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Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program


The TA&R Program is a research element encompassed by BOEMRE Regulatory Program. The TA&R Program supports research associated with operational safety and pollution prevention as well as oil spill response and cleanup capabilities. The TA&R Program was established in the 1970's to ensure that industry operations on the Outer Continental Shelf incorporated the use of the Best Available and Safest Technologies (BAST) subsequently required through the 1978 OCSLA amendments and Energy Policy Act of 2005. The TA&R Program is comprised of three functional research activities:

The TA&R Program has four primary objectives:

bullet Technical Support
Providing engineering support to the Bureau decision makers in evaluating industry operational proposals and related technical issues and ensuring that these proposals comply with applicable regulations, rules, and operational guidelines and standards.
bullet Technology Assessment
Investigating and assessing industry applications of technological innovations and promoting the use of the best available and safest technologies in Bureau regulations, rules and operational guidelines.
bullet Research Catalyst
Promoting leadership in the fields of operational safety and pollution prevention in offshore energy extraction activities, and oil spill response and cleanup research activities.
bullet International Regulatory
Providing international cooperation for Research and Development initiatives to enhance the safety of offshore energy extraction activities and the development of appropriate regulatory program elements worldwide.

The TA&R Program operates through contracts with universities, private firms, and government laboratories to assess safety-related technologies and to perform necessary applied research.

Last Updated: 12/06/2010, 09:40 AM Central Time