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DATE: SEPT. 28, 1998



1. Purpose:
To announce teh establishment of 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons.

2. Background:

The United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly designated 1999 as the International Year of Older Persons (IYOP). The IYOP will be officially launched on October 1, 1998, since that date is designated by the U.N. and observed worldwide as International Day of Older Persons. While observed as an international year, the U.N. expects member states, non-governmental organizations and intergovernmental organizations to honor IYOP as they choose within their own countries.

The theme for the IYOP, "Towards a Society for All Ages," was chosen to promote the philosophy that societies should be inclusive in nature, should embrace all population groups, and share their resources equally. In designating 1999 as the IYOP, the U.N. cited one of the greatest achievements of this century as the increase in the average life span by 20 years. It will take all ages working together to assure the health and well being of society as a whole.

A number of initiatives have been planned for the IYOP. These include, but are not limited to: A federal-wide conference to be held June 1-2, 1999 in Washington, D.C., focusing on the role of the federal government in aging programs. A publication that includes recommendations from the federal conference and a user-friendly "Best Practices Guide" to existing federal programs for older people. A number of media events, including a kick off for the opening of the IYOP in October 1998. Publication of a pamphlet describing the IYOP, including resources and program ideas. The establishment of an international page as part of the Administration on Aging's website. This page includes information and resources about the IYOP. A Presidential Proclamation designating 1999 as the "International Year of Older Persons". The Division of Older Worker Programs, with the help of SCSEP sponsors, will sponsor an International Conference for Older Persons in September 1999 as a finale for the IYOP.

3. Action:

SCSEP sponsors should plan events to celebrate the IYOP. Governors and mayors can be encouraged to sign proclamations for their states and cities. SCSEP sponsors should incorporate the goals and theme for the IYOP into existing efforts, and plan to participate in the SCSEP International Conference. As you develop initiatives for the year, we would be most interested in hearing of them so that we can share your information with others. Questions or inquiries should be addressed to Karen Davis at telephone number (202) 219-5904 extension 115, fax number (202) 219-6338, or email address

4. Inquiries:

Questions should be directed to your Federal Representative at (202) 219-5904.

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