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Note: On April 9, 2010, HUD announced the end to hard copy mailing of PIH Notices to Tribes and TDHEs. Notices will be available electronically only and posted on this website.


The Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) reorganized the system of housing assistance provided to Native Americans through the Department of Housing and Urban Development by eliminating several separate programs of assistance and replacing them with a block grant program. The two programs authorized for Indian tribes under NAHASDA are the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) which is a formula based grant program and Title VI Loan Guarantee which provides financing guarantees to Indian tribes for private market loans to develop affordable housing. Regulations are published at 24 CFR Part 1000.

NAHASDA was amended in 2000 to add Title VIII-Housing Assistance for Native Hawaiians. The amendment to NAHASDA adds similar programs for Native Hawaiians who reside on Hawaiian Home Lands. Regulations for implementing Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) program program are published at 24 CFR Part 1006.

Reference Materials

 -   NAHASDA Indian Housing Block Grant Regulations - 24 CFR 1000
 -   Download in Microsoft Word (MS-Word, 337 KB)
 -   NAHASDA Statute
 -   NAHASDA Loan Guarantee Regulations - 24 CFR 1005
 -   Program Guidance




 -   2010
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 -   2000
 -   1999
 -   1998
 -   NAHASDA Transition Notices
 -   April 1, 1999
 -   October 2, 1998  
 -   April 15, 1998
 -   January 27, 1998
 -   February 24, 1997
 -   January 27, 1997
 -   PIH Notices Applicable to Indian Housing
 -   All PIH Notices
 -   NAHASDA Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Regulations - 24 CFR 1006
 -   Native Hawaiian Loan Guarantee Regulations - 24 CFR 1007