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Water: Outreach & Communication

Watersheds and TV Weather Reporting


Watershed Interactive Environment 
Educating the public about the importance of protecting the nation’s watersheds is an important part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s mission. In 2002, EPA’s Office of Water launched a new partnership project designed to use television weather reports as a vehicle to raise the environmental awareness of the American public.

Weather events — like droughts, floods, and hurricanes – directly impact the quality of our water resources. They offer a perfect opportunity for meteorologists to discuss connections between weather and watersheds. In addition to discussing the environmental implications of weather events, meteorologists can provide the public with useful tips on how they can protect their watershed. For example, meteorologists can provide tips on how viewers can conserve water to minimize drought impacts and how they can minimize erosion and runoff. By utilizing watershed maps, visualizations and tips, meteorologists can significantly enhance the public’s understanding of watersheds.

Click here to learn more about this innovative project.

Click here to learn more about how to get your weatherman involved in world water monitoring day activities.

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