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SEC Interim Final Temporary Rules Archive: 2009

Interim final temporary rules currently available include:

Additional Archives

Release No. Date Details
IC-28903 Sep. 18, 2009 Disclosure of Certain Money Market Fund Portfolio Holdings (Interim Final Temporary Rule; Request for Comment)
File No.: S7-20-09
Effective Date:  September 18, 2009 through September 17, 2010
Comment Due Date:  October 26, 2009
Submit comments on S7-20-09
See also:  Money Market Fund Reporting of Portfolio Securities
Federal Register version
33-9063 Sep. 14, 2009 Extension of Temporary Exemptions for Eligible Credit Default Swaps to Facilitate Operation of Central Counterparties to Clear and Settle Credit Default Swaps (Interim Final Temporary Rules; Extension) [Conforming Version — to Conform to Release Published in the Federal Register]
Other Release No.: 34-60663, 39-2467
File No.: S7-02-09
Effective Date:  September 17, 2009
See also:  Final Rule Release No. 33-8999
Federal Register version
33-8999 Jan. 14, 2009 Temporary Exemptions for Eligible Credit Default Swaps to Facilitate Operation of Central Counterparties to Clear and Settle Credit Default Swaps (Interim Final Temporary Rule)
Other Release Nos.: 34-59246, 39-2549
File No.: S7-02-09
Effective Date:  January 22, 2009 until September 25, 2009
Comment Due Date:  March 23, 2009
Comments received are available.
Submit comments on S7-02-09
See also:  Final Rule Release No. 33-9063
Federal Register version

Modified: 09/01/2010