U.S. Department of Justice

Evidence-Based Sentencing for Drug Offenders: An Analysis of Prognostic Risks and Criminogenic Needs

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jul. 12, 2011

Library ID

  • 025103

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  • 2010
  • 35 pages

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  • Evidence-Based Sentencing for Drug Offenders: An Analysis of Prognostic Risks and Criminogenic Needs

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “A model of evidence-based sentencing is presented that attempts to match drug offenders to dispositions that optimally balance impacts on cost, public safety, and the welfare of the offender” (p. 169). This model may give your agency some ideas on what sentencing options work best for your offender population. Sections of this article are: introduction; dispositions for drug offenders—pre-trial diversion of administrative probation, probation without verdict, drug courts, intermediate punishment, and incarceration; evidence-based sentencing; assessment of risks and needs—risk of dangerousness, prognostic risks, and criminogenic needs; matching dispositions by risks and needs—high risk/high need, high risk/low need, low risk/high need, and low risk/low need; and conclusion.

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