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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Providence Place

Agency Information

Providence Place
4890 67th Street
San Diego, California 92115
Phone: (619) 667-3922

Program Contact

  • 4890 67th Street
    San Diego, California 92115
  • Phone: (619) 667-3922

Providence Place is a residential treatment program for women coming out of prison and their children, though having children is not required to become a resident. The long-term treatment program lasts from 12 to 15 months. The program operates as a Therapeutic Community which employs the “each one teach one” concept. All residents can participate in a variety of classes, including anger management, relapse prevention, cognitive behavioral therapy, domestic violence, and grief and loss. Most women participate in an on-site employment program. They attend classes for 12 weeks in order to learn how to prepare resumes, interview, and conduct job searches.
Started in 1998

Who is helped?

Women who have been previously incarcerated, women on parole, women with children, women referred by parole because they are homeless, women who are mandated to head to treatment immediately upon release, women with substance abuse issues. Capacity: 64 women at any given time.

More Information

Last modified: 12/6/2011 2:56:19 PM
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