U.S. Department of Justice

State Standards for Pregnancy-Related Health Care and Abortion for Women in Prison - Map

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Aug. 07, 2012

Library ID

  • 026338

Other Information

  • 2012

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  • State Standards for Pregnancy-Related Health Care and Abortion for Women in Prison - Map

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “Thousands of [incarcerated] women are pregnant and dependent on correctional authorities for their health care, and correctional authorities are legally obligated to meet those needs. Whether an incarcerated woman decides to continue her pregnancy to term or have an abortion, she has a constitutionally protected right to obtain appropriate medical care … Presented here are the results of research to identify pregnancy-specific correctional policies posted on state department of corrections websites, or contained in databases of state laws and regulations.” Sections of this publication are: introduction; national standards for pregnancy-related health care in correctional settings; how the states measure up; and state-by-state directory.

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