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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Re-Entry Services

Agency Information

Offender Aid Restoration
1400 North Uhle Street, Suite 704
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Phone: (703) 228-7030
View Website

Program Contact

  • 1400 North Uhle Street
    Suite 704
    Arlington, Virginia 22201
  • Phone: (703) 228-7030

Related Programs

Reentry services are short-term services that help you get settled when released from jail, upon completion of a residential substance abuse recovery program, or following any difficult life transition. Reentry services include: transportation assistance, problem- solving and task management, emergency food and clothing, temporary shelter referrals, limited housing assistance, temporary grocery assistance, identification services, recovery program referrals, social service referrals, transitional housing referrals, transportation home from jail to anywhere in the continental United States, employment services, and work-related clothes and tools
Started in 1973

Who is helped?

Men and women returning to the community from jail or prison or from a residential substance abuse program Capacity:

More Information

Last modified: 1/20/2012 11:24:00 AM
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