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OWB 98-3

Technical Assistance Guide - Individual Assessment and Planning for SCSEP Enrollees

To transmit the attached Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) on individual assessment, which has been reprinted. Although it was previously distributed to SCSEP sponsors, the information in the guide is so essential that it has been included in the series of SCSEP publications. It was prepared for the Employment and Training Administration by Dr. Solomon G. Jacobson with the cooperation of a technical work group comprised of SCSEP project directors.

All Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Sponsors

Erich W. ("RIC") Larisch Chief Division of Older Worker Programs
Anna W. Goddard Director Office of National Programs

Date: February 13, 1998

Expiration Date:  None


References: The SCSEP regulations at 20 CFR 641.309(g), Older Americans Act, Section 502; Older Worker Bulletins 94-8 and 96.1.

Background: According to the Older Americans Act, the main purpose of the SCSEP is "to foster and promote useful part-time opportunities in community service activities for unemployed low-income persons who are fifty-five years of age or older and who have poor employment prospects." Therefore, this guide was designed to assist the older worker specialist develop individualized assessment and planning procedures to help low-income older workers reach their potential. It provides information on using assessments to develop individual training and employment plans for older workers. It suggests ways to assess the skills of older workers and to help them choose training and employment objectives.

Each SCSEP grantee or subgrantee is required under Section 641.309 of the regulations to:

(1) Prepare an assessment/re-assessment of each enrollee's skills and talents, their need for supportive services; and their physical capabilities;

(2) Provide eligible individuals with training and employment guidance based on strategies which identify appropriate employment objectives;

(3) Provide advice and guidance to participants on their progress in achieving such objectives and satisfying their need for supportive services; and

(4) Identify training necessary to make the most effective use of the skills and talents of the enrollee.

Future Publications: Relevant publications will be disseminated as they become available.

Action Required:

SCSEP grantees and subgrantees should be reminded to take appropriate action to ensure that enrollees are provided with assessments that include plans for addressing the participants' skills and talents, needed supportive services, and physical capabilities.

Older Workers Homepage: It is anticipated that this publication will be available for downloading from the SCSEP website. More information on this will be provided when it becomes available.

Inquiries: Questions should be directed to your Federal Representative at (202) 219-5904.

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration


For a copy of attachment(s), please contact Mina Johnson, at Division of Older Workers' Programs, Office of National Programs: 202-219-5904, x124.

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