Blog Posts from July 2011

House Republican Freshmen Support the Budget Control Act

Yesterday, Republican freshmen in the House of Representatives held a press conference in full support of the Budget Control Act to cut spending and prevent our government from going into default.   More

Meet Congressman Robert Dold

@FinancialCmte: Meet Congressman Robert Dold of #Illinois. VIDEO: #IL #Chicago @RepDold   More

Rep. Austria Connecting with Constituents

@SteveAustria: Rep. Austria had 2 fabulous Nationwide Children's & Dayton Children's Hospital patients in his office yesterday - pic:   More

7/26/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans gather after a weekly Conference meeting to discuss their responsible plan to put America back on a fiscally sustainable path by cutting spending, capping it and balancing the budget. While President Obama has not produced any plan or legislation, House Republicans continue to listen to the American people's desire for no new tax [...]  More

7/25/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

It has been over 800 days since the Senate has passed a budget and the President still has not put forth a plan to deal with the nation's debt crisis. House Republicans offer, yet again, another plan that is aligned with America's priorities of "Cut, Cap and Balance"   More

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) outlines the Cut, Cap and Balance Act passed in the House of Representatives this week. It is designed to cut wasteful government spending, cap future spending and put in place a Balanced Budget Amendment to ensure a prosperous economic future for our children and g [...]  More

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, July 23. Here's a sneak peek of Rep. Hensarling giving the address, which will focus on the House's efforts to rein in spending with the Cut, Cap and Balance Act and asks the president and Senate Democrats where their plan is t [...]  More

Democrats' Latest Claim: Obama = Reagan?

Democrats recently have tried to compare President Obama to Ronald Reagan. Let's see how that comparison stacks up.   More

7/22/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

This week, House Republicans proposed and passed, "Cut, Cap and Balance"- a bill that ensures America will be put on a path to economic stability. The Democrats and President Obama have failed to propose any legislation and continue to kick the can down the road. House Republicans have put forth not only the best plan, but the only responsible pla [...]  More

House Republican Radio and Blog Row

House Republicans used Skype to conduct interviews with a variety of media outlets nationwide in yesterday's House Republican Radio and Blog Row. See photos of the event below: Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Rep. Bobby Schilling (R-IL) Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS)  More

House Republican Women: "America Needs Jobs"

House Republican women took to the House floor to discuss what it means to be a Republican woman and how the House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators will help create an environment for job creation in America.   More

Tackle the Debt Crisis: Cut, Cap & Balance


Republican Leadership Press Conference on Cut, Cap and Balance

Today, House Republicans will bring Cut, Cap, and Balance to the floor for a vote. The Cut, Cap, and Balance plan puts our nation on a fiscally sustainable path today, tomorrow, and for our future generations. With a $14.3 trillion dollar national debt, a record third-straight $1 trillion deficit, and no budget plan from Washington Democrats, Hous [...]  More

7/15/2011 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican Leaders gather after a GOP Conference meeting to discuss the growing need for a resolution to the continued debt crisis that America is facing. The president and previous Congress have been on a spending binge and House Republicans are putting forth a plan- "Cut, Cap and Balance" in order to save our economy for future generations [...]  More

House Republicans Hold Press Conference on the Balanced Budget Amendment

House Republicans gathered today to discuss the need for a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution in order to get our nation back on a fiscally sustainable path and create jobs for Americans. The president is currently presiding over the worst economy since the Great Depression. In order to turn this economy around House Republicans ar [...]  More

7/12/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House Republican Conference Leadership speaks after their weekly Conference meeting about the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment. The budget would reign in America's enormous debt and ensure that the government quits spending money that it doesn't have. The president and the Democratic Congress has spent too much while adding trillions of do [...]  More

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

House Republican Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivers the Weekly Republican Address. She discusses the latest monthly jobs report, which shows increased unemployment and a stalled economic recovery. House Republicans have passed nine bills to spur job growth and foster an environment of confidence for America's small busine [...]  More

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) announced today that House Republican Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, July 9. Below is a sneak peek of Rep. McMorris Rodgers delivering the address, which will focus on the current unemployment numbers and how House Republicans [...]  More

House Republican Press Conference on Monthly Jobs Report and House-Passed Jobs Bills Waiting for Senate Action

Twenty-nine straight months of 8 percent-plus unemployment and the American people are still asking, "Where are the jobs?" House Republicans have a Plan for America's Job Creators to end the era of trillion dollar deficits, to make the tax code fairer, flatter, and simpler, while ending job-killing regulations to bring certainty back to job creato [...]  More

7/7/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans returned from their Congressional districts with their constituents still asking, "Where are the jobs?" Republicans have proposed and passed a budget to get America back on a fiscally sustainable path to ensure businesses can grow, create and prosper in a confident working environment. The president and Democrats continue to kick [...]  More

Ask Obama

@FinancialCmte: Mr. President, what is your plan #4jobs? #askobama #tcot   More

A Skyscraper of Debt

MT @PatrickMcHenry: We're dealing with a skyscraper of debt. See what's at risk #4jobs, families & #smallbiz (VIDEO)   More

Celebrating our Nation's Independence

We hope you had a safe and happy Independence Day! Remember those serving and who have served to protect our nation and keep America free for 235 years.   More

Rep. Jeff Denham on CNN's Situation Room

@RepJeffDenham: My interview on @wolfblitzercnn's @CNNSitRoom: Did SEC waste millions of U.S. dollars? #cnnLink to Video   More