Thursday, November 5, 2009

9 Votes

  Question Bill Result Time
864 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 878
Expressing Support For the Goals and Ideals Of National Family Literacy Day
Passed 6:06 PM
863 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 3276
American Medical Isotopes Production Act Of 2009
Passed 5:50 PM
862 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Pass, As Amended H R 1849
World War I Memorial and Centennial Act
Passed 5:40 PM
861 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Res 880
Recognizing the Efforts Of Career and Technical Colleges To Educate and Train Workers For Positions In High-demand Industries
Passed 2:37 PM
860 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended H Con Res 139
Congratulating the First Graduating Class Of the United States Air Force Academy On Their 50th Graduation Anniversary and Recognizing Their Contributions To the Nation
Passed 2:28 PM
859 Suspend the Rules and Concur In the Senate Amendment H R 3548
Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act
Passed 2:20 PM
858 On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree H Res 868
Honoring and Recognizing the Service and Achievements Of Current and Former Female Members Of the Armed Forces
Passed 12:37 PM
857 On Agreeing To the Resolution H Res 885
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 2868) To Amend the Homeland Security Act Of 2002 To Extend, Modify, and Recodify the Authority Of the Secretary Of Homeland Security To Enhance Security and Protect Against Acts Of Terrorism Against Chemical Facilities, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12:08 PM
856 On Ordering the Previous Question H Res 885
Providing For Consideration Of the Bill (h.r. 2868) To Amend the Homeland Security Act Of 2002 To Extend, Modify, and Recodify the Authority Of the Secretary Of Homeland Security To Enhance Security and Protect Against Acts Of Terrorism Against Chemical Facilities, and For Other Purposes
Passed 12:00 PM