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HUD   >   Programs of HUD   >   Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program
Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program

Grants for supportive services and resident empowerment activities.

Nature of Program:  Under the ROSS program, the Secretary may make grants to public housing agencies (PHAs), recipients under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA), resident management corporations (RMCs), resident councils or resident organizations, and nonprofit organizations supported by residents for the purposes of providing supportive services and resident empowerment activities to public and Indian housing residents, or to assist such residents in becoming economically self-sufficient.  Such programs may include activities relating to:

  • Physical improvements to a public housing project in order to provide space for supportive services for residents;
  • Service coordination or congregating of a housing services program for elderly or disabled individuals;
  • Work readiness services, including education, job training and counseling, job search skills, business development training, tutoring, adult literacy, computer access, personal and family counseling, health screening and other health services, transportation, and child care;
  • Economic and job development, including employer linkages and job placement, and the start-up of micro-enterprises, community credit unions, and revolving loan funds;
  • Resident management activities and resident participation activities; and
  • Other activities aimed at increasing the self-sufficiency of residents.

Grant applicants must provide a match of not less than 25 percent of the grant amount.

Applicant Eligibility:  PHAs, recipients under NAHASDA, RMCs, resident councils, resident organizations, and nonprofit organizations.

Legal Authority:  Section 34 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended by Section 221 of Public Law 106-377 (42 U.S.C. 1437z-6).

Administering Office:  Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing,
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC  20410-5000.

Information Sources:  Administering office. 
On the Web

Current Status:  Active.