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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Even Start Family Literacy Program

Agency Information

McPherson Unit
302 Corrections Drive
Newport, Arkansas 72112
Phone: (870) 523-2639
View Website

Program Contact

  • 302 Corrections Drive
    Newport, Arkansas 72112
  • Phone: (501) 660-6886

Related Programs

Even Start Literacy Program is an educational program for both the incarcerated mother and her children. Staff from the Center for Youth and Families transports both the child and its caregiver once a month for a three hour visit. During this time the parent and the caregiver will participate in literacy based activities with the children for the purpose of building up learning skills. The program operators are heavily involved in the child’s education, requiring report cards from schoolteachers and assessments from the daycare center for a younger child. Literacy and education are the primary motives to bond the mother and child unit back together. Home Instruction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is taught by the staff to both the incarcerated mother and the child’s caregiver in order to assist child literacy instruction. Part of the Even Start program includes building the parents’ reading skills up as well. Outside of visitation, the parents participate in a once a week literacy program at the facility. They work on getting their GED and an emphasis is put on reading and learning how to enjoy reading with and to their children.
Started in 2002

Who is helped?

Women who are low security and have exhibited good behavior, have current contact with their child and a willing caregiver. Capacity: 25 women for the parenting class and 20 women for Even Start.

More Information

Last modified: 11/3/2011 8:10:43 AM
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