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PMSS Project Details


Project ID:FHWA-PROJ-10-0034
Project Name: Dilemma Zone Safety Intelligent Transportation Systems Phase II
Status: Active
Contact:Last Name:   Huang
First Name:   Peter
Telephone:  202-493-3484
Organization:Federal Highway Administration - Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC)
Office: Office of Operations Research and Development
Team: Trans Ops Concepts and Analysis Team
Roadmap/Focus area(s): Intersections
Comprehensive Approach to Safety
Project Findings: Data not yet available
Project Description: This is a Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project that will develop a final Dilemma Zone Safety Intelligent Transportation System, which can detect and warn vehicles that risk running into a dilemma zone at a high-speed intersection. The system also has the capability to extend green time to avoid a dilemma zone situation and improve safety at the intersection.
Laboratories: Transportation Operations Laboratory
Start Date: August 1, 2010
End Date: September 1, 2012
Funding Amount:$750,000.00
FHWA Program Name: Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR) (2% of Adjusted CA)
Goals: The key project objective is to improve high-speed intersection safety and operations.
Project Type: Offsite
Background Information: Dilemma zone problems have been a major topic for a long time. With new wireless communication technologies, microprocessing, and Light Emitting Diode Flashers, there is an opportunity to build a more effective dilemma zone safety system.
Test Methodology: field test
Other Information: Data not yet available
Partners: Data not yet available
More Information URL(s):
Fieldtest: yes
Expected Benefits: The expected benefit is a significant reduction in crashes caused by dilemma zone problems at high speed intersections.
Deliverables: Name: Final research report and a prototype system
Product Type(s): Research report, Software, Hardware
Description: A functional system that can improve intersection safety
Audiences: Safety researchers, Traffic engineers, State highway agencies
Secondary Audiences:
Related URL(s):
FHWA Topics: Safety--Intersection Safety
TRT Terms: intersection safety
ITS for Intersection safety
FHWA Disciplines: Operations
Subject Areas: Operations and Traffic Management