Sandra Davern

Sandra Davern

Biological and Nanoscale Systems
BioSciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6445

Research Accomplishments and Interests

Sandra Davern is a post-doc currently working on plant radio-imaging to investigate the movement of plant proteins within the vasculature. She graduated from Dublin City University, Ireland with a degree in Biotechnology in 1993 and received her Ph.D. from University College Dublin Ireland in 1999 investigating endothelial cell heterogeneity in neutrophil-mediated inflammatory lung disease. From 1999-2003 she was an ORISE post-doctoral fellow working with Steve Kennel on the development of tumor vasculature specific targets for radio-immunotherapy.  In 2003 she joined Dr. Alan Solomon’s Human Immunology and Cancer Program working on AL (light chain) amyloidosis. Her research interests are varied but broadly include protein targeting within the vasculature of both plants and animals for the elucidation of disease pathogenesis.


  1. Davern S, Tang LX, Williams TK, Macy SD, Wall JS, Weiss DT, Solomon A. Immunodiagnostic capabilities of anti-free immunoglobulin light chain monoclonal antibodies. Am J Clin Pathol (2008) Nov: 130(5):702-11
  2. Huang BC, Davern S, Kennel SJ. Mono and bivalent binding of a scFv and covalent diabody to murine laminin-1 using radioiodinated proteins and SPR measurements: Effects on tissue retention in vivo. J. Immunol Methods (2006) May 24; Jun 30;313(1-2):149-60.
  3. Sandra M. Davern, Linda J. Foote, Trish K. Lankford, Sallie D. Macy, Melissa D. Wall, and Stephen J. Kennel.  Identification of an anti-laminin-1 scFv that preferentially homes to vascular solid tumors. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals (2005) 20(5):524-533
  4. Ludlage E, Murphy CL, Davern SM, Solomon A, Weiss DT, Glenn-Smith D, Dworkin S, Mansfield KG. Systemic AA amyloidosis in the common marmoset. Vet Pathol (2005) 42:117-124
  5. Huang B, Foote LJ, Lankford TK, Davern SM, McKeown CK, Kennel SJ. A diabody that dissociates to monomer forms at low concentration: effects on binding activity and tumor targeting. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2005) 327:999-1005
  6. S.J. Kennel, Lankford TK, Foote LJ, Wall M and Davern SM. Phage display selection of scFv to murine endothelial cell membranes. Hybrid Hybridomics. (2004) Aug; 23(4):205-11.
  7. Jamasbi RJ, Stoner GD, Foote LJ, Lankford TK, Davern S, Kennel SJ. A monoclonal antibody to a carbohydrate epitope expressed on glycolipid and on alpha3beta1 integrin on human esophageal carcinoma. Hybrid Hybridomics. (2003) Dec:22(6):367-76.
  8. Davern SM, Lankford PK, Foote LJ, Kennel SJ. Monoclonal antibodies to CD44 epitopes on mouse endothelium. Hybrid Hybridomics. (2002) 21(5): 339-349
  9. Kennel SJ, Lankford T, Davern S, Foote L, Taniguchi K, Ohizumi I, Tsutsumi Y, Nakagawa S, Mayumi T, Mirzadeh S. Therapy of rat tracheal carcinoma IC-12 in SCID mice: vascular targeting with [213Bi]-MAb TES-23. Eur J Cancer. (2002) Jun; 38(9):1278-87
  10. Kennel SJ, Mirzadeh S, Hurst GB, Foote LJ, Lankford TK, Glowienka KA, Chappell LL, Kelso JR, Davern SM, Safavy A, Brechbiel MW. Labelling and distribution of linear peptides identified using in vivo phage display selection for tumors. Nucl Med Biol. (2000) 27(8):815-25


  1. Sept 2009 - Invention/Creation Disclosure entitled “Immunodiagnostic Capabilities of Anti-Free Immunoglobulin Light Chain Monoclonal Antibodies” Solomon A, Davern S, Wall J and Tang L. was submitted to the University of Tennessee PCL Committee.