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Managing approximately 23 million surface acres of public land, BLM-Utah realizes public involvement in our management strategies is critical. Planning emphasizes a collaborative environment in which local, State, and Tribal governments, as well as the public, user groups, and industry work with the BLM to identify appropriate multiple uses of the public lands.

The land-use planning process allows for extensive public involvement and provides a blueprint of how the public land should be managed. BLM Utah’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity and productivity of the public land, and land-use planning is vital to our mission.

New Plans, Plan Revisions and Plan Ammendments

Cedar City RMP 

The Cedar City Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a new Resource Management Plan (RMP) on public lands they manage in Iron and Beaver counties, Utah. The RMP will be the basic document that will guide management of natural resources, activities and uses on the public lands during the next 15-20 years.  The new RMP will address issues and concerns identified by the public as well as other government agencies.

St. George RMP

In response to the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 ( the Act), P.L.111-11., the St. George Field Office (SGFO) is preparing Resource Management Plans for  the 63,500 acre Beaver Dam Wash National Conservation Area (NCA) and the 45,000 acre Red Cliffs NCA, on public lands in Washington County, Utah.

The St. George Field Office is also ammending the St. George RMP, approved in 1999, to designate additional Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) for the conservation of biological resources and natural communities and to evaluate the area designations for motorized off-highway vehicle (OHV) travel.

Moab and Monticello MLP

Moab and Monticello Field Offices, Utah, intend to prepare a Master Leasing Plan (MLP), amendments to the 2008 Moab and Monticello Resource Management Plans (RMPs), and a single environmental impact statement (EIS) to consider leasing for oil and gas and potash on about 783,000 acres of public lands.

Recently Completed Planning Initiatives

In November 2008, BLM-Utah completed planning efforts in six of our eleven field offices. The links below will take you to the Approved Resource Management Plans, along with the Records of Decision and supporting NEPA documentation.

Kanab RMP ~ Moab RMP ~ Monticello RMP 

Price RMP ~ Richfield RMP ~ Vernal RMP 



Under Federal law, BLM Utah prepares land-use plans that serve as the basis for all activities occurring on BLM-managed lands.

As part of the Resource Management Plans (RMP), a supporting Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is prepared. Both the RMP and EIS are developed concurrently with a full range of public participation. Throughout the project, local interests and residents will have opportunities to participate and share their insights and comments. 



New Planning Initiatives
• Existing Land Use Plans, RMPs, MFPs
• Purpose of Planning
• Steps in Planning Process
BLM's Planning Handbook
BLM's Planning Manual
NEPA Guidance
Utah Environmental Notification Bulletin Board
Oil Shale & Tar Sands Leasing Programmatic EIS
Solar Programmatic EIS