve.''.
    (b) Innovative Services Initiative.--Section 25 of such Act (15 
U.S.C. 278k) is amended by adding at the end the following:
    ``(g) Innovative Services Initiative.--
        ``(1) Establishment.--The Director shall establish, within the 
    Centers program under this section, an innovative services 
    initiative to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturers in--
            ``(A) reducing their energy usage, greenhouse gas 
        emissions, and environmental waste to improve profitability;
            ``(B) accelerating the domestic commercialization of new 
        product technologies, including components for renewable energy 
        and energy efficiency systems; and
            ``(C) identification of and diversification to new markets, 
        including support for transitioning to the production of 
        components for renewable energy and energy efficiency systems.
        ``(2) Market demand.--The Director may not undertake any 
    activity to accelerate the domestic commercialization of a new 
    product technology under this subsection unless an analysis of 
    market demand for the new product technology has been conducted.''.
    (c) Reports.--Section 25 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k), as amended 
by subsection (b), is further amended by adding at the end the 
    ``(h) Reports.--
        ``(1) In general.--In submitting the 3-year programmatic 
    planning document and annual updates under section 23, the Director 
    shall include an assessment of the Director's governance of the 
    program established under this section.
        ``(2) Criteria.--In conducting the assessment, the Director 
    shall use the criteria established pursuant to the Malcolm Baldrige 
    National Quality Award under section 17(d)(1)(C) of the Stevenson-
    Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
    (d) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program Cost-
Sharing.--Section 25(c) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(c)) is amended by 
adding at the end the following:
        ``(7) Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of the 
    National Institute of Standards and Technology Authorization Act of 
    2010, the Comptroller General shall submit to Congress a report on 
    the cost share requirements under the program. The report shall--
            ``(A) discuss various cost share structures, including the 
        cost share structure in place prior to such date of enactment, 
        and the effect of such cost share structures on individual 
        Centers and the overall program; and
            ``(B) include recommendations for how best to structure the 
        cost share requirement to provide for the long-term 
        sustainability of the program.''.
        ``(8) If consistent with the recommendations in the report 
    transmitted to Congress under paragraph (7), the Secretary shall 
    alter the cost structure requirements specified under paragraph 
    (3)(B) and (5) provided that the modification does not increase the 
    cost share structure in place before the date of enactment of the 
    America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, or allow the 
    Secretary to provide a Center more than 50 percent of the costs 
    incurred by that Center.''.
    (e) Advisory Board.--Section 25(e)(4) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 
278k(e)(4)) is amended to read as follows:
        ``(4) Federal advisory committee act applicability.--
            ``(A) In general.--In discharging its duties under this 
        subsection, the MEP Advisory Board shall function solely in an 
        advisory capacity, in accordance with the Federal Advisory 
        Committee Act.
            ``(B) Exception.--Section 14 of the Federal Advisory 
        Committee Act shall not apply to the MEP Advisory Board.'.
    (f) Designation of Program.--
        (1) In general.--Section 25 of the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k), as amended by 
    subsection (c), is further amended by adding at the end the 
    ``(i) Designation.--
        ``(1) Hollings manufacturing extension partnership.--The 
    program under this section shall be known as the `Hollings 
    Manufacturing Extension Partnership'.
        ``(2) Hollings manufacturing extension centers.--The Regional 
    Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology created and 
    supported under subsection (a) shall be known as the `Hollings 
    Manufacturing Extension Centers' (in this Act referred to as the 
        (2) Conforming amendment to consolidated appropriations act, 
    2005.--Division B of title II of the Consolidated Appropriations 
    Act, 2005 (Public Law 108-447; 118 Stat. 2879; 15 U.S.C. 278k note) 
    is amended under the heading ``industrial technology services'' by 
    striking ``2007: Provided further, That'' and all that follows 
    through ``Extension Centers.'' and inserting ``2007.''.
        (3) Technical amendments.--
            (A) Section 25(a) of the National Institute of Standards 
        and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(a)) is amended in the matter 
        preceding paragraph (1) by striking ``Regional Centers for the 
        Transfer of Manufacturing Technology'' and inserting ``regional 
        centers for the transfer of manufacturing technology''.
            (B) Section 25 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k), as amended by 
        subsection (f), is further amended by adding at the end the 
    ``(j) Community College Defined.--In this section, the term 
`community college' means an institution of higher education (as 
defined under section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
U.S.C. 1001(a))) at which the highest degree that is predominately 
awarded to students is an associate's degree.''.
    (h) Evaluation of Obstacles Unique to Small Manufacturers.--Section 
25 of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278k), as amended by subsection (g), is 
further amended by adding at the end the following:
    ``(k) Evaluation of Obstacles Unique to Small Manufacturers.--The 
Director shall--
        ``(1) evaluate obstacles that are unique to small manufacturers 
    that prevent such manufacturers from effectively competing in the 
    global market;
        ``(2) implement a comprehensive plan to train the Centers to 
    address such obstacles; and
        ``(3) facilitate improved communication between the Centers to 
    assist such manufacturers in implementing appropriate, targeted 
    solutions to such obstacles.''.
    (i) NIST Act Amendment.--Section 25(f)(3) of the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(f)(3)) is amended by 
striking ``Director of the Centers program,'' and inserting ``Director 
of the Hollings MEP program,''.


    (a) Establishment.--The Director shall establish a research 
initiative to support the development of emergency communication and 
tracking technologies for use in locating trapped individuals in 
confined spaces, such as underground mines, and other shielded 
environments, such as high-rise buildings or collapsed structures, 
where conventional radio communication is limited.
    (b) Activities.--In order to carry out this section, the Director 
shall work with the private sector and appropriate Federal agencies 
        (1) perform a needs assessment to identify and evaluate the 
    measurement, technical standards, and conformity assessment needs 
    required to improve the operation and reliability of such emergency 
    communication and tracking technologies;
        (2) support the development of technical standards and 
    conformance architecture to improve the operation and reliability 
    of such emergency communication and tracking technologies; and
        (3) incorporate and build upon existing reports and studies on 
    improving emergency communications.
    (c) Report.--Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment 
of this Act, the Director shall submit to Congress and make publicly 
available a report describing the assessment performed under subsection 
(b)(1) and making recommendations about research priorities to address 
gaps in the measurement, technical standards, and conformity assessment 
needs identified by the assessment.


    (a) Research Fellowships.--Section 18 of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278g-1) is amended by adding at 
the end the following:
    ``(c) Underrepresented Minorities.--In evaluating applications for 
fellowships under this section, the Director shall give consideration 
to the goal of promoting the participation of underrepresented 
minorities in research areas supported by the Institute.''.
    (b) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.--Section 19 of such Act (15 
U.S.C. 278g-2) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``In 
evaluating applications for fellowships under this section, the 
Director shall give consideration to the goal of promoting the 
participation of underrepresented minorities in research areas 
supported by the Institute.''.
    (c) Teacher Development.--Section 19A(c) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 
278g-2a(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``The 
Director shall give special consideration to an application from a 
teacher from a high-need school, as defined in section 200 of the 
Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1021).''.


    (a) Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program.--Section 19 of the National 
Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278g-2) is amended 
by striking ``, in conjunction with the National Academy of 
    (b) Research Fellowships.--Section 18(a) of that Act (15 USC 278g-
1(a)) is amended by striking ``up to 1.5 percent of the''.
    (c) Commerce, Science, and Technology Fellowship Program.--Section 
5163(d) of the Omnibus Trade and Competition Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 
1533) is repealed.


    The Director shall carry out a green manufacturing and construction 
        (1) to develop accurate sustainability metrics and practices 
    for use in manufacturing;
        (2) to advance the development of standards, including high 
    performance green building standards, and the creation of an 
    information infrastructure to communicate sustainability 
    information about suppliers; and
        (3) to move buildings toward becoming high performance green 
    buildings, including improving energy performance, service life, 
    and indoor air quality of new and retrofitted buildings through 
    validated measurement data.


    In this title:
        (1) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of the 
    National Institute of Standards and Technology.
        (2) Federal agency.--The term ``Federal agency'' has the 
    meaning given such term in section 4 of the Stevenson-Wydler 
    Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3703).
        (3) High performance green building.--The term ``high 
    performance green building'' has the meaning given that term by 
    section 401(13) of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2009 
    (42 U.S.C. 17061(13)).



    This subtitle may be cited as the ``National Science Foundation 
Authorization Act of 2010''.


    In this subtitle:
        (1) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of the 
    National Science Foundation.
        (2) EPSCoR.--The term ``EPSCoR'' means the Experimental Program 
    to Stimulate Competitive Research.
        (3) Foundation.--The term ``Foundation'' means the National 
    Science Foundation established under section 2 of the National 
    Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1861).
        (4) Institution of higher education.--The term ``institution of 
    higher education'' has the meaning given such term in section 
    101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a)).
        (5) State.--The term ``State'' means one of the several States, 
    the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the 
    Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the 
    Northern Mariana Islands, or any other territory or possession of 
    the United States.
        (6) United States.--The term ``United States'' means the 
    several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of 
    Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the 
    Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other 
    territory or possession of the United States.


    (a) Fiscal Year 2011.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Foundation $7,424,400,000 for fiscal year 2011.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $5,974,782,000 shall be made available to carry 
        research and related activities;
            (B) $937,850,000 shall be made available for education and 
        human resources;
            (C) $164,744,000 shall be made available for major research 
        equipment and facilities construction;
            (D) $327,503,000 shall be made available for agency 
        operations and award management;
            (E) $4,803,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        the National Science Board; and
            (F) $14,718,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        Inspector General.
    (b) Fiscal Year 2012.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Foundation $7,800,000,000 for fiscal year 2012.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $6,234,281,000 shall be made available to carry 
        research and related activities;
            (B) $978,959,000 shall be made available for education and 
        human resources;
            (C) $225,544,000 shall be made available for major research 
        equipment and facilities construction;
            (D) $341,676,000 shall be made available for agency 
        operations and award management;
            (E) $4,808,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        the National Science Board; and
            (F) $14,732,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        Inspector General.
    (c) Fiscal Year 2013.--
        (1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the 
    Foundation $8,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2013.
        (2) Specific allocations.--Of the amount authorized by 
    paragraph (1)--
            (A) $6,637,849,000 shall be made available to carry 
        research and related activities;
            (B) $1,041,762,000 shall be made available for education 
        and human resources;
            (C) $236,764,000 shall be made available for major research 
        equipment and facilities construction;
            (D) $363,670,000 shall be made available for agency 
        operations and award management;
            (E) $4,906,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        the National Science Board; and
            (F) $15,049,000 shall be made available for the Office of 
        Inspector General.


    (a) Staffing at the National Science Board.--Section 4(g) of the 
National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1863(g)) is amended 
by striking ``not more than 5''.
    (b) National Science Board Reports.--Section 4(j)(2) of the 
National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1863(j)(2)) is 
amended by inserting ``within the authority of the Foundation (or 
otherwise as requested by the Congress or the President)'' after 
``individual policy matters''.
    (c) Board Adherence to Sunshine Act.--Section 15(a)(2) of the 
National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. 1862n-
5(a)(2)) is amended--
        (1) by striking ``The Board'' and inserting ``To ensure 
    transparency of the Board's entire decision-making process, 
    including deliberations on Board business occurring within its 
    various subdivisions, the Board''; and
        (2) by adding at the end the following: ``The preceding 
    requirement will apply to meetings of the full Board, whenever a 
    quorum is present; and to meetings of its subdivisions, whenever a 
    quorum of the subdivision is present.''.


    (a) Establishment.--There is established within the Foundation a 
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics that shall serve 
as a central Federal clearinghouse for the collection, interpretation, 
analysis, and dissemination of objective data on science, engineering, 
technology, and research and development.
    (b) Duties.--In carrying out subsection (a) of this section, the 
Director, acting through the Center shall--
        (1) collect, acquire, analyze, report, and disseminate 
    statistical data related to the science and engineering enterprise 
    in the United States and other nations that is relevant and useful 
    to practitioners, researchers, policymakers, and the public, 
    including statistical data on--
            (A) research and development trends;
            (B) the science and engineering workforce;
            (C) United States competitiveness in science, engineering, 
        technology, and research and development; and
            (D) the condition and progress of United States STEM 
        (2) support research using the data it collects, and on 
    methodologies in areas related to the work of the Center; and
        (3) support the education and training of researchers in the 
    use of large-scale, nationally representative data sets.
    (c) Statistical Reports.--The Director or the National Science 
Board, acting through the Center, shall issue regular, and as 
necessary, special statistical reports on topics related to the 
national and international science and engineering enterprise such as 
the biennial report required by section 4(j)(1) of the National Science 
Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1863(j)(1)) on indicators of the 
state of science and engineering in the United States.


    (a) Manufacturing Research.--The Director shall carry out a program 
to award merit-reviewed, competitive grants to institutions of higher 
education to support fundamental research leading to transformative 
advances in manufacturing technologies, processes, and enterprises that 
will support United States manufacturing through improved performance, 
productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness. Research areas may 
        (1) nanomanufacturing;
        (2) manufacturing and construction machines and equipment, 
    including robotics, automation, and other intelligent systems;
        (3) manufacturing enterprise systems;
        (4) advanced sensing and control techniques;
        (5) materials processing; and
        (6) information technologies for manufacturing, including 
    predictive and real-time models and simulations, and virtual 
    (b) Manufacturing Education.--In order to help ensure a well-
trained manufacturing workforce, the Director shall award grants to 
strengthen and expand scientific and technical education and training 
in advanced manufacturing, including through the Foundation's Advanced 
Technological Education program.


    (a) Mid-scale Research Instrumentation Needs.--The National Science 
Board shall evaluate the needs, across all disciplines supported by the 
Foundation, for mid-scale research instrumentation that falls between 
the instruments funded by the Major Research Instrumentation program 
and the very large projects funded by the Major Research Equipment and 
Facilities Construction program.
    (b) Report on Mid-scale Research Instrumentation Program.--Not 
later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the National 
Science Board shall submit to Congress a report on mid-scale research 
instrumentation at the Foundation. At a minimum, this report shall 
        (1) the findings from the Board's evaluation of instrumentation 
    needs required under subsection (a), including a description of 
    differences across disciplines and Foundation research 
        (2) a recommendation or recommendations regarding how the 
    Foundation should set priorities for mid-scale instrumentation 
    across disciplines and Foundation research directorates;
        (3) a recommendation or recommendations regarding the 
    appropriateness of expanding existing programs, including the Major 
    Research Instrumentation program or the Major Research Equipment 
    and Facilities Construction program, to support more 
    instrumentation at the mid-scale;
        (4) a recommendation or recommendations regarding the need for 
    and appropriateness of a new, Foundation-wide program or initiative 
    in support of mid-scale instrumentation, including any 
    recommendations regarding the administration of and budget for such 
    a program or initiative and the appropriate scope of instruments to 
    be funded under such a program or initiative; and
        (5) any recommendation or recommendations regarding other 
    options for supporting mid-scale research instrumentation at the 


    (a) In General.--The Director shall carry out a program to award 
merit-reviewed, competitive grants to institutions of higher education 
to establish and to expand partnerships that promote innovation and 
increase the impact of research by developing tools and resources to 
connect new scientific discoveries to practical uses.
    (b) Partnerships.--
        (1) In general.--To be eligible for funding under this section, 
    an institution of higher education must propose establishment of a 
    partnership that--
            (A) includes at least one private sector entity; and
            (B) may include other institutions of higher education, 
        public sector institutions, private sector entities, and 
        nonprofit organizations.
        (2) Priority.--In selecting grant recipients under this 
    section, the Director shall give priority to partnerships that 
    include one or more institutions of higher education and at least 
    one of the following:
            (A) A minority serving institution.
            (B) A primarily undergraduate institution.
            (C) A 2-year institution of higher education.
    (c) Program.--Proposals funded under this section shall seek--
        (1) to increase the impact of the most promising research at 
    the institution or institutions of higher education that are 
    members of the partnership through knowledge transfer or 
        (2) to increase the engagement of faculty and students across 
    multiple disciplines and departments, including faculty and 
    students in schools of business and other appropriate non-STEM 
    fields and disciplines in knowledge transfer activities;
        (3) to enhance education and mentoring of students and faculty 
    in innovation and entrepreneurship through networks, courses, and 
    development of best practices and curricula;
        (4) to strengthen the culture of the institution or 
    institutions of higher education to undertake and participate in 
    activities related to innovation and leading to economic or social 
        (5) to broaden the participation of all types of institutions 
    of higher education in activities to meet STEM workforce needs and 
    promote innovation and knowledge transfer; and
        (6) to build lasting partnerships with local and regional 
    businesses, local and State governments, and other relevant 
    (d) Additional Criteria.--In selecting grant recipients under this 
section, the Director shall also consider the extent to which the 
applicants are able to demonstrate evidence of institutional support 
for, and commitment to--
        (1) achieving the goals of the program as described in 
    subsection (c);
        (2) expansion to an institution-wide program if the initial 
    proposal is not for an institution-wide program; and
        (3) sustaining any new innovation tools and resources generated 
    from funding under this program.
    (e) Limitation.--No funds provided under this section may be used 
to construct or renovate a building or structure.


    The Director shall establish a Green Chemistry Basic Research 
program to award competitive, merit-based grants to support research 
into green and sustainable chemistry which will lead to clean, safe, 
and economical alternatives to traditional chemical products and 
practices. The research program shall provide sustained support for 
green chemistry research, education, and technology transfer through--
        (1) merit-reviewed competitive grants to individual 
    investigators and teams of investigators, including, to the extent 
    practicable, young investigators, for research;
        (2) grants to fund collaborative research partnerships among 
    universities, industry, and nonprofit organizations;
        (3) symposia, forums, and conferences to increase outreach, 
    collaboration, and dissemination of green chemistry advances and 
    practices; and
        (4) education, training, and retraining of undergraduate and 
    graduate students and professional chemists and chemical engineers, 
    including through partnerships with industry, in green chemistry 
    science and engineering.


    (a) Finding.--The Congress finds that--
        (1) the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship 
    program is an important program for training the next generation of 
    scientists and engineers in team-based interdisciplinary research 
    and problem solving, and for providing them with the many 
    additional skills, such as communication skills, needed to thrive 
    in diverse STEM careers; and
        (2) the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship 
    program is no less valuable to the preparation and support of 
    graduate students than the Foundation's Graduate Research 
    Fellowship program.
    (b) Equal Treatment of IGERT and GRF.--Beginning in fiscal year 
2011, the Director shall increase or, if necessary, decrease funding 
for the Foundation's Integrative Graduate Education and Research 
Traineeship program (or any program by which it is replaced) at least 
at the same rate as it increases or decreases funding for the Graduate 
Research Fellowship program.
    (c) Support for Graduate Student Research From the Research 
Account.--For each of the fiscal years 2011 through 2013, at least 50 
percent of the total Foundation funds allocated to the Integrative 
Graduate Education and Research Traineeship program and the Graduate 
Research Fellowship program shall come from funds appropriated for 
Research and Related Activities.
    (d) Cost of Education Allowance for GRF Program.--Section 10 of the 
National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1869) is amended--
        (1) by inserting ``(a) In General.--'' before ``The Foundation 
    is authorized''; and
        (2) by adding at the end the following:
    ``(b) Amount.--The Director shall establish for each year the 
amount to be awarded for scholarships and fellowships under this 
section for that year. Each such scholarship and fellowship shall 
include a cost of education allowance of $12,000, subject to any 
restrictions on the use of cost of education allowance as determined by 
the Director.''.


    (a) Matching Requirement.--Section 10A(h)(1) of the National 
Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. 1862n-1a(h)(1)) 
is amended to read as follows:
        ``(1) In general.--An eligible entity receiving a grant under 
    this section shall provide, from non-Federal sources, to carry out 
    the activities supported by the grant--
            ``(A) in the case of grants in an amount of less than 
        $1,500,000, an amount equal to at least 30 percent of the 
        amount of the grant, at least one half of which shall be in 
        cash; and
            ``(B) in the case of grants in an amount of $1,500,000 or 
        more, an amount equal to at least 50 percent of the amount of 
        the grant, at least one half of which shall be in cash.''.
    (b) Retiring STEM Professionals.--Section 10A(a)(2)(A) of the 
National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 (42 U.S.C. 1862n-
1a(a)(2)(A)) is amended by inserting ``including retiring professionals 
in those fields,'' after ``mathematics professionals,''.


    The Foundation shall continue to support the Historically Black 
Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program, the Louis Stokes 
Alliances for Minority Participation program, the Tribal Colleges and 
Universities Program, and Hispanic-serving institutions as separate 


    The Director shall permit specialized STEM high schools conducting 
research to participate in major data collection initiatives from 
universities, corporations, or government labs under a research grant 
from the Foundation, as part of the research proposal.


    (a) Research Sites.--The Director shall award grants, on a merit-
reviewed, competitive basis, to institutions of higher education, 
nonprofit organizations, or consortia of such institutions and 
organizations, for sites designated by the Director to provide research 
experiences for 6 or more undergraduate STEM students for sites 
designated at primarily undergraduate institutions of higher education 
and 10 or more undergraduate STEM students for all other sites, with 
consideration given to the goal of promoting the participation of 
individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and 
Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a or 1885b). The 
Director shall ensure that--
        (1) at least half of the students participating in a program 
    funded by a grant under this subsection at each site shall be 
    recruited from institutions of higher education where research 
    opportunities in STEM are limited, including 2-year institutions;
        (2) the awards provide undergraduate research experiences in a 
    wide range of STEM disciplines;
        (3) the awards support a variety of projects, including 
    independent investigator-led projects, interdisciplinary projects, 
    and multi-institutional projects (including virtual projects);
        (4) students participating in each program funded have mentors, 
    including during the academic year to the extent practicable, to 
    help connect the students' research experiences to the overall 
    academic course of study and to help students achieve success in 
    courses of study leading to a baccalaureate degree in a STEM field;
        (5) mentors and students are supported with appropriate salary 
    or stipends; and
        (6) student participants are tracked, for employment and 
    continued matriculation in STEM fields, through receipt of the 
    undergraduate degree and for at least 3 years thereafter.
    (b) Inclusion of Undergraduates in Standard Research Grants.--The 
Director shall require that every recipient of a research grant from 
the Foundation proposing to include 1 or more students enrolled in 
certificate, associate, or baccalaureate degree programs in carrying 
out the research under the grant shall request support, including 
stipend support, for such undergraduate students as part of the 
research proposal itself rather than as a supplement to the research 
proposal, unless such undergraduate participation was not foreseeable 
at the time of the original proposal.


    (a) In General.--The Director may award grants, on a competitive, 
merit-reviewed basis, to institutions of higher education, or consortia 
thereof, to establish or expand partnerships with local or regional 
private sector entities, for the purpose of providing undergraduate 
students with integrated internship experiences that connect private 
sector internship experiences with the students' STEM coursework. The 
partnerships may also include industry or professional associations.
    (b) Internship Program.--The grants awarded under subsection (a) 
may include internship programs in the manufacturing sector.
    (c) Use of Grant Funds.--Grants under this section may be used--
        (1) to develop and implement hands-on learning opportunities;
        (2) to develop curricula and instructional materials related to 
    industry, including the manufacturing sector;
        (3) to perform outreach to secondary schools;
        (4) to develop mentorship programs for students with partner 
    organizations; and
        (5) to conduct activities to support awareness of career 
    opportunities and skill requirements.
    (d) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the Director 
shall give priority to institutions of higher education or consortia 
thereof that demonstrate significant outreach to and coordination with 
local or regional private sector entities and Regional Centers for the 
Transfer of Manufacturing Technology established by section 25(a) of 
the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 
278k(a)) in developing academic courses designed to provide students 
with the skills or certifications necessary for employment in local or 
regional companies.
    (c) Outreach to Rural Communities.--The Foundation shall conduct 
outreach to institutions of higher education and private sector 
entities in rural areas to encourage those entities to participate in 
partnerships under this section.
    (d) Cost-share.--The Director shall require a 50 percent non-
Federal cost-share from partnerships established or expanded under this 
    (e) Restriction.--No Federal funds provided under this section may 
be used--
        (1) for the purpose of providing stipends or compensation to 
    students for private sector internships unless private sector 
    entities match 75 percent of such funding; or
        (2) as payment or reimbursement to private sector entities, 
    except for institutions of higher education.
    (f) Report.--Not less than 3 years after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Director shall submit a report to Congress on the number 
and total value of awards made under this section, the number of 
students affected by those awards, any evidence of the effect of those 
awards on workforce preparation and jobs placement for participating 
students, and an economic and ethnic breakdown of the participating 


    The Director shall, in consultation with appropriate Federal 
agencies, identify ways to use cyber-enabled learning to create an 
innovative STEM workforce and to help retrain and retain our existing 
STEM workforce to address national challenges, including national 
security and competitiveness, and use technology to enhance or 
supplement laboratory based learning.


    (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that--
        (1) The National Science Foundation Act of 1950 stated, ``it 
    shall be an objective of the Foundation to strengthen research and 
    education in the sciences and engineering, including independent 
    research by individuals, throughout the United States, and to avoid 
    undue concentration of such research and education,'';
        (2) National Science Foundation funding remains highly 
    concentrated, with 27 States and 2 jurisdictions, taken together, 
    receiving only about 10 percent of all NSF research funding; each 
    of these States received only a fraction of one percent of 
    Foundation's research dollars each year;
        (3) the Nation requires the talent, expertise, and research 
    capabilities of all States in order to prepare sufficient numbers 
    of scientists and engineers, remain globally competitive and 
    support economic development.
    (b) Continuation of Program.--The Director shall continue to carry 
out EPSCoR, with the objective of helping the eligible States to 
develop the research infrastructure that will make them more 
competitive for Foundation and other Federal research funding. The 
program shall continue to increase as the National Science Foundation 
funding increases.
    (c) Congressional Reports.--The Director shall report to the 
appropriate committees of Congress on an annual basis, using the most 
recent available data--
        (1) the total amount made available, by State, under EPSCoR;
        (2) the amount of co-funding made available to EPSCoR States;
        (3) the total amount of National Science Foundation funding 
    made available to all institutions and entities within EPSCoR 
    States; and
        (4) efforts and accomplishments to more fully integrate the 29 
    EPSCoR jurisdictions in major activities and initiatives of the 
    (d) Coordination of EPSCoR and Similar Federal Programs.--
        (1) Another finding.--The Congress finds that a number of 
    Federal agencies have programs, such as Experimental Programs to 
    Stimulate Competitive Research and the National Institutes of 
    Health Institutional Development Award program, designed to 
    increase the capacity for and quality of science and technology 
    research and training at academic institutions in States that 
    historically have received relatively little Federal research and 
    development funding.
        (2) Coordination required.--The EPSCoR Interagency Coordinating 
    Committee, chaired by the National Science Foundation, shall--
            (A) coordinate EPSCoR and Federal EPSCoR-like programs to 
        maximize the impact of Federal support for building competitive 
        research infrastructure, and in order to achieve an integrated 
        Federal effort;
            (B) coordinate agency objectives with State and 
        institutional goals, to obtain continued non-Federal support of 
        science and technology research and training;
            (C) develop metrics to assess gains in academic research 
        quality and competitiveness, and in science and technology 
        human resource development;
            (D) conduct a cross-agency evaluation of EPSCoR and other 
        Federal EPSCoR-like programs and accomplishments, including 
        management, investment, and metric-measuring strategies 
        implemented by the different agencies aimed to increase the 
        number of new investigators receiving peer-reviewed funding, 
        broaden participation, and empower knowledge generation, 
        dissemination, application, and national research and 
        development competitiveness;
            (E) coordinate the development and implementation of new, 
        novel workshops, outreach activities, and follow-up mentoring 
        activities among EPSCoR or EPSCoR-like programs for colleges 
        and universities in EPSCoR States and territories in order to 
        increase the number of proposals submitted and successfully 
        funded and to enhance statewide coordination of EPSCoR and 
        Federal EPSCoR-like programs;
            (F) coordinate the development of new, innovative 
        solicitations and programs to facilitate collaborations, 
        partnerships, and mentoring activities among faculty at all 
        levels in non-EPSCoR and EPSCoR States and jurisdictions;
            (G) conduct an evaluation of the roles, responsibilities 
        and degree of autonomy that program officers or managers (or 
        the equivalent position) have in executing EPSCoR programs at 
        the different Federal agencies and the impacts these 
        differences have on the number of EPSCoR State and jurisdiction 
        faculty participating in the peer review process and the 
        percentage of successful awards by individual EPSCoR State 
        jurisdiction and individual researcher; and
            (H) conduct a survey of colleges and university faculty at 
        all levels regarding their knowledge and understanding of 
        EPSCoR, and their level of interaction with and knowledge about 
        their respective State or Jurisdictional EPSCoR Committee.
        (3) Meetings and reports.--The Committee shall meet at least 
    twice each fiscal year and shall submit an annual report to the 
    appropriate committees of Congress describing progress made in 
    carrying out paragraph (2).
    (e) Federal Agency Reports.--Each Federal agency that administers 
an EPSCoR or Federal EPSCoR-like program shall submit to the OSTP as 
part of its Federal budget submission--
        (1) a description of the program strategy and objectives;
        (2) a description of the awards made in the previous year, 
            (A) the percentage of reviewers and number of new reviewers 
        from EPSCoR States;
            (B) the percentage of new investigators from EPSCoR States;
            (C) the number of programs or large collaborator awards 
        involving a partnership of organizations and institutions from 
        EPSCoR and non-EPSCoR States; and
        (3) an analysis of the gains in academic research quality and 
    competitiveness, and in science and technology human resource 
    development, achieved by the program in the last year.
    (f) National Academy of Sciences Study.--
        (1) In general.--The Director shall contract with the National 
    Academy of Sciences to conduct a study on all Federal agencies that 
    administer an Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive 
    Research or a program similar to the Experimental Program to 
    Stimulate Competitive Research.
        (2) Matters to be addressed.--The study conducted under 
    paragraph (1) shall include the following:
            (A) A delineation of the policies of each Federal agency 
        with respect to the awarding of grants to EPSCoR States.
            (B) The effectiveness of each program.
            (C) Recommendations for improvements for each agency to 
        achieve EPSCoR goals.
            (D) An assessment of the effectiveness of EPSCoR States in 
        using awards to develop science and engineering research and 
        education, and science and engineering infrastructure within 
        their States.
            (E) Such other issues that address the effectiveness of 
        EPSCoR as the National Academy of Sciences considers 


    It is the sense of the Congress that--
        (1) the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 
    Talent Expansion Program established by the National Science 
    Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 continues to be an effective 
    program to increase the number of students, who are citizens or 
    permanent residents of the United States, receiving associate or 
    baccalaureate degrees in established or emerging fields within 
    science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and its 
    authorization continues;
        (2) the strategies employed continue to strengthen mentoring 
    and tutoring between faculty and students and provide students with 
    information and exposure to potential career pathways in science, 
    technology, engineering, and mathematics areas;
        (3) this highly competitive program awarded 145 Program 
    implementation awards and 12 research projects in the first 6 years 
    of operations; and
        (4) the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 
    Talent Expansion Program should continue to be supported by the 
    National Science Foundation.


    (a) Findings.--The Congress finds that--
        (1) the National Science Foundation is an independent Federal 
    agency created by Congress in 1950 to, among other things, promote 
    the progress of science, to advance the national health, 
    prosperity, and welfare, and to secure the national defense;
        (2) the Foundation is the funding source for approximately 20 
    percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by 
    America's colleges and universities, and is the major source of 
    Federal backing for mathematics, computer science and other 
        (3) the America COMPETES Act of 2007 helped rejuvenate our 
    focus on increasing basic research investment in the physical 
    sciences, strengthening educational opportunities in the science, 
    technology, engineering, and mathematics fields and developing a 
    robust innovation infrastructure; and
        (4) reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act should continue 
    a robust investment in basic research and education and preserve 
    the essence of the original Act by increasing the investment focus 
    on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics basic research 
    and education as a national priority.
    (b) Sense of the Congress.--It is the sense of the Congress that--
        (1) the National Science Foundation is the finest scientific 
    foundation in the world, and is a vital agency that must support 
    basic research needed to advance the United States into the 21st 
        (2) the National Science Foundation should focus Federal 
    research and development resources primarily in the areas of 
    science, technology, engineering, and mathematics basic research 
    and education; and
        (3) the National Science Foundation should strive to ensure 
    that federally-supported research is of the finest quality, is 
    ground breaking, and answers questions or solves problems that are 
    of utmost importance to society at large.


    (a) In General.--Any institution of higher education (as such term 
is defined in section 101(A) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 
U.S.C. 1001(a))) that receives National Science Foundation research 
support and has received at least $25,000,000 in total Federal research 
grants in the most recent fiscal year shall keep, maintain, and report 
annually to the National Science Foundation the universal record 
locator for a public website that contains information concerning its 
general approach to and mechanisms for transfer of technology and the 
commercialization of research results, including--
        (1) contact information for individuals and university offices 
    responsible for technology transfer and commercialization;
        (2) information for both university researchers and industry on 
    the institution's technology licensing and commercialization 
        (3) success stories, statistics, and examples of how the 
    university supports commercialization of research results;
        (4) technologies available for licensing by the university 
    where appropriate; and
        (5) any other information deemed by the institution to be 
    helpful to companies with the potential to commercialize university 
    (b) NSF Website.--The National Science Foundation shall create and 
maintain a website accessible to the public that links to each website 
mentioned under (a).
    (c) Trade Secret Information.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), an 
institution shall not be required to reveal confidential, trade secret, 
or proprietary information on its website.


    (a) In General.--Within 180 days after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Director of the National Science Foundation shall 
contract with the National Academy of Sciences to initiate a study to 
evaluate, develop, or improve metrics for measuring the potential 
impact-on-society, including--
        (1) the potential for commercial applications of research 
    studies funded in whole or in part by grants of financial 
    assistance from the Foundation or other Federal agencies;
        (2) the manner in which research conducted at, and individuals 
    graduating from, an institution of higher education contribute to 
    the development of new intellectual property and the success of 
    commercial activities;
        (3) the quality of relevant scientific and international 
    publications; and
        (4) the ability of such institutions to attract external 
    research funding.
    (b) Report.--Within 1 year after initiating the study required by 
subsection (a), the Director shall submit a report to the Senate 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the House of 
Representatives Committee on Science and Technology setting forth the 
Director's findings, conclusions, and recommendations.


    The Director of the National Science Foundation may utilize funds 
appropriated to carry out grants to institutions of higher education 
(as such term is defined in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act 
of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001(a))) to provide financial support for post-
graduate research in fields with potential commercial applications to 
match, in whole or in part, any private sector grant of financial 
assistance to any post-doctoral program in such a field of study.


    It is the sense of Congress that--
        (1) the Foundation should, in its planning for construction and 
    stewardship of large facilities, coordinate and collaborate with 
    other Federal agencies, including the Department of Energy's Office 
    of Science, to ensure that joint investments may be made when 
        (2) in particular, the Foundation should ensure that it 
    responds to recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences and 
    working groups convened by the National Science and Technology 
    Council regarding such facilities and opportunities for partnership 
    with other agencies in the design and construction of such 
    facilities; and
        (3) for facilities in which research in multiple disciplines 
    will be possible, the Director should include multiple units within 
    the Foundation during the planning process.


    (a) Research Focus Area.--The Director may support a national 
research agenda in key areas affected by the increased use of public 
and private cloud computing, including--
        (1) new approaches, techniques, technologies, and tools for--
            (A) optimizing the effectiveness and efficiency of cloud 
        computing environments; and
            (B) mitigating security, identity, privacy, reliability, 
        and manageability risks in cloud-based environments, including 
        as they differ from traditional data centers;
        (2) new algorithms and technologies to define, assess, and 
    establish large-scale, trustworthy, cloud-based infrastructures;
        (3) models and advanced technologies to measure, assess, 
    report, and understand the performance, reliability, energy 
    consumption, and other characteristics of complex cloud 
    environments; and
        (4) advanced security technologies to protect sensitive or 
    proprietary information in global-scale cloud environments.
    (b) Establishment.--
        (1) In general.--Not later than 60 days after the date of 
    enactment of this Act, the Director shall initiate a review and 
    assessment of cloud computing research opportunities and 
    challenges, including research areas listed in subsection (a), as 
    well as related issues such as--
            (A) the management and assurance of data that are the 
        subject of Federal laws and regulations in cloud computing 
        environments, which laws and regulations exist on the date of 
        enactment of this Act;
            (B) misappropriation of cloud services, piracy through 
        cloud technologies, and other threats to the integrity of cloud 
            (C) areas of advanced technology needed to enable trusted 
        communications, processing, and storage; and
            (D) other areas of focus determined appropriate by the 
        (2) Unsolicited proposals.--The Director may accept unsolicited 
    proposals that review and assess the issues described in paragraph 
    (1). The proposals may be judged according to existing criteria of 
    the National Science Foundation.
    (c) Report.--The Director shall provide an annual report for not 
less than 5 consecutive years to Congress on the outcomes of National 
Science Foundation investments in cloud computing research, 
recommendations for research focus and program improvements, or other 
related recommendations. The reports, including any interim findings or 
recommendations, shall be made publicly available on the website of the 
National Science Foundation.
    (d) NIST Support.--The Director of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology shall--
        (1) collaborate with industry in the development of standards 
    supporting trusted cloud computing infrastructures, metrics, 
    interoperability, and assurance; and
        (2) support standards development with the intent of supporting 
    common goals.


    (a) In General.--The Director shall continue to support a program 
to award grants on a competitive, merit-reviewed basis to tribal 
colleges and universities (as defined in section 316 of the Higher 
Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c), including institutions 
described in section 317 of such Act (20 U.S.C. 1059d), to enhance the 
quality of undergraduate STEM education at such institutions and to 
increase the retention and graduation rates of Native American students 
pursuing associate's or baccalaureate degrees in STEM.
    (b) Program Components.--Grants awarded under this section shall 
        (1) activities to improve courses and curriculum in STEM;
        (2) faculty development;
        (3) stipends for undergraduate students participating in 
    research; and
        (4) other activities consistent with subsection (a), as 
    determined by the Director.
    (c) Instrumentation.--Funding provided under this section may be 
used for laboratory equipment and materials.


    (a) Goals.--The Foundation shall apply a Broader Impacts Review 
Criterion to achieve the following goals:
        (1) Increased economic competitiveness of the United States.
        (2) Development of a globally competitive STEM workforce.
        (3) Increased participation of women and underrepresented 
    minorities in STEM.
        (4) Increased partnerships between academia and industry.
        (5) Improved pre-K-12 STEM education and teacher development.
        (6) Improved undergraduate STEM education.
        (7) Increased public scientific literacy.
        (8) Increased national security.
    (b) Policy.--Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of 
this Act, the Director shall develop and implement a policy for the 
Broader Impacts Review Criterion that--
        (1) provides for educating professional staff at the 
    Foundation, merit review panels, and applicants for Foundation 
    research grants on the policy developed under this subsection;
        (2) clarifies that the activities of grant recipients 
    undertaken to satisfy the Broader Impacts Review Criterion shall--
            (A) to the extent practicable employ proven strategies and 
        models and draw on existing programs and activities; and
            (B) when novel approaches are justified, build on the most 
        current research results;
        (3) allows for some portion of funds allocated to broader 
    impacts under a research grant to be used for assessment and 
    evaluation of the broader impacts activity;
        (4) encourages institutions of higher education and other 
    nonprofit education or research organizations to develop and 
    provide, either as individual institutions or in partnerships 
    thereof, appropriate training and programs to assist Foundation-
    funded principal investigators at their institutions in achieving 
    the goals of the Broader Impacts Review Criterion as described in 
    subsection (a); and
        (5) requires principal investigators applying for Foundation 
    research grants to provide evidence of institutional support for 
    the portion of the investigator's proposal designed to satisfy the 
    Broader Impacts Review Criterion, including evidence of relevant 
    training, programs, and other institutional resources available to 
    the investigator from either their home institution or organization 
    or another institution or organization with relevant expertise.


    (a) In General.--The Director shall award grants, on a competitive, 
merit-reviewed basis, to institutions of higher education to implement 
or expand research-based reforms in master's and doctoral level STEM 
education that emphasize preparation for diverse careers utilizing STEM 
degrees, including at diverse types of institutions of higher 
education, in industry, and at government agencies and research 
    (b) Uses of Funds.--Activities supported by grants under this 
section may include--
        (1) creation of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary courses 
    or programs for the purpose of improved student instruction and 
    research in STEM;
        (2) expansion of graduate STEM research opportunities to 
    include interdisciplinary research opportunities and research 
    opportunities in industry, at Federal laboratories, and at 
    international research institutions or research sites;
        (3) development and implementation of future faculty training 
    programs focused on improved instruction, mentoring, assessment of 
    student learning, and support of undergraduate STEM students;
        (4) support and training for graduate students to participate 
    in instructional activities beyond the traditional teaching 
    assistantship, and especially as part of ongoing educational reform 
    efforts, including at pre-K-12 schools, and primarily undergraduate 
        (5) creation, improvement, or expansion of innovative graduate 
    programs such as science master's degree programs;
        (6) development and implementation of seminars, workshops, and 
    other professional development activities that increase the ability 
    of graduate students to engage in innovation, technology transfer, 
    and entrepreneurship;
        (7) development and implementation of seminars, workshops, and 
    other professional development activities that increase the ability 
    of graduate students to effectively communicate their research 
    findings to technical audiences outside of their own discipline and 
    to nontechnical audiences;
        (8) expansion of successful STEM reform efforts beyond a single 
    academic unit to other STEM academic units within an institution or 
    to comparable academic units at other institutions; and
        (9) research on teaching and learning of STEM at the graduate 
    level related to the proposed reform effort, including assessment 
    and evaluation of the proposed reform activities and research on 
    scalability and sustainability of approaches to reform.
    (c) Partnership.--An institution of higher education may partner 
with one or more other nonprofit education or research organizations, 
including scientific and engineering societies, for the purposes of 
carrying out the activities authorized under this section.
    (d) Selection Process.--
        (1) Applications.--An institution of higher education seeking a 
    grant under this section shall submit an application to the 
    Director at such time, in such manner, and containing such 
    information as the Director may require. The application shall 
    include, at a minimum--
            (A) a description of the proposed reform effort;
            (B) in the case of applications that propose an expansion 
        of a previously implemented reform effort at the applicant's 
        institution or at other institutions, a description of the 
        previously implemented reform effort;
            (C) evidence of institutional support for, and commitment 
        to, the proposed reform effort, including long-term commitment 
        to implement successful strategies from the current reform 
        effort beyond the academic unit or units included in the grant 
        proposal or to disseminate successful strategies to other 
        institutions; and
            (D) a description of the plans for assessment and 
        evaluation of the grant proposed reform activities.
        (2) Review of applications.--In selecting grant recipients 
    under this section, the Director shall consider at a minimum--
            (A) the likelihood of success in undertaking the proposed 
        effort at the institution submitting the application, including 
        the extent to which the faculty, staff, and administrators of 
        the institution are committed to making the proposed 
        institutional reform a priority of the participating academic 
        unit or units;
            (B) the degree to which the proposed reform will contribute 
        to change in institutional culture and policy such that a 
        greater value is placed on preparing graduate students for 
        diverse careers utilizing STEM degrees;
            (C) the likelihood that the institution will sustain or 
        expand the reform beyond the period of the grant; and
            (D) the degree to which scholarly assessment and evaluation 
        plans are included in the design of the reform effort.



    The purpose of this subtitle is to replicate and implement programs 
at institutions of higher education that provide integrated courses of 
study in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, and teacher 
education, that lead to a baccalaureate degree in science, technology, 
engineering, or mathematics with concurrent teacher certification.


    The Director shall replicate and implement undergraduate degree 
programs under this subtitle that--
        (1) are designed to recruit and prepare students who pursue a 
    baccalaureate degree in science, technology, engineering, or 
    mathematics to become certified as elementary and secondary 
        (2) require the education department (or its equivalent) and 
    the departments or division responsible for preparation of science, 
    technology, engineering, and mathematics majors at an institution 
    of higher education to collaborate in establishing and implementing 
    the program at that institution;
        (3) require students participating in the program to enter the 
    program through a field-based course and to continue to complete 
    field-based courses supervised by master teachers throughout the 
        (4) hire sufficient teachers so that the ratio of students to 
    master teachers in the program does not exceed 100 to 1;
        (5) include instruction in the use of scientifically-based 
    instructional materials and methods, assessments, pedagogical 
    content knowledge (including the interaction between mathematics 
    and science), the use of instructional technology, and how to 
    incorporate State and local standards into the classroom 
        (6) restrict to students participating in the program those 
    courses that are specifically designed for the needs of teachers of 
    science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; and
        (7) require students participating in the program to 
    successfully complete a final evaluation of their teaching 
    proficiency, based on their classroom teaching performance, 
    conducted by multiple trained observers, and a portfolio of their 


    (a) In General.--The Director shall establish a grant program to 
support programs at institutions of higher education to carry out the 
purpose of this subtitle.
    (b) Geographical Considerations.--In the administration of this 
subtitle, the Director shall take such steps as may be necessary to 
ensure that grants are equitably distributed across all regions of the 
United States, taking into account population density and other 
geographic and demographic considerations.
    (c) Amount of Grant.--Subject to the requirements of subsection 
(d), the Director may award grants annually on a competitive basis to 
institutions of higher education in the amount of $2,000,000, per 
institution of which--
        (1) $1,500,000 shall be used--
            (A) to design, implement, and evaluate a program that meets 
        the requirements of section 552;
            (B) to employ master teachers at the institution to oversee 
        field experiences;
            (C) to provide a stipend to mentor teachers participating 
        in the program; and
            (D) to support curriculum development and implementation 
        strategies for science, technology, engineering, and 
        mathematics content courses taught through the program; and
        (2) up to $500,000 shall be set aside by the grantee for 
    technical support and evaluation services from the institution 
    whose programs will be replicated.
    (d) Eligibility.--To be eligible to apply for a grant under this 
section, an institution of higher education shall--
        (1) include former secondary school science, technology, 
    engineering, or mathematics master teachers as faculty in its 
    science department for this program;
        (2) grant terminal degrees in science, technology, engineering, 
    and mathematics; and
        (3) have a process to be used in establishing partnerships with 
    local educational agencies for placement of participating students 
    in their field experiences, including a process for identifying 
    mentor teachers working in local schools to supervise classroom 
    field experiences in cooperation with university-based master 
        (4) maintain policies allowing flexible entry to the program 
    throughout the undergraduate coursework;
        (5) require that master teachers employed by the institution 
    will supervise field experiences of students in the program;
        (6) require that the program complies with State certification 
    or licensing requirements and the requirements under section 
    9101(23) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 
    U.S.C. 7801(23)) for highly qualified teachers;
        (7) develop during the course of the grant a plan for long-term 
    support and assessment of its graduates, which shall include--
            (A) induction support for graduates in their first one to 
        two years of teaching;
            (B) systems to determine the teaching status of graduates 
        and thereby determine retention rates; and
            (C) methods to analyze the achievement of students taught 
        by graduates, and methods to analyze classroom practices of 
        graduates; and
        (8) be able upon completion of the grant at the end of 5 years 
    to fund essential program costs, including salaries of master 
    teachers and other necessary personnel, from recurring university 
    (e) Application Requirements.--An institution of higher education 
seeking a grant under the program shall submit an application to the 
Director in such form, at such time, and containing such information 
and assurances as the Director may require, including--
        (1) a description of the current rate at which individuals 
    majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 
    become certified as elementary and secondary teachers;
        (2) a description for the institution's plan for increasing the 
    numbers of students enrolled in and graduating from the program 
    supported under this subtitle;
        (3) a description of the institution's capacity to develop a 
    program in which individuals majoring in science, technology, 
    engineering, and mathematics can become certified as elementary and 
    secondary teachers;
        (4) identification of the organizational unit within the 
    department or division of arts and sciences or the science 
    department at the institution that will adopt teacher certification 
    for elementary and secondary teachers as its primary mission;
        (5) identification of core faculty within the department or 
    division of arts and sciences or the science department at the 
    institution to champion teacher preparation in their departments by 
    teaching courses dedicated to preparing future elementary and 
    secondary school teachers, helping create new degree plans, 
    advising prospective students within their major, and assisting as 
    needed with program administration;
        (6) identification of core faculty in the education department 
    or its equivalent at the institution to champion teacher 
    preparation by creating and teaching courses specific to the 
    preparation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 
    and working closely with colleagues in the department or division 
    of arts and sciences or the science department; and
        (7) a description of involving practical, field-based 
    experience in teaching and degree plans enabling students to 
    graduate in 4 years with a major in science, technology, 
    engineering, or mathematics and elementary or secondary school 
    teacher certification.
    (f) Matching Requirement.--An institution of higher education may 
not receive a grant under this section unless it provides, from non-
federal sources, to carry out the activities supported by the grant, an 
amount that is not less than--
        (1) 35 percent of the amount of the grant for the first fiscal 
    year of the grant;
        (2) 55 percent of the amount of the grant for the second and 
    third fiscal years of the grant; and
        (3) 75 percent of the amount of the grant for the fourth and 
    fifth fiscal years of the grant.
    (g) Guidance.--Within 90 days after the date of enactment of this 
Act, the Director shall initiate a proceeding to promulgate guidance 
for the administration of the grant program established under 
subsection (a).


    (a) In General.--The Director may execute a contract for program 
oversight and fiscal management with an organization at an institution 
of higher education, a non-profit organization, or other entity that 
demonstrates capacity for and experience in--
        (1) replicating 1 or more similar programs at regional or 
    national levels;
        (2) providing programmatic and technical implementation 
    assistance for the program;
        (3) performing data collection and analysis to ensure proper 
    implementation and continuous program improvement; and
        (4) providing accountability for results by measuring and 
    monitoring achievement of programmatic milestones.
    (b) Oversight Responsibilities.--
        (1) Mandatory duties.--If the Director executes a contract 
    under subsection (a) with an organization for program oversight and 
    fiscal management, the organization shall--
            (A) ensure that a grant recipient faithfully replicates and 
        implements the program or programs for which the grant is 
            (B) ensure that grant funds are used for the purposes 
        authorized and that a grant recipient has a system in place to 
        track and account for all Federal grant funds provided;
            (C) provide technical assistance to grant recipients;
            (D) collect and analyze data and report to the Director 
        annually on the effects of the program on--
                (i) the progress of participating students in achieving 
            teaching competence and teaching certification;
                (ii) the participation of students in the program by 
            major, compared with local and State needs on secondary 
            teachers by discipline; and
                (iii) the participation of students in the program by 
            demographic subgroup;
            (E) collect and analyze data and report to the Director 
        annually on the effects of the program on the academic 
        achievement of elementary and secondary school students taught 
        by graduates of programs funded by grants under this subtitle; 
            (F) submit an annual report to the Director demonstrating 
        compliance with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) through 
        (2) Discretionary duties.--At the request of the Director, the 
    organization under contract under subsection (a) may assist the 
    Director in evaluating grant applications.
    (c) Reports to Congress.--The Director shall submit a copy of the 
annual report required by subsection (b)(1)(F) to the Senate Committee 
on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Senate Committee on 
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, the House of Representatives 
Committee on Science and Technology, and the House of Representatives 
Committee on Education and Labor.


    In this subtitle:
        (1) Field-based course.--The term ``field-based course'' means 
    a course of instruction offered by an institution of higher 
    education that includes a requirement that students teach a minimum 
    of 3 lessons or sequences of lessons to elementary or secondary 
        (2) Institution of higher education.--The term ``institution of 
    higher education'' has the meaning given that term by section 101 
    of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001).
        (3) Master teacher.--The term ``master teacher'' means an 
            (A) who has been awarded a master's or doctoral degree by 
        an institution of higher education;
            (B) whose graduate coursework included courses in 
        mathematics, science, computer science, or engineering;
            (C) who has at least 3 years teaching experience in K-12 
        settings; and
            (D) whose teaching has been recognized for exceptional 
        accomplishments in educating students, or is demonstrated to 
        have resulted in improved student achievement.
        (4) Mentor teacher.--The term ``mentor teacher'' means an 
    elementary or secondary school classroom teacher who assists with 
    the training of students participating in a field-based course.
        (5) Director.--The term ``Director'' means the Director of the 
    National Science Foundation.


    There are authorized to be appropriated to the Director to carry 
out this subtitle $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2011 through 

                          TITLE VI--INNOVATION


    The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
3701 et seq.), as amended by section 106 of this Act, is amended by 
adding at the end the following:


    ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall establish an Office of 
Innovation and Entrepreneurship to foster innovation and the 
commercialization of new technologies, products, processes, and 
services with the goal of promoting productivity and economic growth in 
the United States.
    ``(b) Duties.--The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship shall 
be responsible for--
        ``(1) developing policies to accelerate innovation and advance 
    the commercialization of research and development, including 
    federally funded research and development;
        ``(2) identifying existing barriers to innovation and 
    commercialization, including access to capital and other resources, 
    and ways to overcome those barriers, particularly in States 
    participating in the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive 
        ``(3) providing access to relevant data, research, and 
    technical assistance on innovation and commercialization;
        ``(4) strengthening collaboration on and coordination of 
    policies relating to innovation and commercialization, including 
    those focused on the needs of small businesses and rural 
    communities, within the Department of Commerce, between the 
    Department of Commerce and other Federal agencies, and between the 
    Department of Commerce and appropriate State government agencies 
    and institutions, as appropriate; and
        ``(5) any other duties as determined by the Secretary.
    ``(c) Advisory Committee.--The Secretary shall establish an 
Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship to provide advice 
to the Secretary on carrying out subsection (b).''.


    The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
3701 et seq.), as amended by section 601, is further amended by adding 
at the end the following:


    ``(a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a program to 
provide loan guarantees for obligations to small- or medium-sized 
manufacturers for the use or production of innovative technologies.
    ``(b) Eligible Projects.--A loan guarantee may be made under the 
program only for a project that re-equips, expands, or establishes a 
manufacturing facility in the United States--
        ``(1) to use an innovative technology or an innovative process 
    in manufacturing;
        ``(2) to manufacture an innovative technology product or an 
    integral component of such a product; or
        ``(3) to commercialize an innovative product, process, or idea 
    that was developed by research funded in whole or in part by a 
    grant from the Federal government.
    ``(c) Eligible Borrower.--A loan guarantee may be made under the 
program only for a borrower who is a small- or medium-sized 
manufacturer, as determined by the Secretary under the criteria 
established pursuant to subsection (l).
    ``(d) Limitation on Amount.--A loan guarantee shall not exceed an 
amount equal to 80 percent of the obligation, as estimated at the time 
at which the loan guarantee is issued.
    ``(e) Limitations on Loan Guarantee.--No loan guarantee shall be 
made unless the Secretary determines that--
        ``(1) there is a reasonable prospect of repayment of the 
    principal and interest on the obligation by the borrower;
        ``(2) the amount of the obligation (when combined with amounts 
    available to the borrower from other sources) is sufficient to 
    carry out the project;
        ``(3) the obligation is not subordinate to other financing;
        ``(4) the obligation bears interest at a rate that does not 
    exceed a level that the Secretary determines appropriate, taking 
    into account the prevailing rate of interest in the private sector 
    for similar loans and risks; and
        ``(5) the term of an obligation requires full repayment over a 
    period not to exceed the lesser of--
            ``(A) 30 years; or
            ``(B) 90 percent of the projected useful life, as 
        determined by the Secretary, of the physical asset to be 
        financed by the obligation.
    ``(f) Defaults.--
        ``(1) Payment by secretary.--
            ``(A) In general.--If a borrower defaults (as defined in 
        regulations promulgated by the Secretary and specified in the 
        loan guarantee) on the obligation, the holder of the loan 
        guarantee shall have the right to demand payment of the unpaid 
        amount from the Secretary.
            ``(B) Payment required.--Within such period as may be 
        specified in the loan guarantee or related agreements, the 
        Secretary shall pay to the holder of the loan guarantee the 
        unpaid interest on and unpaid principal of the obligation as to 
        which the borrower has defaulted, unless the Secretary finds 
        that there was no default by the borrower in the payment of 
        interest or principal or that the default has been remedied.
            ``(C) Forbearance.--Nothing in this subsection precludes 
        any forbearance by the holder of the obligation for the benefit 
        of the borrower which may be agreed upon by the parties to the 
        obligation and approved by the Secretary.
        ``(2) Subrogation.--
            ``(A) In general.--If the Secretary makes a payment under 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary shall be subrogated to the rights, 
        as specified in the loan guarantee, of the recipient of the 
        payment or related agreements including, if appropriate, the 
        authority (notwithstanding any other provision of law)--
                ``(i) to complete, maintain, operate, lease, or 
            otherwise dispose of any property acquired pursuant to such 
            loan guarantee or related agreement; or
                ``(ii) to permit the borrower, pursuant to an agreement 
            with the Secretary, to continue to pursue the purposes of 
            the project if the Secretary determines that such an 
            agreement is in the public interest.
            ``(B) Superiority of rights.--The rights of the Secretary, 
        with respect to any property acquired pursuant to a loan 
        guarantee or related agreements, shall be superior to the 
        rights of any other person with respect to the property.
        ``(3) Notification.--If the borrower defaults on an obligation, 
    the Secretary shall notify the Attorney General of the default.
    ``(g) Terms and Conditions.--A loan guarantee under this section 
shall include such detailed terms and conditions as the Secretary 
determines appropriate--
        ``(1) to protect the interests of the United States in the case 
    of default; and
        ``(2) to have available all the patents and technology 
    necessary for any person selected, including the Secretary, to 
    complete and operate the project.
    ``(h) Consultation.--In establishing the terms and conditions of a 
loan guarantee under this section, the Secretary shall consult with the 
Secretary of the Treasury.
    ``(i) Fees.--
        ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall charge and collect fees 
    for loan guarantees in amounts the Secretary determines are 
    sufficient to cover applicable administrative expenses.
        ``(2) Availability.--Fees collected under this subsection 
            ``(A) be deposited by the Secretary into the Treasury of 
        the United States; and
            ``(B) remain available until expended, subject to such 
        other conditions as are contained in annual appropriations 
        ``(3) Limitation.--In charging and collecting fees under 
    paragraph (1), the Secretary shall take into consideration the 
    amount of the obligation.
    ``(j) Records.--
        ``(1) In general.--With respect to a loan guarantee under this 
    section, the borrower, the lender, and any other appropriate party 
    shall keep such records and other pertinent documents as the 
    Secretary shall prescribe by regulation, including such records as 
    the Secretary may require to facilitate an effective audit.
        ``(2) Access.--The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the 
    United States, or their duly authorized representatives, shall have 
    access to records and other pertinent documents for the purpose of 
    conducting an audit.
    ``(k) Full Faith and Credit.--The full faith and credit of the 
United States is pledged to the payment of all loan guarantees issued 
under this section with respect to principal and interest.
    ``(l) Regulations.--The Secretary shall issue final regulations 
before making any loan guarantees under the program. The regulations 
shall include--
        ``(1) criteria that the Secretary shall use to determine 
    eligibility for loan guarantees under this section, including--
            ``(A) whether a borrower is a small- or medium-sized 
        manufacturer; and
            ``(B) whether a borrower demonstrates that a market exists 
        for the innovative technology product, or the integral 
        component of such a product, to be manufactured, as evidenced 
        by written statements of interest from potential purchasers;
        ``(2) criteria that the Secretary shall use to determine the 
    amount of any fees charged under subsection (i), including criteria 
    related to the amount of the obligation;
        ``(3) policies and procedures for selecting and monitoring 
    lenders and loan performance; and
        ``(4) any other policies, procedures, or information necessary 
    to implement this section.
    ``(m) Audit.--
        ``(1) Annual independent audits.--The Secretary shall enter 
    into an arrangement with an independent auditor for annual 
    evaluations of the program under this section.
        ``(2) Comptroller general review.--The Comptroller General of 
    the United States shall conduct a biennial review of the 
    Secretary's execution of the program under this section.
        ``(3) Report.--The results of the independent audit under 
    paragraph (1) and the Comptroller General's review under paragraph 
    (2) shall be provided directly to the Committee on Science and 
    Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
    Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.
    ``(n) Report to Congress.--Concurrent with the submission to 
Congress of the President's annual budget request in each year after 
the date of enactment of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 
2010, the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Science and 
Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report containing 
a summary of all activities carried out under this section.
    ``(o) Coordination and Nonduplication.--To the maximum extent 
practicable, the Secretary shall ensure that the activities carried out 
under this section are coordinated with, and do not duplicate the 
efforts of, other loan guarantee programs within the Federal 
    ``(p) MEP Centers.--The Secretary may use centers established under 
section 25 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act 
(15 U.S.C. 278k) to provide information about the program established 
under this section and to conduct outreach to potential borrowers, as 
    ``(q) Minimizing Risk.--The Secretary shall promulgate regulations 
and policies to carry out this section in accordance with Office of 
Management and Budget Circular No. A-129, entitled `Policies for 
Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables', as in effect on the 
date of enactment of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010.
    ``(r) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that no loan 
guarantee shall be made under this section unless the borrower agrees 
to use a federally-approved electronic employment eligibility 
verification system to verify the employment eligibility of--
        ``(1) all persons hired during the contract term by the 
    borrower to perform employment duties within the United States; and
        ``(2) all persons assigned by the borrower to perform work 
    within the United States on the project.
    ``(s) Definitions.--In this section:
        ``(1) Cost.--The term `cost' has the meaning given such term 
    under section 502 of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 
    U.S.C. 661a).
        ``(2) Innovative process.--The term `innovative process' means 
    a process that is significantly improved as compared to the process 
    in general use in the commercial marketplace in the United States 
    at the time the loan guarantee is issued.
        ``(3) Innovative technology.--The term `innovative technology' 
    means a technology that is significantly improved as compared to 
    the technology in general use in the commercial marketplace in the 
    United States at the time the loan guarantee is issued.
        ``(4) Loan guarantee.--The term `loan guarantee' has the 
    meaning given such term in section 502 of the Federal Credit Reform 
    Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661a). The term includes a loan guarantee 
    commitment (as defined in section 502 of such Act (2 U.S.C. 661a)).
        ``(5) Obligation.--The term `obligation' means the loan or 
    other debt obligation that is guaranteed under this section.
        ``(6) Program.--The term `program' means the loan guarantee 
    program established in subsection (a).
    ``(t) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2013 to 
provide the cost of loan guarantees under this section.''.


    The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 
3701 et seq.), as amended by section 602, is further amended by adding 
at the end thereof the following:


    ``(a) Establishment.--The Secretary shall establish a regional 
innovation program to encourage and support the development of regional 
innovation strategies, including regional innovation clusters and 
science and research parks.
    `(b) Cluster Grants.--
        ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under 
    subsection (a), the Secretary may award grants on a competitive 
    basis to eligible recipients for activities relating to the 
    formation and development of regional innovation clusters.
        ``(2) Permissible activities.--Grants awarded under this 
    subsection may be used for activities determined appropriate by the 
    Secretary, including the following:
            ``(A) Feasibility studies.
            ``(B) Planning activities.
            ``(C) Technical assistance.
            ``(D) Developing or strengthening communication and 
        collaboration between and among participants of a regional 
        innovation cluster.
            ``(E) Attracting additional participants to a regional 
        innovation cluster.
            ``(F) Facilitating market development of products and 
        services developed by a regional innovation cluster, including 
        through demonstration, deployment, technology transfer, and 
        commercialization activities.
            ``(G) Developing relationships between a regional 
        innovation cluster and entities or clusters in other regions.
            ``(H) Interacting with the public and State and local 
        governments to meet the goals of the cluster.
        ``(3) Eligible recipient defined.--In this subsection, the term 
    `eligible recipient' means--
            ``(A) a State;
            ``(B) an Indian tribe;
            ``(C) a city or other political subdivision of a State;
            ``(D) an entity that--
                ``(i) is a nonprofit organization, an institution of 
            higher education, a public-private partnership, a science 
            or research park, a Federal laboratory, or an economic 
            development organization or similar entity; and
                ``(ii) has an application that is supported by a State 
            or a political subdivision of a State; or
            ``(E) a consortium of any of the entities described in 
        subparagraphs (A) through (D).
        ``(4) Application.--
            ``(A) In general.--An eligible recipient shall submit an 
        application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and 
        containing such information and assurances as the Secretary may 
            ``(B) Components.--The application shall include, at a 
        minimum, a description of the regional innovation cluster 
        supported by the proposed activity, including a description 
                ``(i) whether the regional innovation cluster is 
            supported by the private sector, State and local 
            governments, and other relevant stakeholders;
                ``(ii) how the existing participants in the regional 
            innovation cluster will encourage and solicit participation 
            by all types of entities that might benefit from 
            participation, including newly formed entities and those 
            rival existing participants;
                ``(iii) the extent to which the regional innovation 
            cluster is likely to stimulate innovation and have a 
            positive impact on regional economic growth and 
                ``(iv) whether the participants in the regional 
            innovation cluster have access to, or contribute to, a 
            well-trained workforce;
                ``(v) whether the participants in the regional 
            innovation cluster are capable of attracting additional 
            funds from non-Federal sources; and
                ``(vi) the likelihood that the participants in the 
            regional innovation cluster will be able to sustain 
            activities once grant funds under this subsection have been 
            ``(C) Special consideration.--The Secretary shall give 
        special consideration to applications from regions that contain 
        communities negatively impacted by trade.
        ``(5) Special consideration.--The Secretary shall give special 
    consideration to an eligible recipient who agrees to collaborate 
    with local workforce investment area boards.
        ``(6) Cost share.--The Secretary may not provide more than 50 
    percent of the total cost of any activity funded under this 
        ``(7) Use and application of research and information 
    program.--To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall 
    ensure that activities funded under this subsection use and apply 
    any relevant research, best practices, and metrics developed under 
    the program established in subsection (c).
    ``(c) Science and Research Park Development Grants.--
        ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under 
    subsection (a), the Secretary may award grants for the development 
    of feasibility studies and plans for the construction of new 
    science parks or the renovation or expansion of existing science 
        ``(2) Limitation on amount of grants.--The amount of a grant 
    awarded under this subsection may not exceed $750,000.
        ``(3) Award.--
            ``(A) Competition required.--The Secretary shall award 
        grants under this subsection pursuant to a full and open 
            ``(B) Geographic dispersion.--In conducting a competitive 
        process, the Secretary shall consider the need to avoid undue 
        geographic concentration among any one category of States based 
        on their predominant rural or urban character as indicated by 
        population density.
            ``(C) Selection criteria.--The Secretary shall publish the 
        criteria to be utilized in any competition for the selection of 
        recipients of grants under this subsection, which shall include 
        requirements relating to the--
                ``(i) effect the science park will have on regional 
            economic growth and development;
                ``(ii) number of jobs to be created at the science park 
            and the surrounding regional community each year during its 
            first 3 years;
                ``(iii) funding to be required to construct, renovate 
            or expand the science park during its first 3 years;
                ``(iv) amount and type of financing and access to 
            capital available to the applicant;
                ``(v) types of businesses and research entities 
            expected in the science park and surrounding regional 
                ``(vi) letters of intent by businesses and research 
            entities to locate in the science park;
                ``(vii) capability to attract a well trained workforce 
            to the science park;
                ``(viii) the management of the science park during its 
            first 5 years;
                ``(ix) expected financial risks in the construction and 
            operation of the science park and the risk mitigation 
                ``(x) physical infrastructure available to the science 
            park, including roads, utilities, and telecommunications;
                ``(xi) utilization of energy-efficient building 
            technology including nationally recognized green building 
            design practices, renewable energy, cogeneration, and other 
            methods that increase energy efficiency and conservation;
                ``(xii) consideration to the transformation of military 
            bases affected by the base realignment and closure process 
            or the redevelopment of existing buildings, structures, or 
            brownfield sites that are abandoned, idled, or underused 
            into single or multiple building facilities for science and 
            technology companies and institutions;
                ``(xiii) ability to collaborate with other science 
            parks throughout the world;
                ``(xiv) consideration of sustainable development 
            practices and the quality of life at the science park; and
                ``(xv) other such criteria as the Secretary shall 
        ``(4) Allocation constraints.--The Secretary may not allocate 
    less than one-third of the total grant funding allocated under this 
    section for any fiscal year to grants under subsection (b) or this 
    subsection without written notification to the Senate Committee on 
    Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the House of 
    Representatives Committees on Science and Technology and on Energy 
    and Commerce.
    ``(d) Loan Guarantees for Science Park Infrastructure.--
        ``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), the Secretary may 
    guarantee up to 80 percent of the loan amount for projects for the 
    construction or expansion, including renovation and modernization, 
    of science park infrastructure.
        ``(2) Limitations on guarantee amounts.--The maximum amount of 
    loan principal guaranteed under this subsection may not exceed--
                ``(A) $50,000,000 with respect to any single project; 
                ``(B) $300,000,000 with respect to all projects.
        ``(3) Selection of guarantee recipients.--The Secretary shall 
    select recipients of loan guarantees under this subsection based 
    upon the ability of the recipient to collateralize the loan amount 
    through bonds, equity, property, and such other things of values as 
    the Secretary shall deem necessary. Recipients of grants under 
    subsection (c) are not eligible for a loan guarantee during the 
    period of the grant. To the extent that the Secretary determines it 
    to be feasible, the Secretary may select recipients of guarantee 
    assistance in accord with a competitive process that takes into 
    account the factors set out in subsection (c)(3)(C) of this 
        ``(4) Terms and conditions for loan guarantees.--The loans 
    guaranteed under this subsection shall be subject to such terms and 
    conditions as the Secretary may prescribe, except that--
            ``(A) the final maturity of such loans made or guaranteed 
        may not exceed the lesser of--
                ``(i) 30 years; or
                ``(ii) 90 percent of the useful life of any physical 
            asset to be financed by the loan;
            ``(B) a loan guaranteed under this subsection may not be 
        subordinated to another debt contracted by the borrower or to 
        any other claims against the borrowers in the case of default;
            ``(C) a loan may not be guaranteed under this subsection 
        unless the Secretary determines that the lender is responsible 
        and that provision is made for servicing the loan on reasonable 
        terms and in a manner that adequately protects the financial 
        interest of the United States;
            ``(D) a loan may not be guaranteed under this subsection 
                ``(i) the income from the loan is excluded from gross 
            income for purposes of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue 
            Code of 1986; or
                ``(ii) the guarantee provides significant collateral or 
            security, as determined by the Secretary in coordination 
            with the Secretary of the Treasury, for other obligations 
            the income from which is so excluded;
            ``(E) any guarantee provided under this subsection shall be 
        conclusive evidence that--
                ``(i) the guarantee has been properly obtained;
                ``(ii) the underlying loan qualified for the guarantee; 
                ``(iii) absent fraud or material misrepresentation by 
            the holder, the guarantee is presumed to be valid, legal, 
            and enforceable;
            ``(F) the Secretary may not extend credit assistance unless 
        the Secretary has determined that there is a reasonable 
        assurance of repayment; and
            ``(G) new loan guarantees may not be committed except to 
        the extent that appropriations of budget authority to cover 
        their costs are made in advance, as required under section 504 
        of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661c).
        ``(5) Payment of losses.--
            ``(A) In general.--If, as a result of a default by a 
        borrower under a loan guaranteed under this subsection, after 
        the holder has made such further collection efforts and 
        instituted such enforcement proceedings as the Secretary may 
        require, the Secretary determines that the holder has suffered 
        a loss, the Secretary shall pay to the holder the percentage of 
        the loss specified in the guarantee contract. Upon making any 
        such payment, the Secretary shall be subrogated to all the 
        rights of the recipient of the payment. The Secretary shall be 
        entitled to recover from the borrower the amount of any 
        payments made pursuant to any guarantee entered into under this 
            ``(B) Enforcement of rights.--The Attorney General shall 
        take such action as may be appropriate to enforce any right 
        accruing to the United States as a result of the issuance of 
        any guarantee under this section.
            ``(C) Forbearance.--Nothing in this section may be 
        construed to preclude any forbearance for the benefit of the 
        borrower which may be agreed upon by the parties to the 
        guaranteed loan and approved by the Secretary, if budget 
        authority for any resulting subsidy costs (as defined in 
        section 502(5) of the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990) is 
        ``(6) Evaluation of credit risk.--
            ``(A) The Secretary shall periodically assess the credit 
        risk of new and existing direct loans or guaranteed loans.
            ``(B) Not later than 2 years after the date of the 
        enactment of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, 
        the Comptroller General of the United States shall--
                ``(i) conduct a review of the subsidy estimates for the 
            loan guarantees under this section; and
                ``(ii) submit to Congress a report on the review 
            conducted under this paragraph.
        ``(7) Termination.--A loan may not be guaranteed under this 
    section after September 30, 2013.
        ``(8) Authorization of appropriations.--There are authorized to 
    be appropriated $7,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2011 through 
    2013 for the cost (as defined in section 502(5) of the Federal 
    Credit Reform Act of 1990) of guaranteeing $300,000,000 in loans 
    under this section, such sums to remain available until expended.
    ``(e) Regional Innovation Research and Information Program.--
        ``(1) In general.--As part of the program established under 
    subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish a regional innovation 
    research and information program--
            ``(A) to gather, analyze, and disseminate information on 
        best practices for regional innovation strategies (including 
        regional innovation clusters), including information relating 
        to how innovation, productivity, and economic development can 
        be maximized through such strategies;
            ``(B) to provide technical assistance, including through 
        the development of technical assistance guides, for the 
        development and implementation of regional innovation 
        strategies (including regional innovation clusters);
            ``(C) to support the development of relevant metrics and 
        measurement standards to evaluate regional innovation 
        strategies (including regional innovation clusters), including 
        the extent to which such strategies stimulate innovation, 
        productivity, and economic development; and
            ``(D) to collect and make available data on regional 
        innovation cluster activity in the United States, including 
        data on--
                ``(i) the size, specialization, and competitiveness of 
            regional innovation clusters;
                ``(ii) the regional domestic product contribution, 
            total jobs and earnings by key occupations, establishment 
            size, nature of specialization, patents, Federal research 
            and development spending, and other relevant information 
            for regional innovation clusters; and
                ``(iii) supply chain product and service flows within 
            and between regional innovation clusters.
        ``(2) Research grants.--The Secretary may award research grants 
    on a competitive basis to support and further the goals of the 
    program established under this subsection.
        ``(3) Dissemination of information.--Data and analysis compiled 
    by the Secretary under the program established in this subsection 
    shall be made available to other Federal agencies, State and local 
    governments, and nonprofit and for-profit entities.
        ``(4) Regional innovation grant program.--The Secretary shall 
    incorporate data and analysis relating to any grant under 
    subsection (b) or (c) and any loan guarantee under subsection (d) 
    into the program established under this subsection.
    ``(f) Interagency Coordination.--
        ``(1) In general.--To the maximum extent practicable, the 
    Secretary shall ensure that the activities carried out under this 
    section are coordinated with, and do not duplicate the efforts of, 
    other programs at the Department of Commerce or other Federal 
        ``(2) Collaboration.--
            ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall explore and pursue 
        collaboration with other Federal agencies, including through 
        multiagency funding opportunities, on regional innovation 
            ``(B) Small businesses.--The Secretary shall ensure that 
        such collaboration with Federal agencies prioritizes the needs 
        and challenges of small businesses.
    ``(g) Evaluation.--
        ``(1) In general.--Not later than 3 years after the date of 
    enactment of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, the 
    Secretary shall enter into a contract with an independent entity, 
    such as the National Academy of Sciences, to conduct an evaluation 
    of the program established under subsection (a).
        ``(2) Requirements.--The evaluation shall include--
            ``(A) whether the program is achieving its goals;
            ``(B) any recommendations for how the program may be 
        improved; and
            ``(C) a recommendation as to whether the program should be 
        continued or terminated.
    ``(h) Definitions.--In this section:
        ``(1) Regional innovation cluster.--The term `regional 
    innovation cluster' means a geographically bounded network of 
    similar, synergistic, or complementary entities that--
            ``(A) are engaged in or with a particular industry sector;
            ``(B) have active channels for business transactions and 
            ``(C) share specialized infrastructure, labor markets, and 
        services; and
            ``(D) leverage the region's unique competitive strengths to 
        stimulate innovation and create jobs.
        ``(2) Science park.--The term `Science park' means a property-
    based venture, which has--
            ``(A) master-planned property and buildings designed 
        primarily for private-public research and development 
        activities, high technology and science-based companies, and 
        research and development support services;
            ``(B) a contractual or operational relationship with one or 
        more science- or research-related institution of higher 
        education or governmental or non-profit research laboratories;
            ``(C) a primary mission to promote research and development 
        through industry partnerships, assisting in the growth of new 
        ventures and promoting innovation-driven economic development;
            ``(D) a role in facilitating the transfer of technology and 
        business skills between researchers and industry teams; and
            ``(E) a role in promoting technology-led economic 
        development for the community or region in which the science 
        park is located.A science park may be owned by a governmental 
        or not-for-profit entity, but it may enter into partnerships or 
        joint ventures with for-profit entities for development or 
        management of specific components of the park.
        ``(3) State.--The term `State' means one of the several States, 
    the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the 
    Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the 
    Northern Mariana Islands, or any other territory or possession of 
    the United States.
    ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--Except as provided in 
subsection (d)(8), there are authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000 
for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2013 to carry out this section 
(other than for loan guarantees under subsection (d)).''.


    (a) Study.--
        (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the 
    enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce shall complete a 
    comprehensive study of the economic competitiveness and innovative 
    capacity of the United States.
        (2) Matters covered.--The study required by paragraph (1) shall 
    include the following:
            (A) An analysis of the United States economy and innovation 
            (B) An assessment of the following:
                (i) The current competitive and innovation performance 
            of the United States economy relative to other countries 
            that compete economically with the United States.
                (ii) Economic competitiveness and domestic innovation 
            in the current business climate, including tax and Federal 
            regulatory policy.
                (iii) The business climate of the United States and 
            those of other countries that compete economically with the 
            United States.
                (iv) Regional issues that influence the economic 
            competitiveness and innovation capacity of the United 
            States, including--

                    (I) the roles of State and local governments and 
                institutions of higher education; and
                    (II) regional factors that contribute positively to 

                (v) The effectiveness of the Federal Government in 
            supporting and promoting economic competitiveness and 
            innovation, including any duplicative efforts of, or gaps 
            in coverage between, Federal agencies and departments.
                (vi) Barriers to competitiveness in newly emerging 
            business or technology sectors, factors influencing 
            underperforming economic sectors, unique issues facing 
            small and medium enterprises, and barriers to the 
            development and evolution of start-ups, firms, and 
                (vii) The effects of domestic and international trade 
            policy on the competitiveness of the United States and the 
            United States economy.
                (viii) United States export promotion and export 
            finance programs relative to export promotion and export 
            finance programs of other countries that compete 
            economically with the United States, including Canada, 
            France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, and the United 
            Kingdom, with noting of export promotion and export finance 
            programs carried out by such countries that are not 
            analogous to any programs carried out by the United States.
                (ix) The effectiveness of current policies and programs 
            affecting exports, including an assessment of Federal trade 
            restrictions and State and Federal export promotion 
                (x) The effectiveness of the Federal Government and 
            Federally funded research and development centers in 
            supporting and promoting technology commercialization and 
            technology transfer.
                (xi) Domestic and international intellectual property 
            policies and practices.
                (xii) Manufacturing capacity, logistics, and supply 
            chain dynamics of major export sectors, including access to 
            a skilled workforce, physical infrastructure, and broadband 
            network infrastructure.
                (xiii) Federal and State policies relating to science, 
            technology, and education and other relevant Federal and 
            State policies designed to promote commercial innovation, 
            including immigration policies.
            (C) Development of recommendations on the following:
                (i) How the United States should invest in human 
                (ii) How the United States should facilitate 
            entrepreneurship and innovation.
                (iii) How best to develop opportunities for locally and 
            regionally driven innovation by providing Federal support.
                (iv) How best to strengthen the economic infrastructure 
            and industrial base of the United States.
                (v) How to improve the international competitiveness of 
            the United States.
        (3) Consultation.--
            (A) In general.--The study required by paragraph (1) shall 
        be conducted in consultation with the National Economic Council 
        of the Office of Policy Development, such Federal agencies as 
        the Secretary considers appropriate, and the Innovation 
        Advisory Board established under subparagraph (B). The 
        Secretary shall also establish a process for obtaining comments 
        from the public.
            (B) Innovation advisory board.--
                (i) In general.--The Secretary shall establish an 
            Innovation Advisory Board for purposes of obtaining advice 
            with respect to the conduct of the study required by 
            paragraph (1).
                (ii) Composition.--The Advisory Board established under 
            clause (i) shall be comprised of 15 members, appointed by 
            the Secretary--

                    (I) who shall represent all major industry sectors;
                    (II) a majority of whom should be from private 
                industry, including large and small firms, representing 
                advanced technology sectors and more traditional 
                sectors that use technology; and
                    (III) who may include economic or innovation policy 
                experts, State and local government officials active in 
                technology-based economic development, and 
                representatives from higher education.

                (iii) Exemption from faca.--The Federal Advisory 
            Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not apply to the 
            advisory board established under clause (i).
    (b) Strategy.--
        (1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the completion of 
    the study required by subsection (a), the Secretary shall develop, 
    based on the study required by subsection (a)(1), a national 10-
    year strategy to strengthen the innovative and competitive capacity 
    of the Federal Government, State and local governments, United 
    States institutions of higher education, and the private sector of 
    the United States.
        (2) Elements.--The strategy required by paragraph (1) shall 
    include the following:
            (A) Actions to be taken by individual Federal agencies and 
        departments to improve competitiveness.
            (B) Proposed legislative actions for consideration by 
            (C) Annual goals and milestones for the 10-year period of 
        the strategy.
            (D) A plan for monitoring the progress of the Federal 
        Government with respect to improving conditions for innovation 
        and the competitiveness of the United States.
    (c) Report.--
        (1) In general.--Upon the completion of the strategy required 
    by subsection (b), the Secretary of Commerce shall submit to 
    Congress and the President a report on the study conducted under 
    subsection (a) and the strategy developed under subsection (b).
        (2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall 
    include the following:
            (A) The findings of the Secretary with respect to the study 
        conducted under subsection (a).
            (B) The strategy required by subsection (b).


    (a) Findings.--Congress finds that--
        (1) the utilization of high-end computing simulation and 
    modeling by large-scale government contractors and Federal research 
    entities has resulted in substantial improvements in the 
    development of advanced manufacturing technologies; and
        (2) such simulation and modeling would also benefit small- and 
    medium-sized manufacturers in the United States if such 
    manufacturers were to deploy such simulation and modeling 
    throughout their manufacturing chains.
    (b) Policy.--It is the policy of the United States to take all 
effective measures practicable to ensure that Federal programs and 
policies encourage and contribute to the use of high-end computing 
simulation and modeling in the United States manufacturing sector.
    (c) Study.--
        (1) In general.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the 
    enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation 
    with the Secretary of Energy and the Director of the Office of 
    Science and Technology Policy, shall carry out, through an 
    interagency consulting process, a study of the barriers to the use 
    of high-end computing simulation and modeling by small- and medium-
    sized manufacturers in the United States.
        (2) Factors.--In carrying out the study required by paragraph 
    (1), the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary 
    of Energy and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology 
    Policy, shall consider the following:
            (A) The access of small- and medium-sized manufacturers in 
        the United States to high-performance computing facilities and 
            (B) The availability of software and other applications 
        tailored to meet the needs of such manufacturers.
            (C) Whether such manufacturers employ or have access to 
        individuals with appropriate expertise for the use of such 
        facilities and resources.
            (D) Whether such manufacturers have access to training to 
        develop such expertise.
            (E) The availability of tools and other methods to such 
        manufacturers to understand and manage the costs and risks 
        associated with transitioning to the use of such facilities and 
        (3) Report.--Not later than 270 days after the commencement of 
    the study required by paragraph (1), the Secretary of Commerce 
    shall, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy and the 
    Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, submit to 
    Congress a report on such study. Such report shall include such 
    recommendations for such legislative or administrative action as 
    the Secretary of Commerce considers appropriate in light of the 
    study to increase the utilization of high-end computing simulation 
    and modeling by small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the United 
    (d) Authorization of Demonstration and Pilot Programs.--As part of 
the study required by subsection (c)(1), the Secretary of Commerce, the 
Secretary of Energy, and the Director of the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy may carry out such demonstration or pilot programs as 
either Secretary or the Director considers appropriate to gather 
experiential data to evaluate the feasibility and advisability of a 
specific program or policy initiative to reduce barriers to the 
utilization of high-end computer modeling and simulation by small- and 
medium-sized manufacturers in the United States.

                       TITLE VII--NIST GREEN JOBS


    This title may be cited as the ``NIST Grants for Energy Efficiency, 
New Job Opportunities, and Business Solutions Act of 2010'' or the 
``NIST GREEN JOBS Act of 2010''.


    Congress finds the following:
        (1) Over its 20-year existence, the Hollings Manufacturing 
    Extension Partnership has proven its value to manufacturers as 
    demonstrated by the resulting impact on jobs and the economies of 
    all 50 States and the Nation as a whole.
        (2) The Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership has helped 
    thousands of companies reinvest in themselves through process 
    improvement and business growth initiatives leading to more sales, 
    new markets, and the adoption of technology to deliver new products 
    and services.
        (3) Manufacturing is an increasingly important part of the 
    construction sector as the industry moves to the use of more 
    components and factory built sub-assemblies.
        (4) Construction practices must become more efficient and 
    precise if the United States is to construct and renovate its 
    building stock to reduce related carbon emissions to levels that 
    are consistent with combating global warming.
        (5) Many companies involved in construction are small, without 
    access to innovative manufacturing techniques, and could benefit 
    from the type of training and business analysis activities that the 
    Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership routinely provides to 
    the Nation's manufacturers and their supply chains.
        (6) Broadening the competitiveness grant program under section 
    25(f) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 
    U.S.C. 278k(f)) could help develop and diffuse knowledge necessary 
    to capture a large portion of the estimated $100 billion or more in 
    energy savings if buildings in the United States met the level and 
    quality of energy efficiency now found in buildings in certain 
    other countries.
        (7) It is therefore in the national interest to expand the 
    capabilities of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership to 
    be supportive of the construction and green energy industries.

              GRANT PROGRAM.

    (a) In General.--Section 25(f)(3) of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(f)(3)) is amended--
        (1) by striking ``to develop'' in the first sentence and 
    inserting ``to add capabilities to the MEP program, including the 
    development of''; and
        (2) by striking the last sentence and inserting ``Centers may 
    be reimbursed for costs incurred under the program. These themes--
            ``(A) shall be related to projects designed to increase the 
        viability both of traditional manufacturing sectors and other 
        sectors, such as construction, that increasingly rely on 
        manufacturing through the use of manufactured components and 
        manufacturing techniques, including supply chain integration 
        and quality management;
            ``(B) shall be related to projects related to the transfer 
        of technology based on the technological needs of manufacturers 
        and available technologies from institutions of higher 
        education, laboratories, and other technology producing 
        entities; and
            ``(C) may extend beyond these traditional areas to include 
        projects related to construction industry modernization.''.
    (b) Selection.--Section 25(f)(5) of the National Institute of 
Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(f)(5)) is amended to read 
as follows:
        ``(5) Selection.--
            ``(A) In general.--Awards under this section shall be peer 
        reviewed and competitively awarded. The Director shall endeavor 
        to select at least one proposal in each of the 9 statistical 
        divisions of the United States (as designated by the Bureau of 
        the Census). The Director shall select proposals to receive 
        awards that will--
                ``(i) create jobs or train newly hired employees;
                ``(ii) promote technology transfer and 
            commercialization of environmentally focused materials, 
            products, and processes;
                ``(iii) increase energy efficiency; and
                ``(iv) improve the competitiveness of industries in the 
            region in which the Center or Centers are located.
            ``(B) Additional selection criteria.--The Director may 
        select proposals to receive awards that will--
                ``(i) encourage greater cooperation and foster 
            partnerships in the region with similar Federal, State, and 
            locally funded programs to encourage energy efficiency and 
            building technology; and
            ``(ii) collect data and analyze the increasing connection 
        between manufactured products and manufacturing techniques, the 
        future of construction practices, and the emerging application 
        of products from the green energy industries.''.
    (c) Other Modifications.--Section 25(f) of the National Institute 
of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k(f)) is amended--
        (1) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(7) Duration.--Awards under this section shall last no longer 
    than 3 years.
        ``(8) Eligible participants.--In addition to manufacturing 
    firms eligible to participate in the Centers program, awards under 
    this subsection may be used by the Centers to assist small- or 
    medium-sized construction firms. Centers may be reimbursed under 
    the program for working with such eligible participants.
        ``(9) Authorization of appropriations.--In addition to any 
    amounts otherwise authorized or appropriated to carry out this 
    section, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary 
    of Commerce $7,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2011 through 
    2013 to carry out this subsection.''.



    Not later than May 31, 2013, the Comptroller General of the United 
States shall submit a report to the Senate Committee on Commerce, 
Science, and Transportation and the House of Representatives Committee 
on Science and Technology that evaluates the status of the programs 
authorized in this Act, including the extent to which such programs 
have been funded, implemented, and are contributing to achieving the 
goals of the Act.


    (a) Obscene Matter on Federal Property.--None of the funds 
authorized under this Act may be used to pay the salary of any 
individual who is convicted of violating section 1460 of title 18, 
United States Code.
    (b) Use of Federal Computers for Child Pornography or Exploitation 
of Minors.--None of the funds authorized under this Act may be used to 
pay the salary of any individual who is convicted of a violation of 
section 2252 of title 18, United States Code.


    Title I of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et seq.) 
is amended by adding at the end the following:


    ``In order to carry out the purposes of this Act, the Commission 
        ``(1) undertake research and development work in connection 
    with any matter in relation to which the Commission has 
    jurisdiction; and
        ``(2) promote the carrying out of such research and development 
    by others, or otherwise to arrange for such research and 
    development to be carried out by others.''.

                     TITLE IX--DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY


    (a) In General.--Sections 3171, 3175, and 3191 of the Department of 
Energy Science Education Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381h, 7381j, 
7381p) are repealed.
    (b) Authorization of Appropriations for Summer Institutes.--Section 
3185(f) of the Department of Energy Science Education Enhancement Act 
(42 U.S.C. 7381n(f)) is amended--
        (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``and'' at the end;
        (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period at the end and 
    inserting ``; and''; and
        (3) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(4) $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2011 through 
    (c) Conforming Amendments.--
        (1) Subpart B of the Department of Energy Science Education 
    Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381g et seq.) is amended by striking 
    chapters 1, 2, and 5 (42 U.S.C. 7381h, 7381j, 7381p).
        (2) Section 3195 of the Department of Energy Science Education 
    Enhancement Act (42 U.S.C. 7381r) is amended by striking ``chapters 
    1, 3, and 4'' each place it appears and inserting ``chapters 3 and 


    (a) Nuclear Science Talent Program.--Section 5004(f) of the America 
COMPETES Act (42 U.S.C. 16532(f)) is amended--
        (1) in paragraph (1)--
            (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the end;
            (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting a semicolon; and
            (C) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(D) $9,800,000 for fiscal year 2011;
            ``(E) $10,100,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
            ``(F) $10,400,000 for fiscal year 2013.''; and
        (2) in paragraph (2)--
            (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'' at the end;
            (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting a semicolon; and
            (C) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(D) $8,240,000 for fiscal year 2011;
            ``(E) $8,500,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
            ``(F) $8,750,000 for fiscal year 2013.''.
    (b) Hydrocarbon Systems Science Talent Program.--Section 5005 of 
the America COMPETES Act (42 U.S.C. 16533) is amended--
        (1) in subsection (b)(2)--
            (A) in subparagraph (H), by striking ``and'' at the end;
            (B) in subparagraph (I), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting ``; and''; and
            (C) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(J) hydrocarbon spill response and remediation.''; and
        (2) in subsection (f)(1)--
            (A) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``and'';
            (B) in subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end 
        and inserting a semicolon; and
            (C) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(D) $9,800,000 for fiscal year 2011;
            ``(E) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
            ``(F) $10,400,000 for fiscal year 2013.''.
    (c) Early Career Awards.--Section 5006(h) of the America COMPETES 
Act (42 U.S.C. 16534(h)) is amended by striking ``2010'' and inserting 
    (d) Protecting America's Competitive Edge (PACE) Graduate 
Fellowship Program.--Section 5009(f) of the America COMPETES Act (42 
U.S.C. 16536(f)) is amended--
        (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``and'' at the end;
        (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period at the end and 
    inserting a semicolon; and
        (3) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(4) $20,600,000 for fiscal year 2011;
        ``(5) $21,200,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
        ``(6) $21,900,000 for fiscal year 2013.''.
    (e) Distinguished Scientist Program.--Section 5011(j) of the 
America COMPETES Act (42 U.S.C. 16537(j)) is amended--
        (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ``and'' at the end;
        (2) in paragraph (3), by striking the period at the end and 
    inserting a semicolon; and
        (3) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(4) $31,000,000 for fiscal year 2011;
        ``(5) $32,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
        ``(6) $33,000,000 for fiscal year 2013.''.


    Section 971(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 
16311(b)) is amended--
        (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and'' at the end;
        (2) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and 
    inserting a semicolon; and
        (3) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(5) $5,247,000,000 for fiscal year 2011;
        ``(6) $5,614,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
        ``(7) $6,007,000,000 for fiscal year 2013.''.


    Section 5012 of the America COMPETES Act (42 U.S.C. 16538) is 
        (1) in subsection (a)(3), by striking ``subsection (m)(1)'' and 
    inserting ``subsection (n)(1)'';
        (2) in subsection (c)(2)(A), by inserting ``and applied'' after 
    ``advances in fundamental'';
        (3) in subsection (e)--
            (A) in paragraph (3)--
                (i) by striking subparagraph (C) and inserting the 
            ``(C) research and development of advanced manufacturing 
        process and technologies for the domestic manufacturing of 
        novel energy technologies; and''; and
                (ii) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``and'' after the 
            semicolon at the end;
            (B) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and 
        inserting ``; and''; and
            (C) by adding at the end the following:
        ``(5) pursuant to subsection (c)(2)(C)--
            ``(A) ensuring that applications for funding disclose the 
        extent of current and prior efforts, including monetary 
        investments as appropriate, in pursuit of the technology area 
        for which funding is being requested;
            ``(B) adopting measures to ensure that, in making awards, 
        program managers adhere to the purposes of subsection 
        (c)(2)(C); and
            ``(C) providing as part of the annual report required by 
        subsection (h)(1) a summary of the instances of and reasons for 
        ARPA-E funding projects in technology areas already being 
        undertaken by industry.'';
        (4) by redesignating subsections (f) through (m) as subsections 
    (g) through (n), respectively;
        (5) by inserting after subsection (e) the following:
    ``(f) Awards.--In carrying out this section, the Director may 
provide awards in the form of grants, contracts, cooperative 
agreements, cash prizes, and other transactions.'';
        (6) in subsection (g) (as redesignated by paragraph (4))--
            (A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as paragraphs 
        (2) and (3), respectively;
            (B) by inserting before paragraph (2) (as redesignated by 
        subparagraph (A)) the following:
        ``(1) In general.--The Director shall establish and maintain 
    within ARPA-E a staff with sufficient qualifications and expertise 
    to enable ARPA-E to carry out the responsibilities of ARPA-E under 
    this section in conjunction with other operations of the 
            (C) in paragraph (2) (as redesignated by subparagraph 
                (i) in the paragraph heading, by striking ``Program 
            managers'' and inserting ``Program directors'';
                (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``program 
            managers for each of'' and inserting ``program directors 
                (iii) in subparagraph (B)--

                    (I) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking 
                ``program manager'' and inserting ``program director'';
                    (II) in clause (iv), by striking ``, with advice 
                under subsection (j) as appropriate,'';
                    (III) by redesignating clauses (v) and (vi) as 
                clauses (vi) and (viii), respectively;
                    (IV) by inserting after clause (iv) the following:

                ``(v) identifying innovative cost-sharing arrangements 
            for ARPA-E projects, including through use of the authority 
            provided under section 988(b)(3) of the Energy Policy Act 
            of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 16352(b)(3));'';

                    (V) in clause (vi) (as redesignated by subclause 
                (III)), by striking ``; and'' and inserting a 
                semicolon; and
                    (VI) by inserting after clause (vi) (as 
                redesignated by subclause (III)) the following:

                ``(vii) identifying mechanisms for commercial 
            application of successful energy technology development 
            projects, including through establishment of partnerships 
            between awardees and commercial entities; and'';
                (iv) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``not more 
            than'' after ``shall be''; and
            (D) in paragraph (3) (as redesignated by subparagraph 
                (i) in subparagraph (A)--

                    (I) in clause (i), by striking ``and'' after the 
                semicolon at the end; and
                    (II) by striking clause (ii) and inserting the 

                ``(ii) fix the basic pay of such personnel at a rate to 
            be determined by the Director at rates not in excess of 
            Level II of the Executive Schedule (EX-II) without regard 
            to the civil service laws; and
                ``(iii) pay any employee appointed under this subpart 
            payments in addition to basic pay, except that the total 
            amount of additional payments paid to an employee under 
            this subpart for any 12-month period shall not exceed the 
            least of the following amounts:

                    ``(I) $25,000.
                    ``(II) The amount equal to 25 percent of the annual 
                rate of basic pay of the employee.
                    ``(III) The amount of the limitation that is 
                applicable for a calendar year under section 5307(a)(1) 
                of title 5, United States Code.'';

                (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``not less than 
            70, and not more than 120,'' and inserting ``not more than 
        (7) in subsection (h)(2) (as redesignated by paragraph (4))--
            (A) by striking ``2008'' and inserting ``2010''; and
            (B) by striking ``2011'' and inserting''2013'';
        (8) by striking subsection (j) (as redesignated by paragraph 
    (4)) and inserting the following:
    ``(j) Federal Demonstration of Technologies.--The Director shall 
seek opportunities to partner with purchasing and procurement programs 
of Federal agencies to demonstrate energy technologies resulting from 
activities funded through ARPA-E.'';
        (9) in subsection (l) (as redesignated by paragraph (4))--
            (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``4 years'' and 
        inserting'' 6 years''; and
            (B) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting ``, and the manner in 
        which those lessons may apply to the operation of other 
        programs of the Department'' after ``ARPA-E''; and
        (10) in subsection (n) (as redesignated by paragraph (4))--
            (A) in paragraph (2)--
                (i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and'' after the 
            semicolon at the end;
                (ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the period at the 
            end and inserting a semicolon; and
                (iii) by adding at the end the following:
            ``(C) $300,000,000 for fiscal year 2011;
            ``(D) $306,000,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
            ``(E) $312,000,000 for fiscal year 2013.'';
            (B) by striking paragraph (4);
            (C) by redesignating paragraph (5) as paragraph (4); and
            (D) in paragraph (4)(B) (as redesignated by subparagraph 
                (i) by striking ``2.5 percent'' and inserting ``5 
            percent''; and
                (ii) by inserting ``, consistent with the goal 
            described in subsection (c)(2)(D) and within the 
            responsibilities of program directors described in 
            subsection (g)(2)(B)(vii)'' after ``outreach activities''.

                           TITLE X--EDUCATION


    Except as otherwise expressly provided, wherever in this title an 
amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal 
of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to 
be made to a section or other provision of the America COMPETES Act 
(Public Law 110-69).


    (a) Repeals.--The following provisions of the Act are repealed:
        (1) Section 6001 (20 U.S.C. 9801).
        (2) Part III of subtitle A of title VI (20 U.S.C. 9841).
        (3) Subtitle B of title VI (20 U.S.C. 9851 et seq.)
        (4) Subtitle C of title VI (20 U.S.C. 9861 et seq.).
        (5) Subtitle E of title VI (20 U.S.C. 9881 et seq.).
    (b) Conforming Amendments.--The Act is amended--
        (1) by redesignating section 6002 (20 U.S.C. 9802) as section 
        (2) by redesignating subtitle D of title VI (20 U.S.C. 9871) as 
    subtitle B of title VI; and
        (3) by redesignating section 6401 (20 U.S.C. 9871) as section 


    (a) Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow.--Section 6116 (20 U.S.C. 
9816) is amended to read as follows:


    ``There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this part 
$4,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2013, of which--
        ``(1) $2,000,000 shall be available to carry out section 6113 
    for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2013; and
        ``(2) $2,000,000 shall be available to carry out section 6114 
    for each of fiscal years 2011 through 2013.''.
    (b) Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs and 
Matching Requirement.--Section 6123 (20 U.S.C. 9833) is amended--
        (1) in subsection (h)(1)--
            (A) by striking ``100'' and inserting ``50''; and
            (B) by striking ``200'' and inserting ``100''; and
        (2) by striking subsection (l) and inserting the following:
    ``(l) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $75,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2011 through 2013.''.
    (c) Alignment of Education Programs.--Section 6201(j), as 
redesignated by section 1002(b)(3), is amended to read as follows:
    ``(j) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be 
appropriated to carry out this section $120,000,000 for each of fiscal 
years 2011 and 2012.''.

                               Speaker of the House of Representatives.

                            Vice President of the United States and    
                                               President of the Senate.