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Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution

Class Description | Agenda

Full Day

Class Description

This one-day workshop will concentrate on supporting evidence-based practice within your institution. Focus will be on study design, critical appraisal, systematic reviews, and qualitative studies ending with putting it all into practice. Former MLA President Connie Schardt, MLS, AHIP, FMLA, will be the instructor for the day.


Introductions and Study Design
An overview of study designs – cohort, case-control, randomized controlled trials and systematic review; the strengths and weaknesses and a small group exercise


Therapy: Critical Appraisal
Discussion of bias and the validity criteria (randomization, concealed allocation, blinding intention-to-treat, follow-up, baseline characteristics, etc.) for a randomized controlled trial; explanation of the results – absolute risk reduction, relative risk reduction, number needed-to-treat; review of an article with a small group exercise

Lunch (Provided by NN/LM PSR)

Therapy: Critical Appraisal

Systematic Review: Critical Appraisal
Review the validity criteria (focused question, the search, quality of articles, reproducibility) of a systematic review; review of an article with a small group exercise; how to read a forest plot


Qualitative Studies
Discussion of qualitative research and the various methods used for sampling, data collection and data analysis; discussion of the indexing and searching for qualitative studies in PubMed and CINAHL

Putting it into Practice
How to apply this to our library practices; how we can support our users; general discussion

Current training opportunities for this class:

Date Site RML/Center Register
November 30, 2012
9:00 AM PT
San Francisco, CA Pacific Southwest Region Register
