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Image of the 7th N.Y. State Militia, Camp Cameron, Washington, D.C., 1861

An Appreciation: A Historian's Historian

A look at the life and career of Drew Gilpin Faust.

Image of segregated bus station in Durham, North Carolina, 1940

Freedom Riders

Telling 436 stories in one documentary.

Image of bench/ step-stool from former East Germany

California's Cold War Museum

All things communist -- from the Berlin Wall to Soviet tchotchkes -- find a home at the Wende.

Image of Josh White with guitar

This Land Is Our Land

The Popular Front and American culture.

Lev Manovich in front of the HIPerSpace.

Graphing Culture

Lev Manovich uses supercomputing to see the big picture.

Image of Alexander Hamilton

History's Exemplars

Richard Brookhiser shows the relevance of Alexander Hamilton to our modern lives.

sepia photograph of Mark Twain standing behind Henry H. Rogers in Bermuda, 1908

Mark Twain's Latest Autobiography

One hundred years after his death on April 21, 1910, Mark Twain is having one of the busiest years of his afterlife.

National Humanities Medal

Ten Extraordinary Lives

This year's class of National Humanities Medalists.

Image of John Muir

John Muir, Nature's Witness

The founder of the Sierra Club worshiped the outdoor world.

Image of Herbert Hoover

The Politics of Food

How America kept Russia from starving.