Photograph of Colorado Mountain Range
Mesa Autumn Wild Horses oil_rig_OG Boaters Photograph of Ruin
BLM>Colorado>Information>Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

Acquiring Land from the Bureau of Land Management
Will filing a mining claim enable me to buy land for about $1 an acre?
Are there ways that I can buy BLM land?
Can I homestead land?
Is there any land for sale and other related information?

Mining/Mining Claims
Can I file a mining claim to get my own land in the mountains?
How do I locate and file a mining claim?
How do I ensure that this land is open to mineral entry and there are no other claimants?
Have there been any new changes from last year on keeping my claims valid?
What documentation is required this year?
What is the cost?

Maps for Sale
How can I obtain BLM maps?
How much do BLM maps cost?
I know which map I need. How do I pay for it?

Oil & Gas Lease Sales
When is the next Oil and Gas Lease Sale?
Visit Oil and Gas Lease FAQs

Wild Horses and Burros
How do I go about adopting a wild horse or burro?
When/where is the next adoption? Visit the National National Adoption Schedule.

What is Wilderness?
Why do we need wilderness?
What are Wilderness study Areas?
What is an Area of Critical Environmental Concern?

Access to Colorado Public Lands
How do I gain access to federal public lands?
What if I'm denied access to public lands?
How can I gain access to State School Board land?
How do I gain access to private lands?
How do I recognize public access routes?

Where are the Colorado BLM Fee Areas?

What is BLM's Recreation Fee Demonstration Program?

Are there places I can take a geology/paleontology field trip?

1. Supervised dinosaur digs are locally available for a fee at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry (BLM) through the Museum of Western Colorado. The best contact would be to either call the Museum at 970-242-0971, or to call their "Dinosaur Journey" exhibit in Fruita at 970-858-7282.

2. Supervised dinosaur digs are also available for a fee through the US Forest Service Office in Delta, CO at the Dry Mesa Quarry. They have a brochure available on this, and their contact phone number is, 970-874-6676.

3. There is a tour operator in the Grand Junction area that gives fee- based tours and experiences with a paleontology/geology theme. Their name is "Jurassic Tours" and can be contacted at 970-256-0884.

4. There is a approximate 470 mile loop through the communities in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah called, the "Dinosaur Diamond". Passport brochures are available for this tour which highlights museums, trails, and other activities with a paleontology and related outdoor theme  available from the Museum of Western Colorado.

BLM Library 
Where can I find information on the Code of Federal Regulations and other publications?

Off Highway Vehicles
What are the Licensing requirements for ATVs?