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Organization Chart for EPA's Region 10 Office

About Region 10

  • Region 10
    Regional Administrator and Regional Deputy Administrator

    About RA's Office



Dennis McLerran, Regional Administrator

Michelle Pirzadeh, Deputy Regional Administrator

EPA's Region 10 office includes: 

Office of Air, Waste and Toxics (AWT)

Director: Kate Kelly

What We Do:  AWT is responsible for managing air permitting and toxics issues; implementing waste minimization and recycling programs; solid and hazardous waste authorization, permitting and corrective action under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); managing asbestos, lead, PCBs, and other toxics under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Some programs managed by AWT

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Office of Compliance and Enforcement (OCE)

Director: Edward Kowalski

What We Do: OCE provides enforcement, compliance assurance, and compliance assistance for ground water, pesticides and toxics, wastewater (NPDES), air, and solid and hazardous waste (RCRA) programs.

Some programs managed by OCE

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Office of Ecosystems, Tribal, and Public Affairs (ETPA)

Director: Linda Anderson-Carnahan, Acting

What We Do: ETPA implements cross-program efforts to protect the environment and engage communities. We manage wetlands enforcement; stream and wetland mitigation programs; community involvement and public affairs programs; Freedom of Information Act requests; Environmental Justice, sustainable agriculture, and environmental education activities; EIS reviews; sediment management and ocean disposal programs; and tribal programs.

Some programs managed by ETPA

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Office of Environmental Assessment (OEA)

Director: Joyce Kelly

What We Do: OEA provides scientific and technical expertise in assessing the condition of the environment to support program decision-making and scientific initiatives. We collect and analyze data to characterize the environment, investigate environmental problems, and evaluate proposed solutions.

Some programs managed by OEA

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Office of Environmental Cleanup (ECL)

Director: Richard Albright

What We Do: ECL is responsible for investigating contaminated properties; cleaning up contaminated land, sediment, and water for appropriate uses; emergency response; emergency planning and spill prevention; and Homeland Security and counter terrorism preparedness. We work closely with communities and interested stakeholders, providing funding in some cases to facilitate meaningful engagement in the Superfund process.

Some programs managed by ECL

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Office of Management Programs

Director: Julie Hagensen

What We Do: OMP manages the implementation of administrative programs and provides resource assistance to all components of the Region 10 office. Our work includes fiscal management and strategic planning; grants administration and interagency agreements; human resources; infrastructure management; and information technology.

Some programs managed by OMP

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Office of Regional Counsel (ORC)

Regional Counsel: Allyn Stern

What We Do: ORC represents the region in a wide variety of legal matters, including civil and administrative cases, regulatory and permit actions, government contracts, and employment matters. Often working with the Justice Department, EPA headquarters, and state environmental agency lawyers, this office enforces federal air, water, hazardous waste, toxics and pesticides laws throughout the region. Criminal enforcement counsel assists U.S. Attorneys Offices in prosecuting environmental crimes.

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Office of Water and Watersheds (OWW)

Director: Daniel Opalski

What We Do: OWW implements programs under the Clean Water Act (CWA), Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and parts of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Our work includes public water supply supervision; Drinking Water State Revolving Fund; tribal drinking water infrastructure; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issuance and state program oversight; Water Quality Standards review & approval; Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) development & approval; non-point sources; National Estuary Program; Coastal Zone Act and Reauthorization Act plan approval; and tribal sanitation and safe water infrastructure.

Some programs managed by OWW

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Alaska Operations Office (AOO)

Director: Dianne Soderlund

What We Do: AOO is one of four state field offices in Region 10. It is located in Anchorage, Alaska in close proximity to Alaska's lead environmental agency, the Department of Environmental Conservation, and provides a local field office for EPA operations.

Some programs managed by AOO

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Idaho Operations Office (IOO)

Director: James Werntz

What We Do: IOO is one of four state field offices in Region 10. It is located in Boise, Idaho in close proximity to Idaho's lead environmental agency, the Department of Environmental Quality, and provides a local field office for EPA operations.

Some programs managed by IOO

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Oregon Operations Office (OOO)

Director: Anthony Barber

What We Do: OOO is one of four state field offices in Region 10. It is located in Portland, Oregon in close proximity to Oregon's lead environmental agency, the Department of Environmental Quality, and provides a local field office for EPA operations.

Some programs managed by OOO

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Washington Operations Office (WOO)

Director: Thomas Eaton

What We Do: WOO is one of four state field offices in Region 10. It is located in Lacey, Washington in close proximity to Washington's lead environmental agency, the Department of Ecology, and provides a local field office for EPA operations..

Some programs managed by WOO

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