AMT Information

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AMT - Mechanics, Get Recognized!
AMT Awards Program
Provides information about the history and purpose of the AMT Awards Program.

In October 1991, AFS-300 determined there was a need for an incentive program to encourage AMTs and employers to participate aggressively in available initial and recurrent maintenance training/courses. Through the AMT Awards Program, the FAA recognizes eligible technicians and employers by issuing awards to those who receive or promote and foster initial and recurrent training.

The FAA is aware that the employer bears the short-term loss of employee productivity and other costs associated with training. To increase the incentive for management to fund training under the award program, the FAA also recognizes employers who take a proactive role in training their technical workforce.

The AMT Awards program encourages AMTs and employers to take advantage of initial and recurrent training by issuing awards based on training received in one calendar year.

The program has several levels, or phases, of recognition for both you and your employer. You can obtain a FAA Certificate of Training and an AMT Awards Program yearly decal upon successfull completion of the program requirements. Employers can obtain a Gold or Diamond Award of Excellence yearly depending on the percentage of their employees receiving awards.

View Advisory Circular 65-25: Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program for more information.

General: AMT Award Training
General information about the newly automated AMT Award Training program can be found here.

The AMT Awards Program has undergone numerous changes in conjunction with being automated on Please refer to Advisory Circular 65-25: Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program for additional information.

Training earned toward an AMT Award falls into one of two categories; Mandatory Core Training and Eligible Training, as explained below.

Mandatory Core Training is one or more on-line training courses, depending on FAA evaluation of training needs. The Core Training course(s) can be located and completed in the Aviation Learning Center at Core Training must be completed by all AMTs to be eligible for an individual AMT Certificate of Training award. This training will focus on aviation maintenance accident/incident causal factors, special emphasis items, and regulatory issues deemed necessary by the FAA. The time allotted for each Core Course will count towards the hourly requirements for an AMT Certificate of Training.

Eligible Training is the hourly training that can be credited toward an individual AMT Certificate of Training. This training must be aviation maintenance career related training in one of the following categories:

  • Technical training
  • Aviation safety related training
  • FAA accepted IA refresher training
  • Human Factors training material
  • 3-credit hour class offered by a nationally accredited college or university, or a vocational/technical school accepted by a higher educational accreditation or organization. Examples of acceptable course subjects are mathematics, English, science, aviation safety, human factors, career related courses or quality control courses.

View Advisory Circular 65-25: Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program for more information.

Individual Aviation Maintenance Technicians
If you are an AMT, this section provides answers that may be applicable to you.

All phases will require completion every calendar year of the core on-line course(s) located on and found within the on-line courses section of the Learning Center. These courses are designed to address accident causal factors found through data analysis. Additionally, information concerning any regulatory/policy special emphasis items will be addressed. Satisfactory completion of additional training is required for each level desired:

  • Bronze Award — minimum of 12 hours of eligible aviation maintenance knowledge training
  • Silver Award — minimum of 40 hours of eligible aviation maintenance knowledge training
  • Gold Award — minimum of 80 hours of eligible aviation maintenance knowledge training plus complete a career-related college course of 3-credit hours in mathematics, technical writing, aviation safety, human factors, aviation management, or quality control courses.

You must be registered on in order to participate in the AMT Awards Program. If not registered, click here to register.

If you are already registered on, click here to enroll in the AMT Awards Program.

View Advisory Circular 65-25: Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program for more information.

AMT Employers
Information applicable to employers of AMTs is provided in this section.

AMT Employers are organizations that employ FAA certificated mechanics, repairmen, or non-certificated maintenance personnel for the purpose of performing maintenance or inspection of aircraft or components thereof. AMT Employers may claim a Award of Excellence award each calendar year based on the percentage of eligible employees who received an individual AMT Award of Excellence.

Employer Elibibility -- To be eligible for the employer’s award, the employer must:
  1. Be involved full-time in the business of maintaining or repairing aircraft and/or component parts and appliances thereof, and
  2. Employ at least three full-time Aviation Maintenance Technicians.
Employer Awards Requirements
  1. AMT Employer Gold Award of Excellence. An eligible employer with a minimum of 50% of its eligible employees receiving an individual AMT Certificate of Training for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Employer Gold Award of Excellence.
  2. AMT Employer Diamond Award of Excellence. An eligible employer with 100% of its eligible employees receiving an individual AMT Certificate of Training for a given calendar year is eligible to receive special recognition in the form of an AMT Employer Diamond Award of Excellence.

You must be registered on in order to participate in the AMT Awards Program. If not registered, click here to register.

If you are already registered on, click here to enroll in the AMT Awards Program.

View Advisory Circular 65-25: Aviation Maintenance Technician Awards Program for more information.