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National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors - Highlights Report

2002 National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors
Highlights Report

Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Table 1 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 1
Table 2 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 2
Table 3 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total Reflect Total Bicycling Trips Taken by U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 3
Table 4 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total Reflect Total U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 4
Table 5 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total Reflect Total U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 5
Table 6 - Sample Sizes (Unweighted) and Standard Errors (SE) of Estimates Weighted to Reflect Total Reflect Total Walking Trips Taken by U.S. Population Age 16+ for Figure 6
Figure 1 - Percentage Bicycling in Past 30 Days by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity
Figure 2 - Average Total Number of Bicycling Trips on Most Recent Day by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity
Figure 3 - Percent of Trip Lengths on Most Recent Day Bicycled
Figure 4 - Percentage Walking in Past 30 Days by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity
Figure 5 - Average Total Number of Walking Trips on Most Recent Day by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity
Figure 6 - Percent of Trip Lengths on Most Recent Day Walked

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